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0 Subject: What Makes a Good Commissioner?

Posted by: Toral
- [22731114] Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 13:51

I've been doing some thinking about what makes a great roto commissioner. I haven't found or known or been one yet, so I've scaled it down to "What Makes a Good Commissioner?"

I have identified 5 qualities that have been present in the good commissioners I've been around or tried to be. They may sometimes be contradictory.

How would you rate or scale the importance of the 5 qualities I have thought of? Feel free to add comments or add your own. I added capsule descriptions. These are in no particular order:

1. decisiveness (decides disputes authoritatively
and clearly, and hopefully quickly);

2. adherence to rules (follows the rules set out for the league, no matter what, even if the person seeking to take advantage of the rules is unpopular in the league, and has found a loophole)

3. fairness/equity (whatever the problem, you feel this guy decides disputes fairly. He is impartial among league members. Note: this kind of guy may take forever to decide.)

4. diligence, hard work (this guy is always around; you can get an immediate answer or decision. He never disappears for a week or two).

5. friendliness/openness (he is always pleasant, never puts a league member down, shows no partiality, has no special favourite league members and no doghouse)


      ID: 1584348
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 14:11
First, being a fantasy commish is an underapreciated position and more work than the others realize. So thanks to everyone who steps forward and takes the ball.

I have been in bunch of roto leagues and (luckily) have never been involved in one where there was a huge dispute. So I would say 4 is the most important. To me someone who is available and can give you good turn-around is tops with me. Number 5 friendliness and openness is also important, but something I would also expect of all my league-mates. I have no time for pettiness and lack of respect and maturity.
      ID: 2884979
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 14:41
I've been commish of roto-leagues since my first year doing them. Its tough. I've also been a player (non-commish) in rotoleagues since my first year doing them so I've seen both sides of the fence and I've seen some nasty disputes from both sides of the fence.

I'd have to say #1 is the most important (decisiveness). Why? Oh i don't know. Let me think about it a minute...

Seriously, #1 leads into almost all the other characteristics you listed.
If you hem and haw around your decision for a dispute, you leave the door open for league members to say, "Yes, but..." and that lets the dispute linger for even longer. It also allows league members to undermine your authority.

#2 is next. Why? Because it makes #1 easy. If you have a rule set forth, its easy to be decisive about it. If somebody is trying to exploit a loophole, then you need to step in and say, "Is this a loophole that needs to be closed or can I let it be?" The person's popularity has nothing to do with it. A loophole is, by definition, a way around a rule. Allowing people to exploit loopholes is allowing them around the spirit of the leagues rules.
A good example: 2 years ago, in a private league I had to veto a trade. The managers involved had the #1 and #2 waiver priority. They simply dropped the main players involved in the trade and used their waiver positions to pick them up.
I stepped in and put the rosters back like they had been and left their waiver priority at 9 and 10. Not everybody agreed with the decision. But I didn't receive any flack except from the managers involved (there was a bit more to it than that, but that is the generalized basics)

Next comes #3, fairness/equity: And this is very closely linked to # 2 (adherence to the rules) (its also almost as important, w/ #2 being a smidge ahead).
If you are fair and equitable with your decisions and application of the rules, people tend not to give you a hard time about your decisions.

#5 comes next because it goes towards direct interaction with other players (which the commish usually is a player) and helps set the tone for the league

then comes the last point: hard work/diligence. This is an odd one to place last. But quite simply, if you are good enough at #1, 2 and 3, then this is almost a moot point. The league will run fairly well and smoothly and these big decisions which need immediate attention tend to come up a lot less.

      ID: 500432513
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 15:06
6: Beer consumption.

Seriously, I'd go 4,1,3,2,5

I would lump 1 2 and 3 into pretty much a giant category of about even worth. If you don't spend the time, however, 1 2 and 3 are very difficult to acheive.
      ID: 2884979
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 15:17
Kind of funny that bili and I saw almost opposite things on #4 (time spent).
I guess Bili, you are looking at #4 in a general 'time spent' sense?

I was looking at it from a point of view of availability: When these situations arise, am I easy to get hold of? How long does it take to make a decision? Do all players involved have equal access to voice their side? How quick are my responses?

The 'general time spent' I see as simply a side effect of being in an active roto league.
      ID: 590451815
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 18:09
My rankings would go as follows

3 as long as he has 1, I then think I would need to have 5 followed by 4 and 2.

My rationale being as long as you're in a league with a group of managers you trust there shouldn't be a whole issue on rules (they are there for guidelines but bottom line is that things do come up that are unexpected). A commissioner for me is there to do the "dirty work" of setting up the league, and facilitating whatever behind the scenes work that needs to be done, but should not take the centre stage of the league.

In my mind a good commish is someone who when the league has an issue calms down both sides, lets the arguments be brought up for both sides, and does not enforce a clear opinion on the matter unless a tiebreak is needed.

It's almost impossible to have a commissioner who doesn't know managers in a league on the same level.

Some of the best leagues I've been in with commissioners are the ones where a year later you can't remember if they commished the league or not.
      ID: 622428
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 19:09
I was in a league once where this guy named Toral was commish. I don't remember any problems and he implemented a cummulative clock to keep the draft moving along. I thought it was well run, of course I did manage to win that one which might influence my memory ;)

I do know how not to be a commish as well, but that's another story (*trembling at the memories*)
      ID: 622428
      Mon, Mar 07, 2005, 19:26
TO answer the question though, I would say they all have a weight.

My first thought would say that #4 is the most important, as there is nothing worse than not being able to get something done simply because the commish isn't there to do it for you, especially when it is a straightforward thing.

