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0 Subject: What a Week in Football!!

Posted by: Frank p
- [146153023] Sun, Jul 30, 23:17

There's not much I can say about this weekend but 'holy crap, what happened??'
.G*10 goes awol and scores a zero.
.Perm Dude is the weeks best tipper with a massive score of 5
.The Bombers lose to the Bulldogs in upset of the century.
.Port beat Carlton with a goal AFTER the final siren
.We saw a welcome return of the all-in brawl.

There will be many players fronting the tribunal on video evidence this week. Some finals contenders will be waiting anxiously for the tribunal results.
Some great work by the tv commentary team on Friday night during the Bombers- Bullies game. Just on half time a fight erupts and the boundary rider (commentator) screams into his mike 'HERE COMES MOORCROFT OFF THE BENCH AND HE'S AFTER LIBERATORE', we then hear all four commentators yell into their mikes in unison,' WHOA, DID YOU SEE THAT?'. The camera then picks up Moorcroft being beset upon by three Bulldog players and Liberatore with a nice gash over his eye. All hell then breaks loose.
One player who will get a nice holiday is Dale Kickett from Fremantle. He is on film punching about three different Eagles players as they confronted him. I think he thought they were using the Marquis de Queensbury rules. My prediction is about 8 weeks suspension.
The AFL couldn't have asked for a better lead up to the finals. It's amazing what a bit of random chaos has done for the interest level and passion of supporters.

Tim G.............4..............103
Perm Dude.........5..............102
Frank p...........2..............100
Ms Pez............3...............82
      ID: 44625318
      Mon, Jul 31, 08:25
sorry bout that, florida vacation - back now. nice of you guys not to put too much ground between 'ol gobbler and yourselves. :)
2Perm Dude
      ID: 37613316
      Mon, Jul 31, 22:36
Wow! Nice commentary, Frank. Looks like I made up a bit of ground this week, too.
      ID: 12532216
      Tue, Aug 01, 08:31
OK, all I need is for Yohan to miss every single tip, some others to get only a few, I of course will atain the perfect 8, and the TIE for the tipping title will be mine! Just humor me, ok?
4Frank p
      ID: 257422
      Wed, Aug 02, 07:34
Around 40 players at the tribunal. Now that's a good weekend of football.
      ID: 12532216
      Wed, Aug 02, 10:48
Frank, will they suspend a player that hits someone while he is protecting his teammate, or do they allow for good Samaritans?
6Frank p
      ID: 257422
      Wed, Aug 02, 18:49
Retaliators and protectors sometimes get more severe penalties than instigators.

Look at all those big words. The money I'm spending on an education is paying off. :))
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