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0 Subject: Tipping Results: Finals Round 2

Posted by: Frank p, Guru jr.
- [30743192] Sat, Aug 19, 02:44

The old saying, 'class always beats ass' comes true this week (had to get that one in there Rugg) . At least there are no negative total scores this week. Maybe G* thinks that if he forgets to tip, he can still win with 4?

Frank p...................12
CHAD HENRY.................8
Ms Pez.....................2

      ID: 10428312
      Sun, Aug 20, 16:17
Frank p:

What nasty crack about Rugg.
      ID: 12532216
      Mon, Aug 21, 08:49
I still can't figure out the "classing sheep" statement. Maybe I'm missing something here. I just don't get it. Aarrgh! Before you reply, Frank, maybe Chad can explain for me since he should know.
      ID: 574533016
      Mon, Aug 21, 10:29
another drunken weekend on the boat - totally slipped off the wet vinyl of my mind and into the oblivion of a sunny margarita sea. (hey's it's monday and I am still gassed). I have FSW and aussie rules on the tube now. finally.
      ID: 12532216
      Mon, Aug 21, 14:20
G, at least you didn't lose any points! ;-).
5Frank p
      ID: 11725223
      Tue, Aug 22, 07:22
Rugg, I wish that I had a funny story to relate to you about classing sheep, but it just refers to the quality of the wool on the sheep (I think).
Gee infinity, I hope you got us some pictures!
      ID: 557592212
      Tue, Aug 22, 12:59
I think there were photos. there was a lot of flashing and bright lights.
      ID: 12532216
      Tue, Aug 22, 15:44
Oh, I get it. Kind a like feeling the wool on different sheep to see which one you want to shave. ;-))
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