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0 Subject: USAFL to be televised

Posted by: Seattle Zen
- [178161719] Mon, Oct 11, 2004, 18:01

I just got back from Atlanta where the USAFL National Tourney was held.

I am the captain of the Seattle Grizzlies and we actually won a game! I love the game now that I have finally picked up the skills to accurately kick the footie 30 meters. I've always been able to deliver a wicked hit, sending two Vancouver Cougars to the hospital last month (mind you, they have socialized medicine up there, but a broken wrist and a wicked concusion would send even Americans to the hospital;)

Much to my shock, it was anounced that All Sports Television Network just signed on to televise a number of USAFL games starting next year. I am very excited that Footie will be given more exposure over here in the States, but I can't believe that there are enough channels on the dial for our game. Hell, anyone could come stand on the sideline in Atlanta this weekend for free and next to no one did. Who is going to turn this game on? Then I saw the All Sports Network inaugural broadcast is going to be the New York City Grand Prix of Fencing and World Championships of Women's Team Saber and Foil and it makes a little more sense.
1Frank p
      ID: 589521415
      Thu, Oct 14x, 2004, 17:57
Great stuff Zen, that is fantastic and great to see one network giving you local footyheads the recognition you deserve.

It's also good to see a sniper on the forums. We'll have to start calling you 'Choppy'* from now on.

*Byron Pickett from Port Adelaide is called Choppy and he's the best at hitting blokes.
2Motley Crue
      ID: 439372011
      Mon, Mar 14, 2005, 11:01
Awesome. Hit those blokes.
3Motley Crue
      ID: 439372011
      Tue, Aug 16, 2005, 14:27
Hit `em.
4Seattle Zen
      ID: 178161719
      Tue, Aug 16, 2005, 16:45
Still hittin 'em, Crue.

See you in Milwaukee October 1st and 2nd.
5Seattle Zen
      ID: 178161719
      Sun, Sep 25, 2005, 23:57
Seattle Grizzlies win NWPAFL Grand Final (scroll down)

Burnaby Eagles licking their wounds!

We won our league. National Championship next!
6Frank p
      ID: 99481217
      Wed, Oct 12, 2005, 19:49
Congratulations Zen. Great job!!
      ID: 349431211
      Mon, Oct 24, 2005, 14:05
      ID: 301361318
      Wed, Mar 06, 2019, 13:51
don't eat the spam
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