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0 Subject: Thank you Frank

Posted by: Yohan
- [287331714] Mon, Nov 13, 15:08

I just received the package in the mail and I just wanted to say thankk you! The Blues hat is very cool and the 2 glasses were a nice suprise.

Mrs. Yohan and I have already tipped back a few Coopers Sparkling and they were extra delicious.
Thanks again for all the hard work you put into the EFF. It was a lot of fun.

I hope all goes well with your car, quite a string of bad luck.
1Frank p
      ID: 491025150
      Wed, Nov 15, 00:29
Yohan, glad the prize finally found you. I hope you wear the cap with pride and drink many beers from the glasses.
I finally got the whole mess with my car sorted.....I hope!!
I'm still perusing other Footy fantasy sites, so next season should be more competitive and fun.
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