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0 Subject: Olympics

Posted by: Frank p
- [54831417] Thu, Sep 14, 17:03

If Australia is allowed to select some extra sports for the olympics, why the hell didn't we pick Aussie Rules!?!? I think a prediction of GOLD could have been spot on.
1Perm Dude
      ID: 38842118
      Thu, Sep 14, 22:24
I think they were offered a choice between Aussie Rules Football and Esky Toss and, well, couldn't decide. Both sounded fun.

      ID: 4453220
      Fri, Sep 15, 13:07
Damn that would have been a great way to get rid of all these soccer hooligans in Europe ! You bet Europe would root for the home team to kick some a$$
4Tim G
      ID: 5982951
      Fri, Sep 15, 23:41
What's this I hear about an Aussie swimmer with size 17 feet? If the
correlation between foot size and other organ dimensions works out for this
guy, I'll bet he has quite a few female fans. Dude must have a D-cup
speedo. Well enough about that, how about that US boxing team!
5Frank p
      ID: 38812162
      Sat, Sep 16, 02:12
Tim G, thats Ian Thorpe you are talking about, and being an Aussie it's a given that you would be 'big' in all dimensions, I should know!! :-)
Now, what's this about the US boxing team?
6Tim G
      ID: 5982951
      Sat, Sep 16, 04:12
I would like to know what events everyone else considers worth watching.

Didn't Ian win a medal already? I watched the entire opening ceremonies,
I really enjoyed it with all the history of Australia. Those people spitting fire
reminded me of Gene Simmons from KISS. :-)

US shooter Nancy Johnson wins the first gold in the 10 m air rifle, woohoo.
A nation of gun owners ought to be able to shoot. If we could ski then
shoot we might do better in the biathlon in the winter games.

The track and field which starts later gets a lot of hype here in the US (only
once every 4 years unfortunately). Marion Jones in 5 events, including the
200 m against Australia's Cathy Freeman, plus Maurice Greene and
Michael Johnson.

I'm also interested in US softball vs Australia, the only team to beat them in
1996. Big Lisa Fernandez and her 62 mph fastball will face Australia in the
first round. Womens softball didn't get much coverage here in 96 and
probably won't this year, but we will get lots of womens gymnastics
coverage whether the team is good or not.
      ID: 574561212
      Sat, Sep 16, 20:22
I consider any event with these nubile young women athletes in their body suits worth watching.
Case in point, just got done watching the Womens triatholon, the Swiss babe outdueling the Aussie favorite Michelee Jones with a stirring race to the line. What a gorgeous finish if you know what I mean. Bring on gymnastics and swimming.
This type of video used to be censored, enjoy gentlemen.
8Frank p
      ID: 2684170
      Sun, Sep 17, 00:04
Edperl, check out the womens indoor volleyball!! Definitely some prime choon on display.
      ID: 12532216
      Fri, Sep 22, 08:40
US women's softball crumbles for first 3 in a row defeat in history! Ouch.
Frank, unfortunately, we don't get live coverage here. NBC has everything on tape delay and we only get what they choose to show us. That means a lot of gymnastics. If I was a pedofile I'm sure it would be very interesting. Meanwhile there are many other cool things going on that we only get to check in the newspaper. I hear Canada gets it live, though. That must be nice.
10TIm G
      ID: 68562620
      Wed, Sep 27, 22:22
Tatiana Grigorieva: Russian born, Aussie
woman polevaulter, lives in Adelaide, very hot.
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