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2016 Individual Football Player Stats

Opponents of Minnesota Vikings
Home games Away games
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FireLeague Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFLP for Opponents of Minnesota Vikings by Position
1 @ ten 307 331 432 90 50 70
2 gnb 269 140 336 124 20 155
3 @ car 214 282 286 188 70 100
4 nyg 176 464 249 94 70 -40
5 hou 153 227 339 150 90 -10
6 -
7 @ phi 71 251 364 46 90 400
8 @ chi 294 502 251 220 100 200
9 det 268 206 414 198 230 80
10 @ was 358 242 416 284 220 105
11 ari 214 502 297 176 70 105
12 @ det 318 164 569 0 170 115
13 dal 216 306 297 0 60 155
14 @ jac 315 220 486 102 190 -5
15 ind 372 527 372 266 180 375
16 @ gnb 651 46 859 184 110 120
17 chi 64 365 354 14 50 -75

DraftKings Salary Cap Football
ScheduleDSP for Opponents of Minnesota Vikings by Position
1 @ ten 18.74 30.10 30.30 7.20 . 0 4.00
2 gnb 19.42 7.90 32.20 11.60 . 0 7.00
3 @ car 16.20 21.30 19.40 15.70 . 0 3.00
4 nyg 9.44 34.30 21.30 8.30 . 0 . 0
5 hou 10.36 7.30 29.10 12.90 . 0 1.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 @ phi 9.12 16.50 29.70 4.10 . 0 24.00
8 @ chi 14.28 35.60 21.10 19.10 . 0 9.00
9 det 15.76 11.20 39.20 16.20 . 0 5.00
10 @ was 18.38 16.10 34.30 21.70 . 0 6.00
11 ari 15.02 41.30 17.40 14.50 . 0 6.00
12 @ det 16.28 12.70 45.90 . 0 . 0 6.00
13 dal 12.26 21.60 25.60 . 0 . 0 6.00
14 @ jac 15.58 17.30 38.00 9.60 . 0 2.00
15 ind 18.80 39.90 24.90 23.50 . 0 18.00
16 @ gnb 40.18 1.50 74.20 16.70 . 0 8.00
17 chi 10.08 25.20 23.28 1.60 . 0 1.00

FanDuel Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFDP for Opponents of Minnesota Vikings by Position
1 @ ten 17.74 25.60 22.80 5.70 4.00 4.00
2 gnb 18.42 7.40 24.70 8.60 2.00 7.00
3 @ car 16.20 17.30 15.90 12.20 5.00 3.00
4 nyg 9.44 29.80 14.30 6.30 5.00 . 0
5 hou 10.36 6.80 23.10 9.90 7.00 2.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 @ phi 8.12 14.00 24.20 3.10 7.00 24.00
8 @ chi 14.28 30.10 18.10 14.60 8.00 9.00
9 det 15.76 10.70 31.70 12.70 15.00 5.00
10 @ was 18.38 13.10 27.80 19.20 16.00 6.00
11 ari 15.02 34.30 12.90 13.00 6.00 7.00
12 @ det 16.28 10.20 36.90 . 0 12.00 6.00
13 dal 11.26 19.60 20.60 . 0 5.00 6.00
14 @ jac 15.58 13.80 29.50 7.10 13.00 2.00
15 ind 18.80 33.90 21.40 19.50 13.00 18.00
16 @ gnb 37.18 1.00 60.20 14.20 9.00 8.00
17 chi 8.58 19.70 18.28 1.10 4.00 1.00

DraftDay Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFTP for Opponents of Minnesota Vikings by Position
1 @ ten 17.74 29.10 30.30 7.20 . 0 4.00
2 gnb 18.42 7.90 31.20 11.60 . 0 7.00
3 @ car 16.20 21.30 19.40 15.70 . 0 3.00
4 nyg 9.44 34.30 20.30 8.30 . 0 . 0
5 hou 10.36 7.30 29.10 12.90 . 0 2.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 @ phi 8.12 15.50 29.70 4.10 . 0 24.00
8 @ chi 14.28 32.60 21.10 19.10 . 0 9.00
9 det 15.76 11.20 39.20 16.20 . 0 5.00
10 @ was 18.38 15.10 34.30 21.70 . 0 6.00
11 ari 15.02 38.30 17.40 14.50 . 0 7.00
12 @ det 16.28 12.70 45.90 . 0 . 0 6.00
13 dal 11.26 21.60 24.60 . 0 . 0 6.00
14 @ jac 15.58 17.30 35.00 9.60 . 0 2.00
15 ind 18.80 36.90 24.90 23.50 . 0 18.00
16 @ gnb 37.18 1.50 71.20 16.70 . 0 8.00
17 chi 9.08 21.20 22.28 1.60 . 0 1.00

Yahoo DFS Salary Cap Football
ScheduleYHP for Opponents of Minnesota Vikings by Position
1 @ ten 17.74 25.60 22.80 5.70 . 0 4.00
2 gnb 18.42 7.40 24.70 8.60 . 0 7.00
3 @ car 16.20 17.30 15.90 12.20 . 0 5.00
4 nyg 9.44 29.80 14.30 6.30 . 0 . 0
5 hou 10.36 6.80 23.10 9.90 . 0 1.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 @ phi 8.12 14.00 24.20 3.10 . 0 24.00
8 @ chi 14.28 30.10 18.10 14.60 . 0 9.00
9 det 15.76 10.70 31.70 12.70 . 0 5.00
10 @ was 18.38 13.10 27.80 19.20 . 0 6.00
11 ari 15.02 34.30 12.90 13.00 . 0 6.00
12 @ det 16.28 10.20 36.90 . 0 . 0 6.00
13 dal 11.26 19.60 20.60 . 0 . 0 6.00
14 @ jac 15.58 13.80 29.50 7.10 . 0 2.00
15 ind 18.80 33.90 21.40 19.50 . 0 18.00
16 @ gnb 37.18 1.00 60.20 14.20 . 0 8.00
17 chi 8.58 19.70 18.28 1.10 . 0 1.00

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