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0 Subject: We're White Punks on DoPe ! (week 1)

Posted by: Harkonnon
- [4453220] Mon, Sep 04, 11:24

We're White Punks on DoPe ! Finally a thread name that really fits ! Alrightio since we and our opponent have no Monday Nighters in the lineup, here is our "unofficial" score for week 1 (points calculated by sandbox, so it's quite official)
Dope Sheet 2 of 2
Opponents Lineup            
QB Steve McNair, Ten -2 -- QB Steve Beuerlein, 6
RB Curtis Enis, Chi 1 -- RB Eddie George, 10
WR Joey Galloway, Dal 12 -- WR Albert Connell, 1
TE Wesley Walls, Car 7 -- TE Freddie Jones, 2
Off. Flex Derrick Mayes, Sea 0 -- Off. Flex Robert Smith, 7
Off. Flex Errict Rhett, Cle 4 -- Off. Flex Tim Dwight, 1
Off. Flex Eric Moulds, Buf 3 -- Off. Flex Jerry Rice, 3
K Jason Hanson, Det 6 -- K Gary Anderson, 12
Def. Flex Robert Griffith, Min 4 -- Def. Flex Derrick Brooks, 15
Def. Flex Brian Dawkins, Phi 6 -- Def. Flex Ray Lewis, 4
Def. Flex Chad Brown, Sea 3 -- Def. Flex Rodney Harrison, 10
        44 Score Week 1 71
        31 Offense 42
        13 Defense 29
            Last Year PPG Points in Week 1    
  Bench (QB),              
QB Steve Beuerlein, Car   @Was 15.2 6 x  
QB Jeff Blake, NO   Det 9.7 1    
QB Charlie Batch, Det   @NO 9.4 dnp    
QB Brian Griese, Den   @StL 7.3      
  Bench (RB),              
RBOff. Eddie George, Ten   @Buf 11.4 10 x  
RBOff. Charlie Garner, SF   @Atl 8.8 4    
RBOff. Robert Smith, Min   Chi 6.8 7 x  
RBOff. Tiki Barber NYG   @Oak 5.7 19    
  Bench (WR),              
WROff. Albert Connell, Was   Car 7.9 1 x  
WROff. Tim Dwight, Atl   SF 9.7 1 x  
WROff. Don Hayes Car   SF 2.3 4    
WROff. Rod Smith, Den   @StL 6.1      
WROff. Jerry Rice, SF   @Atl 5.4 3 x  
WROff. Wayne Chrebet, NYJ   @GB 5.5 3    
  Bench (TE),              
TEOff Freddie Jones, SD   @Oak 3.8 2 x  
  Bench (K),              
K Gary Anderson, Min   Chi 6.4 12 x  
  Bench (LB),              
LBDef Derrick Brooks, TB   @NE 10.2 15 x  
LBDef Ray Lewis, Bal   @Pit 9.8 4 x  
LBDef Marvcus Patton, KC   Ind 7.5 4    
  Bench (DB),              
DBDef Rodney Harrison, SD   @Oak 7.3 10 x  
Next opponents Walk's special friend Paul (not Philliephan) so no need to do a pep talk for the DoPe Staff.
      ID: 4453220
      Mon, Sep 04, 11:46
oops forgot to mention some new acquisitions.

Must be some Adrenaline Rush. Of course only winners know what I'm talking about ! (Do you Mr.Walker ?)

Brett Favre's arm looks as shot as Marino's last year, so a Packer wideout seems to be obsolete.
And a guy named Schroeder should play piano not wr. Hm maybe he can become a politician also. So sorry Bill we need a little bit more upside than you offer.
While Carolina did not exactly put up an aerial show this week, they play San Fran next week and it seems anyone can score 40 on the niners, so our new man is Don Hayes. Give him a warm welcome. (clap-clap-clap, Don-Don-Don, uh-uh-uh)

And then there's is a tikin' time bomb at RB.
I still like Fazande, but Tiki was quite impressive yesterday, wasn't he ? So Jermaine as long as your not cleared to play, Tiki's in as RB #4. Ladies n'Gentleman here he is Tiki Barber (yeeehaw-excitement-oh, yeah, Go Tiki !)
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