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0 Subject: Tipping Results: Season 2000

Posted by: Frank p - [45716623] Sun, Aug 06, 23:16

I have one thing to say before I post the final tipping ladder, and that is PORT, PORT, PORT, PORT, PORT, PORT BLOODY PORT!! Finally we show the form that made most people put us in their top 8 at the start of the year.

Tim G...........6...............109
Frank p.........6...............106
Perm Dude.......3...............105
Ms Pez..........4................86

Congratulations Yohan, if you e-mail me with your address I will send you your choice of team baseball cap (or t-shirt) as your reward for first prize.
Thanks to everybody for making this an enjoyable season of tipping.
1Tim G
      ID: 366242421
      Mon, Aug 07, 01:43
Well done Yohan, congratulations!
      ID: 12532216
      Mon, Aug 07, 08:34
Fabulous, Yohan! After the investigation clears you of any wrongdoing, I'm sure you'll be remembered as a great first year champion of the EFF tipping competition. ;-)
      ID: 46531710
      Mon, Aug 07, 09:45
i'm ready to face the tribunal. there should be no video tape evidence!
4Perm Dude
      ID: 37613316
      Mon, Aug 07, 10:25
But what about my bloody nose, Yohan? And TimG may not be able to reproduce!

Congrats to you! And to everyone for a great season.

The biggest hand, however, must go to Frank P for starting this board and introducing us to the game. Many thanks to you, Frank.

      ID: 27425412
      Mon, Aug 07, 14:26
congrats to yohan and Frank P.
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