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0 Subject: Attn: Perm Dude

Posted by: Yohan - [46531710] Thu, Jun 29, 17:55

rather than go over to the baseball forum and have a complete stranger babysit my baseball team, could you do it? you would have full control to make any pitching, money train, etc. trades that you feel are in my team's best interest. you would have control of my team on 7/4 through 7/16. if you want to do it please give me your email address and i'll send you the info.
1 Perm Dude
      ID: 852443-4
      Thu, Jun 29, 18:18
Sure, send me the info. Happy to help.

      ID: 46531710
      Fri, Jun 30, 15:03

thanks again and if there are any problems let me know before tuesday
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