But, then again, if you also don't have #3 whatever the problem, you feel this guy decides disputes fairly then the league won't be fun and you won't care anymore.

I think there is a fine balance between 1, 2, and 5. You need someone authoritative, someone that will adhere to the rules, and is friendly, and that is pretty easy to find until turmoil erupts. Then you need someone that is trained in crisis management, hostage negotiation, etc.

I think too that if people just remember that it is a game and that people make mistakes, including commishes, then it makes things easier for everybody.
8Matt Danger
      ID: 822621
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 06:09
I agree with number one whole-heartedly, but I think that there is value in balancing the democracy with the dictatorship.
I can make decisions all day, but if I do that in a vacuum without considering the other manager's opinions, i will alienate them and they may not decide to stick around in the league from year to year.
Being able to make a decision is key, and i think that it is important also to know when to decide to take a vote.

Oh and uh ...
      ID: 5421410
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 13:06
Ultimately, a good commissioner is in the eye of the beholder. You're dealing with a different personality with every team. Different values. Different POVs. The main thing is to have a competitive league that is enjoyable to as many people as possible with the goal to have 100% satisfaction. All the commish can do is try and lay the ground work and communicate with his fellow managers.

Every league is different and most leagues are not complicated. The ones that are, have many more variables and that creates a greater liklihood of not having everyone satisfied with every decision. Again, all that matters in the end is that it's an enjoyable time for all involved.
      ID: 500432513
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 13:18
My main commish headache is my best friend. He revels in causing a stir, and has already been tossed from our football league.

I think I'll make him sargeant-at-arms and have him discipline himself.
      ID: 22731114
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 13:44
Ref, you've evaded the question. Rate the qualities 1 through 5 in order of importance to you, as a player or commish, please.

Or if you want to evade the question, do so more elegantly.

      ID: 5421410
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 15:07
Toral, I never claimed to be elegant. ;)

I only posted in here because you kept IMing me asking for me to post in here. I don't know which quality is best from the list you have. As I said before, I think communication is the key--whether that is hard work or whatever category that falls in, that would be my #1. Guess I'll just avoid the question and defer to elegance. ;)
      ID: 500432513
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 15:12
Actually, the thing I find works best is to keep all the managers living in fear by rolling a couple dice and randomly tossing out a perfectly good manager every year.
14Perm Dude
      ID: 030792616
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 15:25
On June 27th, right?

      ID: 22731114
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 15:38
because you kept IMing me asking for me to post in here

Not either nice or true, ref.

I invited you to post thinking you might have sonething interesting to say, ref. My mistake.

I personally keep IM discussions private. As I will do with the numerous interesting things you have said on IM.

I will definitely remember that you don't feel the same way.

      ID: 5421410
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 15:50

I'm not upset. All I said is that you kept asking me to post in here. I did and then you said I was avoiding the question. Wasn't trying to be mean, just that I posted my thoughts on your question and then you said I was avoiding the question. I wouldn't have posted otherwise. All I was doing was fulfilling your request as a friend and then you got on me for it. I apologize if you feel I've broken any confidence.

btw, you haven't posted how you'd rate these. If you'd have done that first and said why, you may have invited more responses. Maybe not. But definitely didn't mean anything negative or mean-spirited by my comments.
      ID: 22731114
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 16:06
Well, let's forget about it then? I do appreciate you posting and I did ask. I shouldn't have got on you so hard.

I didn't rate the qualities myself, because I'm not sure. Well, I do have preferences among the 5, but I tried to set the question up so readers couldn't tell my preferences. Maybe I'm picking on you, ref, because I thought the question would get more responses than it did. Either my question was worded stupidly, or more likely, no-one reading here gives a damn about stuff like this.


      ID: 2884979
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 16:30
Either my question was worded stupidly, or more likely, no-one reading here gives a damn about stuff like this.

Actually, I think this is one of the better questions asked lately. I am commish of 4 leagues this year: 1 work/office league 2 keeper leagues 1 RIBC AAA league.
3 of the 4 leagues have gurupies in them. Something like this gives me a good idea of what I can do differently or what I shouldn't change to help make the leagues better.

I think the problem lays in you asking to order specific characterstics. While these are all characteristics that are important, many people may not think they are the most important.
I think they are all important myself, but if you ask me, a good commish is one who can set up a league that 'runs itself,' and can be hands off except when needed.

Now, how do you do that? Well, those 5 characteristics all go towards that end. Maybe you follow this up with this question: Aside from the 5 characteristics above, what else makes a good commish?

Little more open ended. :) Maybe I'm just taking this way too seriously!
      ID: 22731114
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 16:41
OK. Well I said "Feel free to add comments or add your own." I meant "add your own other qualities, things I've left out." Didn't phrase it clearly, I guess.

So what would be qualities I left out. E.g., you said, that for some folks, "a good commish is one who can set up a league that 'runs itself,' and can be hands off except when needed".

I don't know how to describe this quality. All-encompassingness? Total organization? Take-charge attitude? Output orientation?

Basically you're describing someone who, the player feels, you can just sign up with and you get a set-up league with all decisions made. Maybe that's what many players really want. I've never played in a league like that myself, but prob that's what many players would like best. You put your token in the box, and a finished league comes out at the end, no hassles, no disputes?


20Seattle Zen
      ID: 178161719
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 17:27
The answer is "who fuçkin' cares?" Only a twit gives a hoot about parlimentarian law and order. About as exciting as the day-to-day gossip of the Anglican Church.
      ID: 22731114
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 17:31
I think, Zen, you with your usual incisiveness summed up the general attitude very well.

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