Selection instructions appear below the table.
Percentages in blue reflect the current (real time) selection percentages.
Bracketed [values] reflect the number of picks, followed by the number of doubles.
(For example, [120-14] indicates that a team was picked 120 times, of which 14 were doubled)
NFL Week #22
Away TeamHome TeamSkipDouble
LA Rams (15-5-0) 54% [31-24]Cincinnati (13-7-0) 46% [26-23]
No double
Too late to save picks for this week

Selection Instructions:
Click on the button next to each team you wish to pick as a winner. If you wish to skip a game, then click on the skip button.

You may double the result for one game. To do so, click on the double button next to that game. If you do not wish to double any game results, then click the bottom button (beside "No double").

If you have previously saved your picks for this week's games, those buttons should already be clicked. You may change your selections any time prior to the first kickoff off the weekend.

When you wish to save your picks, click on the button at the bottom of the table.

Percentages in blue reflect the current actual selection percentages. Bracketed values reflect the number of picks.