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0 Subject: Hark n'Walks Hideout !

Posted by: Harkonnon
- [4453220] Wed, Aug 30, 14:09

Here we go again ! Frank P. was so kind to let us come in here, thanks a lot for the hospitality, my friend ! Football season is looming large so let's start the DoPe Talk. A few explanations we play in sandbox head-2-head format. While this still calls for the best team to field there can be the occasional tactical start, like offsetting a receivers output with his matching qb, even though some other qb might have the better matchup. Opponents current starters have a grey background. Our starters slots are empty but background color matches available players positions in the table below. My choices are marked with an x and in case of good alternates x So Walk old DoPe pal gimme your choices and let's start the reasoning.
Opponents Lineup        
QB Steve McNair, Ten -- QB (No starter)
RB Curtis Enis, Chi -- RB (No starter)
WR Joey Galloway, Dal -- WR (No starter)
TE Wesley Walls, Car -- TE (No starter)
Off. Flex Derrick Mayes, Sea -- Off. Flex (No starter)
Off. Flex Errict Rhett, Cle -- Off. Flex (No starter)
Off. Flex Eric Moulds, Buf -- Off. Flex (No starter)
K Jason Hanson, Det -- K (No starter)
Def. Flex Robert Griffith, Min -- Def. Flex (No starter)
Def. Flex Brian Dawkins, Phi -- Def. Flex (No starter)
Def. Flex Chad Brown, Sea -- Def. Flex (No starter)
  Bench (QB),     Last Year PPG   My choice
QB Steve Beuerlein, Car @Was 15.2   x
QB Jeff Blake, NO Det 9.7    
QB Charlie Batch, Det @NO 9.4    
QB Brian Griese, Den @StL 7.3    
  Bench (RB),          
RBOff. Eddie George, Ten @Buf 11.4   x
RBOff. Charlie Garner, SF @Atl 8.8   x
RBOff. Robert Smith, Min Chi 6.8   x
RBOff. Jermaine Fazande, SD @Oak 4.4    
  Bench (WR),          
WROff. Albert Connell, Was Car 7.9   x
WROff. Tim Dwight, Atl SF 9.7   x
WROff. Bill Schroeder, GB NYJ 5.8    
WROff. Rod Smith, Den @StL 6.1    
WROff. Jerry Rice, SF @Atl 5.4   x
WROff. Wayne Chrebet, NYJ @GB 5.5    
  Bench (TE),          
TEOff Freddie Jones, SD @Oak 3.8   x
  Bench (K),          
K Gary Anderson, Min Chi 6.4   x
  Bench (LB),          
LBDef Derrick Brooks, TB @NE 10.2   x
LBDef Ray Lewis, Bal @Pit 9.8   x
LBDef Marvcus Patton, KC Ind 7.5    
  Bench (DB),          
DBDef Rodney Harrison, SD @Oak 7.3   x
Football DoPe sheet 1 of 1 (and many more to come) Hark
      ID: 104739
      Thu, Aug 31, 13:46
Jay-zus! What nice work you do! What DO you do for a living anyway? You never told me...

Graphics, right?

QB: I usually favor QBs at home, but ya gotta go with Buerlein, at least for now. Carolina had an awful pre-season, and the redskins are whopping 10.5 point favorites. While Seifert's offenses are usually very high-powered, I am dubious of this game. You could think about Blake in NO.

RB: I would probably choose Garner over Eddie George. Buffalo is a good team and George could get shut-down. I think Garner runs and catches a fair amount of passes, and I look at the SF-Atl game as a wide-open offensive scoring contest. Robert Smith has to play.

WR: You have quite a few to choose from. It'll be interesting to see how Chrebet does as the #1 WR on the Jets now that Keyshawn is gone. He usually catches a ton of balls. Tim Dwight, I guess he's in there 'cause his points are inflated by his kick-off returns (?). Otherwise, he aint as prolific a receiver as either Rod Smith or Wayne Chrebet.

The first two weeks are so hard to predict in this game. Jerry Rice seems to be "done," but he could have a monster "comeback" kinda game/season. I see you are betting on that SF-Atl game also being high-scoring. I guess if I were choosing, I would go with Chrebet and Smith or Chrebet and Connell, but those stats from last years sure make the Dwight move obvious.

