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2019 Individual Football Player Stats

Opponents of Kansas City Chiefs
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View 2018 opponent stats for Kansas City Chiefs

DraftKings Salary Cap Football
ScheduleDSP for Opponents of Kansas City Chiefs by Position
1 @ jac 25.60 13.10 63.50 12.90 . 0 -4.00
2 @ oak 11.72 17.90 23.40 18.60 . 0 3.00
3 bal 21.28 47.40 20.30 17.70 . 0 . 0
4 @ det 24.44 28.60 41.10 17.20 . 0 5.00
5 ind 11.94 32.10 12.40 8.70 . 0 10.00
6 hou 31.40 35.40 33.80 19.80 . 0 5.00
7 @ den 7.52 24.10 29.60 1.70 . 0 1.00
8 gnb 30.10 63.20 19.10 7.10 . 0 4.00
9 min 21.30 30.70 18.80 18.60 . 0 7.00
10 @ ten 19.94 36.10 21.20 19.60 . 0 11.00
11 @ lac 19.12 36.20 30.70 16.70 . 0 3.00
12 - . . . . . .
13 oak 11.58 26.80 6.40 31.50 . 0 . 0
14 @ nwe 11.76 22.80 33.30 5.10 . 0 7.00
15 den 7.62 10.30 20.80 12.60 . 0 5.00
16 @ chi 8.28 13.20 21.20 7.40 . 0 1.00
17 lac 17.74 43.20 29.00 15.20 . 0 1.00

FanDuel Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFDP for Opponents of Kansas City Chiefs by Position
1 @ jac 25.60 10.10 53.00 8.90 8.00 -4.00
2 @ oak 11.72 15.90 18.40 14.10 4.00 3.00
3 bal 21.28 41.40 16.80 13.20 4.00 . 0
4 @ det 23.44 22.10 36.10 14.20 15.00 5.00
5 ind 11.94 25.60 9.40 6.20 13.00 10.00
6 hou 31.40 29.90 24.80 15.30 6.00 5.00
7 @ den 6.52 21.10 22.60 1.20 . 0 1.00
8 gnb 27.10 55.20 14.60 5.10 7.00 4.00
9 min 21.30 27.20 16.30 15.10 5.00 7.00
10 @ ten 18.94 32.10 19.20 16.10 3.00 11.00
11 @ lac 16.12 27.70 25.70 13.20 10.00 3.00
12 - . . . . . .
13 oak 11.58 20.80 3.40 23.50 3.00 . 0
14 @ nwe 11.76 19.80 27.80 3.60 4.00 7.00
15 den 7.62 8.30 16.30 10.10 3.00 5.00
16 @ chi 8.28 11.20 15.70 5.90 4.00 1.00
17 lac 17.74 35.70 23.50 12.70 3.00 2.00

Yahoo DFS Salary Cap Football
ScheduleYHP for Opponents of Kansas City Chiefs by Position
1 @ jac 25.60 10.10 53.00 8.90 . 0 -4.00
2 @ oak 11.72 15.90 18.40 14.10 . 0 3.00
3 bal 21.28 41.40 16.80 13.20 . 0 . 0
4 @ det 23.44 22.10 36.10 14.20 . 0 5.00
5 ind 11.94 25.60 9.40 6.20 . 0 10.00
6 hou 31.40 29.90 24.80 15.30 . 0 5.00
7 @ den 6.52 21.10 22.60 1.20 . 0 1.00
8 gnb 27.10 55.20 14.60 5.10 . 0 4.00
9 min 21.30 27.20 16.30 15.10 . 0 7.00
10 @ ten 18.94 32.10 19.20 16.10 . 0 11.00
11 @ lac 16.12 27.70 25.70 13.20 . 0 3.00
12 - . . . . . .
13 oak 11.58 20.80 3.40 23.50 . 0 . 0
14 @ nwe 11.76 19.80 27.80 3.60 . 0 7.00
15 den 7.62 8.30 16.30 10.10 . 0 5.00
16 @ chi 8.28 11.20 15.70 5.90 . 0 1.00
17 lac 17.74 35.70 23.50 12.70 . 0 1.00

View 2018 opponent stats for Kansas City Chiefs

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