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2016 Individual Football Player Stats

Opponents of Cleveland Browns
Home games Away games
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FireLeague Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFLP for Opponents of Cleveland Browns by Position
1 @ phi 370 516 516 152 110 250
2 bal 294 232 536 268 220 150
3 @ mia 340 366 719 112 70 145
4 @ was 306 508 144 302 100 155
5 nwe 582 354 397 554 80 200
6 @ ten 533 248 610 190 40 60
7 @ cin 410 752 662 28 80 160
8 nyj 278 540 532 10 80 30
9 dal 459 428 326 436 50 180
10 @ bal 384 370 640 156 120 345
11 pit 161 478 256 32 130 420
12 nyg 346 212 640 28 10 405
13 -
14 cin 318 454 409 226 30 205
15 @ buf 318 644 344 218 90 170
16 sdg 351 168 486 264 50 180
17 @ pit 386 408 580 36 30 220

DraftKings Salary Cap Football
ScheduleDSP for Opponents of Cleveland Browns by Position
1 @ phi 19.22 23.60 46.50 13.90 . 0 11.00
2 bal 21.18 16.10 36.60 25.40 . 0 12.00
3 @ mia 24.96 28.80 56.30 10.10 . 0 7.00
4 @ was 18.32 37.20 13.50 30.10 . 0 8.00
5 nwe 32.34 24.30 33.40 49.60 . 0 10.00
6 @ ten 28.76 17.20 46.40 16.10 . 0 6.00
7 @ cin 23.32 50.20 53.50 3.20 . 0 7.00
8 nyj 14.42 38.70 38.50 1.40 . 0 4.00
9 dal 24.00 28.30 26.50 40.70 . 0 8.00
10 @ bal 23.84 26.70 46.80 18.00 . 0 14.00
11 pit 8.68 37.10 24.70 3.50 . 0 22.00
12 nyg 19.56 13.20 45.60 3.20 . 0 23.00
13 - . . . . . .
14 cin 16.90 32.30 24.50 21.80 . 0 9.00
15 @ buf 15.96 47.80 16.40 20.20 . 0 9.00
16 sdg 22.88 12.90 34.30 23.40 . 0 10.00
17 @ pit 22.08 32.70 46.30 3.60 . 0 12.00

FanDuel Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFDP for Opponents of Cleveland Browns by Position
1 @ phi 19.22 22.60 37.00 10.40 9.00 11.00
2 bal 18.18 13.60 31.60 17.40 15.00 12.00
3 @ mia 20.96 26.30 45.80 7.60 6.00 7.00
4 @ was 18.32 32.20 10.00 25.10 8.00 8.00
5 nwe 29.34 22.30 23.90 41.10 7.00 10.00
6 @ ten 28.76 16.20 37.90 14.10 4.00 6.00
7 @ cin 20.32 45.20 44.00 2.20 7.00 7.00
8 nyj 14.42 37.20 32.50 .90 7.00 4.00
9 dal 24.00 27.80 21.50 32.20 5.00 8.00
10 @ bal 23.84 22.70 39.80 14.00 9.00 14.00
11 pit 8.68 30.10 17.70 3.00 10.00 22.00
12 nyg 19.56 10.20 41.10 2.20 3.00 23.00
13 - . . . . . .
14 cin 16.90 27.30 19.00 19.30 6.00 9.00
15 @ buf 15.96 42.80 13.40 16.70 9.00 9.00
16 sdg 19.88 10.40 29.30 19.40 6.00 10.00
17 @ pit 22.08 29.20 38.80 2.60 3.00 12.00

DraftDay Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFTP for Opponents of Cleveland Browns by Position
1 @ phi 19.22 23.60 43.50 13.90 . 0 11.00
2 bal 18.18 16.10 36.60 22.40 . 0 10.00
3 @ mia 20.96 28.80 53.30 10.10 . 0 7.00
4 @ was 18.32 34.20 13.50 30.10 . 0 8.00
5 nwe 29.34 24.30 30.40 46.60 . 0 10.00
6 @ ten 28.76 17.20 43.40 16.10 . 0 6.00
7 @ cin 20.32 47.20 50.50 3.20 . 0 7.00
8 nyj 14.42 38.70 38.50 1.40 . 0 4.00
9 dal 24.00 28.30 26.50 37.70 . 0 8.00
10 @ bal 23.84 26.70 46.80 18.00 . 0 14.00
11 pit 8.68 34.10 24.70 3.50 . 0 22.00
12 nyg 19.56 12.20 45.60 3.20 . 0 23.00
13 - . . . . . .
14 cin 16.90 29.30 24.50 21.80 . 0 9.00
15 @ buf 15.96 44.80 16.40 20.20 . 0 9.00
16 sdg 19.88 12.90 34.30 23.40 . 0 10.00
17 @ pit 22.08 32.70 46.30 3.60 . 0 12.00

Yahoo DFS Salary Cap Football
ScheduleYHP for Opponents of Cleveland Browns by Position
1 @ phi 19.22 22.60 37.00 10.40 . 0 11.00
2 bal 18.18 13.60 31.60 17.40 . 0 12.00
3 @ mia 20.96 26.30 45.80 7.60 . 0 13.00
4 @ was 18.32 32.20 10.00 25.10 . 0 8.00
5 nwe 29.34 22.30 23.90 41.10 . 0 10.00
6 @ ten 28.76 16.20 37.90 14.10 . 0 6.00
7 @ cin 20.32 45.20 44.00 2.20 . 0 7.00
8 nyj 14.42 37.20 32.50 .90 . 0 4.00
9 dal 24.00 27.80 21.50 32.20 . 0 8.00
10 @ bal 23.84 22.70 39.80 14.00 . 0 14.00
11 pit 8.68 30.10 17.70 3.00 . 0 22.00
12 nyg 19.56 10.20 41.10 2.20 . 0 23.00
13 - . . . . . .
14 cin 16.90 27.30 19.00 19.30 . 0 9.00
15 @ buf 15.96 42.80 13.40 16.70 . 0 9.00
16 sdg 19.88 10.40 29.30 19.40 . 0 10.00
17 @ pit 22.08 29.20 38.80 2.60 . 0 12.00

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