[I'm really helping, aren't I? NOT.]

I think your defense is quite solid, and the choices, (thank goodness there are not so many to choose from) look good. To be frank (p.) though, I just do not know the personnel on the defensive side of the ball that well to comment. I would base my recommendations almost entirely on the quality of the offensive opponent (for the real team, not the fantasy team). NE and Pittsburgh have much poorer offenses than Indy. It'll never be that easy for you to choose. NE and Pitt could have two of the worst offenses in football this year! Still, they are both playing at home. Lewis is such a gimme, that even if his team gets beaten, he'll rack up 10 or so tackles for you. As a matter of fact, you have four really good defensive players...

You may need another DoPe. My baseball knowledge is 2x that of my football knowledge. I barely even watch the games anymore (Sundays I kinda want to spend with the family and all). I do read the Monday papers, and also play smallworld and enter a pool with my buddies, so don't avoid football, but I don't quite soak it up player-wise like I do baseball.

I'll continue to help out, and offer my advice

Good luck sire!
- walk
      ID: 4453220
      Thu, Aug 31, 16:06

woh hoh hoh ain't nobody, does it better ! (Chaka Khan)

I don't give a damn, that Football is not your numero uno passion. I would even ask for your DoPe advice in Hockey (Go Figure !).
This is a matter of loyalty, you native of the land of hire n'fire mentality. So no chance for you to chicken out of the Football job !

On the playahs !

Yeah I bank on Falcons-49ers game in week one.
Not so much for superior offensive skills of our guys, but for the unbelievable incompetence that both defenses displayed last season.

So here is tha reasoning

Tim Dwight -WR- The guy scored 3 TD's last time these 2 met, he returns kickoffs and punts so he might get his hands on the ball for sure. Tha's a big question mark for any receiver in any given game, but especially in week one. Only thing I don't like Dwight is currently listed as probable.
(Maybe a gametime decision)

Eddie George -RB- He surely plays a tough D, but he is our #1 pick, talk about keeping your face here.

Ray Lewis, Derrick Brooks, Rodney Harrison -Def-
Lewis and Brooks are the top rated defenders from last year and recommended by some sandbox veterans as well as Rodney Harrison. So let's go with that for now.

K and TE are no brainers due to a lack of alternates

Steve Beuerlein -QB- He was a very obvious pick at the time I picked him, but since #2 wr Jeffers is out. #1 wideout Muhammad may not play either this week and #4 Jim Turner is done also so he has Don Hayes and newcomer Isaac Byrd left to throw to. Right now I'm leaning more to start Griese or Blake (Batch is most likely out for week 1). This will be a Gametime decision for sure.

3 off-flex positions to fill
I like RB over WR (at least in week 1) cause the will get the ball for sure. So Robert Smith locks in one slot for sure. Garner was a little banged up, hence the the red x. If he is cleared to play he will go for us as well.
Our receivers may all do well, with Rice getting the inside track because of Falcons D. Connell is closing in fast because Carolina's vanishing offense is giving the Skins more plays for their own O. Rod Smith and Chrebet are #1 options on their teams and will be good down the road, but because of last years injuries their offenses will have to prove themselves. Schroeder is a good guy to have, but Favre's elbow is hurting, so he is on the bench for us.

So right now it's Smith, Garner manning two off flex slots. The third will be decided between Rice, Connell and Rod Smith (in this order) and opposing defenses being the key factor. I also like Jerry Rice for some sentimental reasons. How can anyone not like this guy !


      ID: 104739
      Thu, Aug 31, 16:23
It's like you live in this country! How can you possibly know so much about American football? A stupid ethnocentric comment. Good for you.

And good for me that you do not care that I do not know as much about football personnel as I do about baseball. This is one reason why I historically do not do as well in smallworld football -- the fantasy game revolves so much around picking the right players. The other games mix in price and seletion so much more.

Anyway, I like the rationale on Dwight, athough if he's not certain to play, I would play it safe and choose someone who is sure to play. I also clearly recall SF and Atlanta both being terrible on defense last year. I look for somewhat of a turnaround for Atlanta this year (although their good defense in 1998 was mostly due to forced turnovers).

