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0 Subject: All EFF members,except Frank p, Please Read.

Posted by: Yohan
- [287331714] Thu, Sep 07, 13:25

since frank won the tipping com. for the finals, can us yanks put our heads together and think of some sort of prize to send to him?

any suggestions?
      ID: 10428312
      Thu, Sep 07, 14:52
Though i am not lucky enough to be a Yank, may I humbley offer the following suggestions:
1. A deck of 53 cards (include an extra ace - no worries, Frank p will change the rules when he draws five aces)
2. My autographed photo of famous American baseball player (and misunderstood young man) John Rocker.
3. The part of the "crow that I did not eat" upon being "whooped" by *almost the entire board. (note the humbling use of Yankee cliche')
*oh the shame, Edpearl!


2Perm Dude
      ID: 37613316
      Thu, Sep 07, 16:48
very funny, CHAD!

I've pretty pretty successful finding small sports memorabilia on Ebay for this kind of thing. Maybe a signed photo or something. I'd be happy to chip in a little something, if so.

      ID: 574561212
      Sun, Sep 10, 17:20
I've got an autographed photo of Chad Henry leading his gradeschool to the Premiership in 1965, do you think Frank p would appreciate that?
Actually, maybe Frank p would appreciate a hockey souvenir, maybe a cap or something. Which is his favorite team?
      ID: 287331714
      Tue, Sep 12, 10:11
perm dude would you care to take a look to see what you can find? i'd chip in myself.
5Perm Dude
      ID: 38842118
      Tue, Sep 12, 11:42
Sure, I'll look around, and post some finding here.

      ID: 07422914
      Tue, Sep 12, 15:46
I reread Frank p's profile, and he likes the Red Wings in hockey. Perhaps a souvenir in that vein. Maybe something with the jilted Federovs autograph, or is he back with her again. I think we'll need an update.
7 Perm Dude
      ID: 38842118
      Tue, Sep 12, 16:14
Good idea. Here are some possibilities (sorry, I can't link. What a dumbass): [we should probably get him this anyway :)]

Some of these items will close quite quickly, but similar items come up all the time (indeed, items which close without bids generally get put right back up). What do you guys think?


      ID: 07422914
      Wed, Sep 13, 15:27
i vote for the signed puck. i bet frank p has plenty of beer drinking vessels! :)
      ID: 458201310
      Thu, Sep 14, 09:23
The puck sounds cool. I'll chip in. Just let me know how and when. If nothing else Frank can use it for self defense if he's ever in certain bars in Adelaide.
10Perm Dude
      ID: 38842118
      Thu, Sep 14, 10:08
OK, I'll check if the puck (or another like it) is available. Let's wait to send any money until the total cost is known. Here's my information in the meantime:

Fred Courtright
The Permissions Company
P. O. Box 243
High Bridge, NJ 08829

      ID: 07422914
      Thu, Sep 14, 10:31
Definitely the puck, all they have down Frank p's way is a bunch of over inflated footballs. The check is in the mail.
12Perm Dude
      ID: 247581222
      Sun, Sep 17, 08:34
OK, the puck is available, $29, including shipping to me. Let's say $5 per person--we'll see if we can get 6 to contribute. I'll throw in $5, plus the cost of shipping to Frank P.

I'm going to go ahead and get the thing, so send your share of the money to me at the address above.


13Tim G
      ID: 598431718
      Mon, Sep 18, 00:50
Great ideas Yohan and Perm Dude. I'll send my check to PD.
      ID: 12532216
      Fri, Sep 22, 08:34
This may sound strange, but can I just send a finsky, or do you want a check? Does it matter?
15Perm Dude
      ID: 55845197
      Fri, Sep 22, 08:41
Doesn't matter. I've already sent in the check to the guy for the puck, so cash, check, MO, doesn't matter.

Got your check this morning, Tim. Thanks.

Is everyone here also playing in the EFF Hockey division?

      ID: 12532216
      Fri, Sep 22, 08:48
I'm in, and I think most of the other guys are, too. Sadly, Mrs. Pez will not be joining. I had a hard enough time keeping her in the once a week Aussie game. I think I'll live.
I'll get the money out to you in a few days.
      ID: 07422914
      Fri, Sep 22, 10:44
My contribution to be mailed soon.
It looks like most of the EFF sans Chad Henry has entered the league.
Looks like we have some heavyweights entered too, like CodeCracker, Walk, Hark, and I almost forgot to mention myself, me, edperl.;-)
Should be a great year!
18Perm Dude
      ID: 55845197
      Wed, Oct 04, 10:52
Got the puck today, and I'll send it off to Frank P as soon as I compose a flowery note from all of us ;)

The same guy who sold us this one has a similar puck on Ebay. If you want to see what I'm sending, the auction has a picture and the signatures, including the date, are almost exactly the same:

Thanks to all who contributed. Strange--never got a check from Chad Henry...

      ID: 287331714
      Sat, Oct 07, 10:24
excellent job Fred!!!!
      ID: 559271312
      Fri, Oct 13, 12:27
Nice work, pd! I hope Frank displays the puck proudly next to the footy ball, which no doubt rests on the mantle during the off-season.
21Perm Dude
      ID: 55845197
      Fri, Oct 13, 12:36
He should be getting the puck any day now.

Of course, we won't be so nice in the hockey division.

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