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0 Subject: G*? re-assessment

Posted by: Frank p
- [3465661] Thu, Jul 06, 01:57

If you remember, we were talking about taking a star from G*8 after some excellent form of late.
It started with his early (on time) tips, then the cable hook up to enable live footy and the brilliant schmoozing to spend the long weekend on a yacht.
However, just as we were about to rip one of those monkeys from his back, we find this posted on last weeks tipping results thread.

ID: 27425412
Mon, Jul 03, 15:45 'I forget who is actually an aussie on this board'.

I (the Aussie) believe this infringement may warrant a two star addition. Of course the tribunal must decide, so I leave this in your capable hands.

      ID: 27425412
      Thu, Jul 06, 07:57
i'm just ignant.
2Frank p
      ID: 486968
      Thu, Jul 06, 08:10
What happened on the yacht? Take any Coopers?
      ID: 12532216
      Thu, Jul 06, 10:18
Perhaps a one-star addition is apporpriate for this offense, unless G*8 has a solid explanation for the Aussie recognition snafu ( i.e. utterly pissed). Who knows? Maybe our comrade fell victim to posting on the board after playing a game of footy and then having one or two beers. We all know the multiplier effect could have kicked in. ;>)
4Perm Dude
      ID: 1637610
      Thu, Jul 06, 10:37
Maybe he tripped and hit his head on the esky?

I don't think he can just claim "ignants" -- we demand a tale!

      ID: 12532216
      Thu, Jul 06, 11:30
It was a dark and stormy night...
6Tim G
      ID: 24454220
      Thu, Jul 06, 22:44
Off topic, what's a Shiela?
7Frank p
      ID: 1560623
      Thu, Jul 06, 23:00
A sheila is a 'bird' or if I'm to be PC, a female.
8Frank p
      ID: 1560623
      Thu, Jul 06, 23:05
Tim, here's another one for you. This word is pretty much only used in the area where I live, but is finding its way into the wider vocab.
the double o is pronounced like in foot. This word describes a very impressive female.
eg. Plenty of CHOON in the pub tonite.
9Tim G
      ID: 24454220
      Fri, Jul 07, 00:10
Choon = hotty (hottie?), pretty self explanatory.
eg. Look at that hotty over there.
      ID: 50421410
      Fri, Jul 07, 08:22
I suggest either G*9 or perhaps the more demeaning g*8. I feel like I'm playing the Battleship board game I used to enjoy as a kid. Well did I have a hit?

Also I definitely want to incorporate the excellent term CHOON into my vocabulary immediately. Frank p, when you say it is pronounced like foot, would it then sound like "chun"? Please advise your phoenetics lesson has confused me.
11Frank p
      ID: 1560623
      Fri, Jul 07, 20:47
edperl, this is a hard word to write phoenetically. I thought about writing it as CHUN, but it would then be read as sounding like fun. The U has a OO sound, hence CHOON.

Does this help?
Tim G, while CHOON is similar to hotty, it is a little more agressive than that. It is definitely a word to use when pissed and on the attack.
      ID: 27425412
      Tue, Jul 11, 20:44
Wish I had a story. just ignant.
      ID: 46531710
      Mon, Jul 17, 15:03
slap the bloody yank with 2 *, no explaination, no i-was-pissed-on-the-yacht-and-the-boom-knocked-me-into-the-esky story?!?!?! it's as if frank p were to post he forgot who all the americans were!

      ID: 46531710
      Mon, Jul 17, 15:21
15Frank p
      ID: 346131721
      Mon, Jul 17, 21:13
Just to remind me, who are the Americans on this forum?
      ID: 27425412
      Tue, Jul 18, 11:21
alright, alright settle down, I have a story and it goes like this: I didn't "opt" to buy the washer and dryer from my new landlord and so with the laundry piling up I sought out a suitable means of getting my duds clean when I remembered that a co worker lives two blocks down and so I knocked on her door and being the kind hearted soul she is said sure, you can do your laundry, just go get another bottle of margarita mix. "another?" I thought as I zoomed off to the liquor store. Turns out the all access Nsync special was on, she was getting pissed and . . . we finished that bottle of tequila and then her husband came home and . . . we finished the beer and in the middle of Conan she turns off the tv and turns to me an says . . ."Whiskey? were out of beer" - Being a best gift horse i have seen in awhile, I accepted. They passed out at 2:30 and staggered home with my laundry only partially done and here, on what feels like tuesday, I am one sore and sorry little gobbler. well maybe not that sorry, and maybe a little pissed, but definitly sore.
      ID: 46531710
      Tue, Jul 18, 11:56
laundry and booze? it started out promising,like a penthouse forum story, but then the husband came home? after she turned off the tv, i thought at least she would turn and say
"let's shag baby, yeah!"

we need to vote or we can hold off and let gobbler give himself some more rope
      ID: 27425412
      Tue, Jul 18, 13:01
you know I thought so too, but then nothing - turns out they just drink no sex, just drink. sometimes your career comes first.
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