I think Connell makes good sense at WR. Another reason to think twice about Carolina and Buerelein is Deion Sanders. I am not sure how much INTs cost QB points in Sandbox (they are critical in Smallworld), but the skins secondary looks tough this year against the pass (and they have a pass rush, on paper at least, to back that up).

It'll be interesting.

- walk
      ID: 104739
      Thu, Aug 31, 16:27
Jay-zus! And you're currently up by 550 (was 600!) in Baseball Sandbox. I would like to think that your virtual lead is also "safe." Is it? I have no patience to calculate it myself. Good going, Hark!

And that Mussina trade paid off well the last two starts, no? Let's see what he does tonight against Detroit. But then again, it looks like you did not like the match-up against Moehler tonight and benched him. Interesting. Well, I have Moehler on my mid-season smellworld team, but I thought Patt Rapp was pitching for the Os tonight and not Moose. Either way, your lead looks cozy.

- walk
      ID: 4453220
      Thu, Aug 31, 16:42
Well I love Football !

I have not missed a SuperBowl since Joe Montana's incredible drive vs the Bengals in 88(?).

And Football is by far the US Sport with the most TV coverage in old Germany. Usual TV schedule on Sundays pay TV is 3 games live starting with 1 of the 1 p.m. (7 pm in Germany) games then 1 of the 4 p.m. (10 pm in G.) games and the Sunday Night Game at about 8 p.m. (2 am g-time). And of course Monday Night Football as well. So if you choose to you can see 4 games each week and they show all Playoff Games as well.

Just as a Comparison (all numbers during the reg season)
it's 3 baseball games a week (Wednesday night, Saturday 1pm and Sunday night)
2 basketball games a week (not sure as I never watch basketball)
2 Hockey Games (usually Wednesday and early Saturday games)

      ID: 58412510
      Thu, Aug 31, 17:53
Can a DoPe Jr. award be coming soon to the Aussie Forum?!?!?!? ;-)

Go Beuerlein. Personally, I feel the Skins' Defense is overrated. Sanders ain't what he used to be and Bailey is still only a 1-year veteran. From what I read Muhammed looks okay so with him, Walls and Hayes (who MANY like as a nice sleeper this week) in what promises to be a pass-happy game, Beuerlein is "nummer Eins" in my book.

Historically, Rice has feasted on Atlanta. His stats vs. the Falcons are better than any other team....of course, most of those juicy stats came 3+ years ago. I would pick Connell over Rice, but Rice over Garner! I see the 49ers having to throw to try to keep up with the Falcons this Sunday.

If you don't play Eddie George every week (except the bye), I will resign as DoPe wanna-be.

Dwight is an intersting possibility. The 49er secondary is horrible, but what I'm reading says Dwight won't start - but WILL be a big part of the game plan.

Chrebet, as walk notes, will be interesting. Frankly I see him doing well this week vs. a poor GB defense. But to play him over Rice or Dwight? Probably not.

If I had this team, it would be:

Rob. Smith

The rest are as you have already decreed, Sir Hark!

Aufweidersprechen! (is that a word?!? ;-)
      ID: 4453220
      Fri, Sep 01, 09:45
Hi Species
DoPe jr ? hmhm we have no juniors here, you may volunteer as an intern. But you displayed some nose for finding our new home so quickly (while I had to stick some other guys nose on it several times, to get him over here !)

So let's resume
QB Beuerlein gets the benefit of doubt
RB George
D Lewis, Brooks, Harrison
TE Freddie
K Anderson

Off Flex
Robert Smith

2 slots open
just a lil stats backing
Week 17
Falcons 34, 49 ers 29

Rice 6 catches 143 yards 0 TD -- (so much for the 3+ years ago)
Dwight 7 catches 162 yards 3 TD's -- (incl a 70 yard punt return)
Garner 9 rushes 29 yards (hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm did he get hurt or what ?)

Connell no stats, but maybe a good idea not to pick all our horses from one race, if it's as high scoring as I think 2 guys will produce enough points. In case of a boring noffense game, we have not tied up 3 guys in it. So Connell is the WR ! (basta !)

