RotoGuru Invitational Baseball Challenge 2019
Standings and Roster Summary
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Standings through games of Apr 28
1 Foot's Acrobats 14 16 15 11 16 7 3.5 3 14 14 113.5
2 Crazy Joe Davola 12.5 9.5 8 14 14 13 10 15 8 8 112
3 Species RIBC 5.5 13.5 16 12 7 16 6 13 13 6 108
4 Roto Guru 11 7 2 10 13 8.5 12.5 12 16 11 103
5 BMDs Whiffers 4 9.5 13 13 3 15 10 16 6 13 102.5
6 Team ywk 3 2 10.5 15 12 12 3.5 11 11 15 95
7 Team mjd 5.5 8 14 5 9 10.5 7 4.5 12 16 91.5
8 Smith and 9th 16 5 3 8 5 3.5 16 10 15 9 90.5
9 youngroman's Luschen 15 12 1 2 11 6 10 8 10 10 85
10 Lake Villa RJ 12.5 13.5 4.5 16 15 3.5 12.5 4.5 1 1 84
11 Da Bomb 10 6 7 9 2 8.5 14.5 2 9 12 80
12 LAD63 loki 7 4 10.5 7 6 14 2 14 4 2 70.5
13 Matt G 2 15 10.5 6 10 3.5 1 7 3 4 62
14 MIGHTY Meatwads 9 11 6 4 8 1 5 1 5 7 57
15 SAN FORDORS 1 3 4.5 3 4 10.5 8 9 7 5 55
16 Team Tilt23 8 1 10.5 1 1 3.5 14.5 6 2 3 50.5

Stats through games of Apr 28
1 Foot's Acrobats 185 184 23 0.3414 0.5074 13 7 216 3.524 1.159 196.2 1143 1274
2 Crazy Joe Davola 182 167 19 0.3478 0.4680 17 14 290 3.952 1.239 243.2 1158 1314
3 Species RIBC 166 180 27 0.3453 0.4456 23 10 274 3.712 1.248 274.0 1158 1309
4 Roto Guru 180 162 13 0.3411 0.4655 14 15 270 3.394 1.209 233.1 1130 1290
5 BMDs Whiffers 163 167 21 0.3473 0.4305 21 14 295 4.115 1.188 288.2 1194 1388
6 Team ywk 159 153 20 0.3501 0.4626 16 7 256 3.818 1.126 231.0 1096 1254
7 Team mjd 166 166 22 0.3277 0.4541 15 12 221 3.718 1.052 203.1 1112 1245
8 Smith and 9th 190 158 14 0.3376 0.4394 10 18 249 3.520 1.236 240.1 1288 1475
9 youngroman's Luschen 186 171 12 0.3217 0.4611 11 14 230 3.864 1.227 198.0 1158 1293
10 Lake Villa RJ 182 180 15 0.3520 0.4911 10 15 221 5.134 1.426 203.1 1179 1321
11 Da Bomb 177 159 18 0.3398 0.4251 14 16 173 3.949 1.194 196.0 1221 1398
12 LAD63 loki 169 156 20 0.3336 0.4420 18 5 279 4.858 1.357 255.2 1172 1319
13 Matt G 153 182 20 0.3312 0.4599 10 1 229 4.898 1.354 226.0 1098 1244
14 MIGHTY Meatwads 174 168 16 0.3266 0.4536 9 8 151 4.491 1.244 158.1 1164 1286
15 SAN FORDORS 144 155 15 0.3246 0.4371 15 13 231 3.966 1.269 224.2 1073 1217
16 Team Tilt23 170 146 20 0.3214 0.4183 10 16 227 4.957 1.357 223.1 1224 1366

Note: Each team is limited to 1350 innings pitched over the entire season.

Link to transactions        Link to current league rosters

RIBC standings
RotoGuru Invitational Baseball Challenge 2019
Standings and Roster Summary
On this page:
standings     team stats
Other links:
check today's starters     current rosters     activity     draft rationales     draft results

standings yesterday             standings one week ago             split standings by date

2018 Final Standings             2017 Final Standings             2016 Final Standings

2015 Final Standings             2014 Final Standings             2013 Final Standings

2012 Final Standings             2011 Final Standings             2010 Final Standings

2009 Final Standings             2008 Final Standings             2007 Final Standings

2006 Final Standings             2005 Final Standings             2004 Final Standings