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0 Subject: EFF hockey division

Posted by: Frank p
- [24830621] Wed, Sep 06, 21:30

The Hockey season is fast approaching, so I have started a division for EFF members, and others, at Smallworld.
The division name is: EFF FootyHeads
The password is: bigjack

Hope to see you all there!!
      ID: 10428312
      Fri, Oct 13, 10:18

Please excuse my prolonged absence. Well done to Frank p. Sorry I did not take part in the post- victory awards ceremony. I was busy standing on the "last place" platform, pumping my black glove clad fist in the air in defiant protest.

It will be my pleasure, however, to enter your hockey division. Is one week enough handicap for you mullets? I think not! To quote the lustfull women "CHAD will soon be on top". (Are there homer runs in Hockey?)

2Perm Dude
      ID: 55845197
      Fri, Oct 13, 10:38

Cool! It will be good to see you there. What's you team name?

      ID: 10428312
      Fri, Oct 13, 15:27
Thought this one over for a while. I'm sure we all agree that the way a name looks, whether we are talking about your team's name or your own god given name, is of upmost significance. It is for that reason that I have named My team in honour of my mother. (the only woman i know who, while pissed, lost her front tooth opening another beer!) I give you, the name of My team: "CHAD'S mother puckers"
      ID: 559271312
      Fri, Oct 13, 15:45
She sounds like a fine lady, Chad. Is she short?
5Frank p
      ID: 309221317
      Fri, Oct 13, 17:43
Chad, good to see you are still alive. I am casting a doubt on your Australian heritage, as I believe you have picked your hockey team with too much ease and with too much knowledge of the schedule to be an Aussie novice at the game.
It's time to fess up Chad!!
      ID: 10428312
      Mon, Oct 16, 17:06
While people have questioned my parentage before nobody has ever questioned my Heritage!
I actually went berko when I first read your response. It took me a moment to realise that you were using My tactic trying to draw me into another barney. So Edpearl picks you to win, eh young man? Anyway, thank you for noticing my prowess in drafting hockey talent. I know nothing about hockey, (much like power fans in footy)so we will will be evenly matched. My advice is to score your points now before I learn this sport. It will soon be only a fight for second.
      ID: 10428312
      Thu, Oct 19, 15:19
-507 !!!
8Perm Dude
      ID: 55845197
      Thu, Oct 19, 15:22
Welcome to the big leagues, buddy!

This Yank managed a big -10!

      ID: 10428312
      Mon, Oct 23, 14:42
-447 !!!
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