So that leaves us with Dwight-Rice-Garner (sounds like a play "throw to the Wide Right Corner" good omen)

Decisions, Decisions,
arrr I need Opinions, Opinions soon
or no one of the staff can head into the weekend
(I love it when I can act like the Boss !)

So East n'West Coasters drop your final vote on Dwight-Rice-Garner and you get the rest of the day off for a nice weekend with with your beloved families.

See ya'

      ID: 104739
      Fri, Sep 01, 10:25
Species knows more than I do, I am glad he chimed in here. Hark, go with Rice and Dwight, since you were also not sure of Garner's health (and he's the most fragile of the 3).

Nice football schedule you get. I watch like maybe 8 giants games a year, and that's about it (but each Sunday I get 3 games, plus Monday night). Football just does not do it for me as it used to. I think I need more bier-drinking buds!

- walk
      ID: 58412510
      Fri, Sep 01, 10:45
Hark - I think I agree with walk. Hope for a "shootout" (or more accurately, the lack of defense as a whole) and that the combatants from week 17 last year offer similar results.

Garner last year? I would suspect SF had to abandon the running game as the Falcons offense poured it on....
      ID: 4453220
      Fri, Sep 01, 11:33
Thanks for the quick response.

So take the day off from your heavy burden of Dopessional Football Scouting and head for the weekend.
do you still have that grueling weekend traveling you told me about a looong time ago ?
here is a solution: Get yourself a helicopter ! ;-)
can still go to your lil' treasure island hideout. (for weather reasons, don't know if your contract is up already). If so enjoy it, some relaxing is in order now, rightio ?
One more
Giants games ??? excuse my ignorance, but I always thought there is a secret link between New York Teams. One the establishment Yankees-Jets-Rangers (don't know if the Knicks fit in here as well) and the other the underdog n'newcomers connection Mets-Giants-Islanders (did you notice that these 3 have won as many championships in the last 30 years as their big brethren). So is it "allowed" to interchange your favorites at will or is this some kind of no-no behaviour in the big Apple. And what about Bob, err New Jersey (sorry New Jerseyites always seem to wear some dumbass tag, hence the typo) teams Devils-Nets ? Is it allowed to mention these as New Yorkers ?

Questions, Questions ?

anyway see you guys soon
      ID: 4453220
      Fri, Sep 01, 17:57

I missed that little baseball interlude (in message #4)
Yeah our lead was 600+ and the virtual situation favors us quite nice.

If our Pitchers did not fall out of grace or luck lately (Maddux, D'Amico, Eaton with Starts and Pettitte, Estes on the bench) the whole thing would be over.

On Mussina of his recent good games I had him only dressed for one. The 1st good outing was after his infamour forced flu start and there was no info about his health by then. So I played the waiting game as we don't have to rush Pitchers as we have 8 good ones for our 28 remaining starts.
I started Mussina vs Tampa cause he was at home and faced a no-name starter. But with a run support of zilch runs even a dominant Mussina can't win. There fore the Benching vs Moehler and the Tigers, as I saw it coming that Moehler could keep the O's off the Board as well.

I will continue to be very careful in Starting Pitchers the next time and may miss a few good scores, but it's so nice nice to have that luxury of getting favorable matchups.

Short rap of coming Pitcher attractions

no need to risk a loss
Hermanson @ Cincinnati (Bell)- Herm is a wait and see project anyway
D'Amico @ Colorado (Bohanon)- bo. is hot
Hampton @ St.Louis (Kile) 50-50 chance of a win, not good enough for me
Eaton vs Pittsburgh (Benson) Eaton has to redeem himself and Benson is tough.

not decided yet
Maddux @ Houston (Elarton) no brainer vs any other Stro pitcher

Will start
Estes vs Cubs (Quevedo) Estes is a force at home
Pettitte @ KC (Suzuki) Andy got his loss finally, his starts are not good for the blood pressure, but he earned the faith
Mussina @ Minnesota (Redman) 3 good starts in a row and a 1-hitter last time vs the Twins, only thing I don't like, Moose on the road has an ERA of 5.something
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