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2020 Individual Football Player Stats

Opponents of Las Vegas Raiders
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View 2019 opponent stats for Las Vegas Raiders

DraftKings Salary Cap Football
ScheduleDSP for Opponents of Las Vegas Raiders by Position
1 @ car 19.40 28.50 48.70 5.00 . 0 -1.00
2 nor 19.28 48.20 22.80 14.60 . 0 4.00
3 @ nwe 12.18 59.70 16.80 . 0 . 0 15.00
4 buf 25.42 18.60 55.70 5.80 . 0 6.00
5 @ kan 33.70 15.90 41.20 27.80 . 0 -1.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 tam 39.86 26.30 63.80 21.20 . 0 6.00
8 @ cle 7.78 11.40 11.60 7.40 . 0 3.00
9 @ lac 26.44 34.70 49.00 7.30 . 0 2.00
10 den 10.98 9.40 42.20 8.00 . 0 -4.00
11 kan 25.52 36.50 47.70 31.36 . 0 1.00
12 @ atl 14.50 23.40 36.60 10.90 . 0 28.00
13 @ nyj 23.04 30.30 38.20 5.10 . 0 5.00
14 ind 17.56 46.70 35.80 9.30 . 0 12.00
15 lac 30.96 19.80 42.30 17.50 . 0 3.00
16 mia 20.14 38.80 23.20 13.30 . 0 5.00
17 @ den 27.26 24.20 50.90 18.30 . 0 10.00

FanDuel Salary Cap Football
ScheduleFDP for Opponents of Las Vegas Raiders by Position
1 @ car 19.40 27.00 37.70 3.50 12.00 -1.00
2 nor 16.28 41.70 18.30 12.60 6.00 4.00
3 @ nwe 12.18 51.70 13.30 . 0 12.00 15.00
4 buf 25.42 16.10 44.70 4.30 6.00 6.00
5 @ kan 30.70 13.90 36.20 20.80 6.00 -1.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 tam 36.86 22.80 51.30 17.70 9.00 6.00
8 @ cle 7.78 9.90 9.10 4.40 7.00 3.00
9 @ lac 23.44 30.70 37.00 5.30 9.00 2.00
10 den 10.98 8.40 33.20 5.50 8.00 -4.00
11 kan 22.52 34.00 34.20 23.86 5.00 1.00
12 @ atl 14.50 21.40 30.10 8.40 21.00 28.00
13 @ nyj 21.04 26.30 33.20 4.10 2.00 5.00
14 ind 17.56 40.20 31.80 7.30 14.00 12.00
15 lac 27.96 17.80 35.80 15.00 6.00 3.00
16 mia 20.14 34.80 17.70 9.80 15.00 5.00
17 @ den 24.26 21.70 40.90 15.30 11.00 10.00

Yahoo DFS Salary Cap Football
ScheduleYHP for Opponents of Las Vegas Raiders by Position
1 @ car 19.40 27.00 37.70 3.50 . 0 -1.00
2 nor 16.28 41.70 18.30 12.60 . 0 4.00
3 @ nwe 12.18 51.70 13.30 . 0 . 0 15.00
4 buf 25.42 16.10 44.70 4.30 . 0 6.00
5 @ kan 30.70 13.90 36.20 20.80 . 0 -1.00
6 - . . . . . .
7 tam 36.86 22.80 51.30 17.70 . 0 6.00
8 @ cle 7.78 9.90 9.10 4.40 . 0 3.00
9 @ lac 23.44 30.70 37.00 5.30 . 0 2.00
10 den 10.98 8.40 33.20 5.50 . 0 -4.00
11 kan 22.52 34.00 34.20 23.86 . 0 1.00
12 @ atl 14.50 21.40 30.10 8.40 . 0 28.00
13 @ nyj 21.04 26.30 33.20 4.10 . 0 5.00
14 ind 17.56 40.20 31.80 7.30 . 0 12.00
15 lac 27.96 17.80 35.80 15.00 . 0 3.00
16 mia 20.14 34.80 17.70 9.80 . 0 5.00
17 @ den 24.26 21.70 40.90 15.30 . 0 10.00

View 2019 opponent stats for Las Vegas Raiders

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