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0 Subject: Last round snafu

Posted by: rugg
- [12532216] Thu, Aug 03, 12:38

Of course this happens for the last round. I can't get into the fantasy footy section of AFL to check and change players! Apparently thinks it's ok just to put an apology up every week for the troubles during the week. How about fixing them, guys? I have important head to head league games that affects whether I beat Brewski. Damn. I hope they get things working before work's over. No computer at home still. :-(
1Perm Dude
      ID: 37613316
      Thu, Aug 03, 13:48
Tried myself today at a local library (with a T1 line); no go. Got into the Tipping Comp, but not the FF. I guess they're closing it down early.

Another reason for (perish the thought) a SW takeover of the AFL game.
2Frank p
      ID: 775318
      Thu, Aug 03, 18:29
I still can't get into the site. It's almost like smallworld has taken it over already.
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