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0 Subject: At Long Last: Brownlow Medal Awards

Posted by: edperl
- [07422914] Tue, Aug 29, 14:50

And the winner is.... its a shocker... Shane Woewodin. Congratulations, but more important to us EFF members is that the photos of the players dates have now been posted on the AFL Official site under photos.
Check out the full frontal of the "stunning" Tania Mincini, Nathan Buckley significant other.
I thought for sure Anthony Koutoufides had a lock on this year's award, but then I see he brings his "mum" as his date. Anthony what were you thinking?
Another gal looking extremely fit is Nora Keogh.
Gentlemen enjoy 8>)))
P.S. Was that Chad Henry I saw at the bar with two sheilas clinging to him?
      ID: 12532216
      Tue, Aug 29, 16:14
Outstanding! The talent this year is fantastic! I have new wallpaper of Buckley and his lovely Tania sporting a side-shot. Very nice. Hey Anthony, couldn't you bring Mum along WITH your date? Geez, what are ya thinkin'? Definitely a vote liability. Beyond that, Frank, any news of Big Jack playing grabass during cocktail hour?
2Frank p
      ID: 30753301
      Wed, Aug 30, 01:58
Apparantly Fremantle had the most choon at their table.
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