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0 Subject: Attn: Yohan!!!

Posted by: Frank p - [3597180] Wed, Oct 18, 00:07

Yohan, I sent your prizes in September to the address you e-mailed me, but the box was returned, 'address uknown'. Please e-mail me the correct address for delivery, or by Big Jack's arse, there will be trouble.
      ID: 559271312
      Thu, Oct 19, 11:07
Way to go, Yohan. Don't even know your own address? Do you keep your mittens clipped to your coat sleeves in the winter, too? I hope this doesn't get out to non-EFF members. Oh the shame of it! ;-)
2Frank p
      ID: 79152320
      Mon, Oct 23, 20:15
Yohan, where are you?!?!?!?

My e-mails are now coming back unanswered. Please get back to me so I can send your prize to you.
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