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0 Subject: Grand Final Tipping Comp: Results

Posted by: Frank p
- [128040] Mon, Sep 04, 00:01

The season is over and the Grand Final became very boring after just one quater, with Essendon proving they were the best team all year and deserving of the Premiership.
Here are the results of our finals tipping comp, no real surprises here too (he says, grinning).

Frank p..............23
Ms Pez................9
Gee Infinity..........5
Perm Dude.............-3
Chad Henry............-7*

* so much for our guest 'expert'!!

Thanks to everyone for a fun season, now bring on the Hockey!!!
1Perm Dude
      ID: 247581222
      Mon, Sep 04, 10:34
Thanks, Frank. And thanks to everyone for sticking it out through the season, in spite of AFL mess-ups, learning a new sport, and for the difficulties in living with a team drafted before we knew all the good players!

Let's hope the AFL allows trading next year so we can upgrade our squads!

A final thanks to Guru for setting up our little board here.

      ID: 07422914
      Tue, Sep 05, 15:10
Wow, I came in dead last! Chad Henry even beat me.
I'm proud to say I got to see the live broadcast of the Premiership Final, it was a blowout but still well worth seeing. Frank you would've been proud, we had Coopers sparkling ale, pale ale, and stout, absolutely delicious. At the begining of the broadcast I nearly tore my hair out, they would show about 3 minutes of live play and then cut to FoxWorldSports promos and BigJack's Fosters ads for about 4 minutes. they must have frontloaded all the commercials as later they stuck to most of the live play.
Question: Is there anything you can do on the field that would get you ejected from the game?, or does retribution only come after the fact. Michael Long's blatant body shiver to the Melbourne player is about the worst I've seen, yet he stays on the field, which I assume promotes the victims teamates to exact quick revenge.
Anyhow, it really was a great season and I had lot's of fun on this board, thanks Chad, G-finity and all the other characters.
I assume there will still be plenty of action to follow off the oval given the number of bars and casinos and a whole off season to contemplate next years fortunes.
I anxiously await Hockey, lets start and EFF division within the gurupies, it will make it more fun.
      ID: 458201310
      Wed, Sep 13, 10:20
Thanks for the great season, Frank. This was a fun time, and I look forward to next season, and of course to finishing at least one spot higher in tipping. ;-). Bring on hockey and the all-powerful EFF division!
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