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0 Subject: RIBC 2022

Posted by: JeffG
- [44182712] Wed, Mar 16, 2022, 10:35

I will commish. Will open up an ESPN league using last year's config and send invites later.

Will also send draftime invite when that opens

Here are managers and order for selecting draft spot. mmikulka - please start us off

1 mmikulka
2 GO
3 CrackBabies
4 Wiggs
5 mailedfoot
6 kdl212
7 sandorkiss
8 Bean
9 JeffG
10 uptown
11 Zen
12 maspero
13 Twilson
14 blue hen
15 SR
16 IAC
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      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 20:48
I've actually thought about this thing, not just shooting from the hip.
      ID: 25323010
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 20:54
This only works if we all play by the house rules. Will not work if we have to police one another. Have no idea how to enforce this or what to do to violators
      ID: 56261418
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 20:57
Agreed. It has to be an on-your-honor kind of system.
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 20:59
Good Luck guys, glad you got this.
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 21:05
Even if everyone does a great job of not breaking the rule. You still have this to answer:

When does ESPN mark the player as off the IL, how do waivers come in to play for that player now? First come first served or is there a fair way to decide who gets to now pick the guy up?
      ID: 19221017
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 21:36
My roster is currently missing Thames (and my 25th rounder as expected). Otherwise all good!
      ID: 202161715
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:01
I'd suggest keeping the rule intact. I self policed myself last season with no issue. I like how it can keep a player you're forced to cut somewhat safe for a while, giving you a chance to possibly pick him back up before he is activated again. Without this rule you're gonna see most teams hoarding injured players. I know 100 percent I would if I had empty IL slots and it was legal.
      ID: 54146810
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:03

Great Question! Thanks for bringing that up.
      ID: 25323010
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:22
Re 80. Pick up and stow the injured player any time. Just cannot IL him.
      ID: 25323010
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:32
[81]Eric Thanes is there.

Loaded thru 25.05 on my laptop at work , cell app is much harder to load players so will finish the last round in AM and launch.

Also have to set waiver order which keeping with Guru’s practices is in inverse of how we picked slots, not inverse of draft order.

All players undrafted will be on waivers. We have that 26th extra Covid slot you can fill any time, waivers if you like or free agent pickup.

Then a week until opening day 4/7 where I will be at Yankee for their home opener for my 43rd time in 46 years (just missed 3 for a funeral, heart surgery, and the Covid empty stadium year)
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:44
I think that's doable Jeff, but it relies on discipline from everyone. Like I said before...good luck with that.

Simpler to just make people use their IL if they want the guy. It's a level playing field. But whatever.
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:48
<85> That's quite a streak. Speaking of playing on a level playing field. Yankees suck.
      ID: 25323010
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 22:59
I’m good with keeping the guru rule or and just as ok not (original ribc did not even have an IL and a very shallow bench, extra iL and bench spot was just added because 2020 expected more players would miss time). You can find the discussion where roster expansion was discussed in one of the older threads.

I really do not want to have to police this or be forced to make a commish decision if someone does not abide.

Let’s go with hoping everyone honors the system as they did last year, and by next year if we’re lucky and this pandemic wanes we go back to original config.

If you pick up a player on IL which is allowed by this house rule, you cannot put him on yours IL, they must maintain a bench slot.

      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:02
<82> Yeah, like I said, as commish of Yahoo AAA, I just ignored the mandate. Have no clue if anyone (including myself) violated the rule , and don't care either.
      ID: 25323010
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:02
<87>. I do not know what to make of this years Yankee team, they could be a 70 win team, they can be a 90 win team. Least confident I’ve been with them going into the season in a long time, which kind of makes it exciting.
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:05
<88> I think the heavy use of IL10 is here to stay. Just like the reduced innings of SP. Adapt and overcome is what we used to say in the military.

Thanks for the awesome job you're doing Jeff. We all appreciate it.
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:21
<90> With all of the competitive advantages the Yankees have, I heard on ESPN today that they have only one one World Series this century. I think they said Cashman has reigned for that entire period.

Being form Cleveland, I still remember when during the 70s, Gabe Paul was in consecutive years the GM of CLE then NYY then CLE again during which time we gave up Gregg Nettles and CHris Chamblis for absolutely nothing other than, maybe Toby Namedletter, a stud in everyones eyes. We were the Yankees AAAA minor league team, plain and simple.

George Steinbrenner was from Cleveland, and every Clevelander understood that his cronies controlled the Indians back then.

It was hilarious to hear Yankee fans talk about how we should be happy that our favorite players were now on a winning team and that we should root for them.

Did i say this already? Yankees suck.
      ID: 304422310
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:33
      ID: 25323010
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:47
<92> not going to apologize because the Yankees spend. But yes, it does not necessarily lead to rings. Tampa and Boston have been more successful this century doing things very different which included some very down years. Cashman has spoken to season ticket holders at private events and says that he will never just have a fire sale and retool and sacrifice a season, that his commitment to Yankee fans is to put a playoff caliber team out there every year, even if it is a rebuild transition year where they compete, which I feel like this season is. One championship yes in 2009 and only two other World Series in 2001/2003 (sounds like you are not counting 2000)… Of course last season ended one and done after a wild card loss in Fenway, and while we got our playoff caliber team it was not a championship team. But they are in the playoffs almost every year, and a few recently knocked on the door just a game away from the WS but were done in by the Astros.

As a Guardians fan (still not used to the new name), I’d expect nothing less from you other than a Yankees Suck sentiment… bring it on.
      ID: 391311121
      Thu, Mar 31, 2022, 23:49
I support the rule, and (despite all evidence about Americans to the contrary) will trust managers to self-enforce. I know I was able to do it last year with no problems. It's not hard.

If a violation happens to be noticed, the player on a manager's roster who was added while on the IL and is on the manager's IL has to come off. The manager could drop the player, or drop someone else.

I don't expect the commissioner to ever once do a roster check. Maybe I'll post an occasional "check your rosters for IL violations" message here.

As for the lawyerly concerns about when ESPN puts a player on the IL compared to when the real-world baseball team does, I don't think that will matter. For it to matter, you'd have to have a situation where (1) a player who is a free agent and not rostered (2) is placed on the IL, and (3) at that moment a manager rushes to the waiver wire to ADD this currently unrostered and injured player who was just put on the IL in some kind of race before the red "IL" appears next to his name on the ESPN website. A possible scenario? Yes. Likely? Doubt it.

Where it matters is with injured free agents who are nearing activation. If you pick them up while they are still on the IL, you can't add them to your IL. They take up an active slot.
      ID: 304422310
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 00:03

Even though I live in Colorado, I was a season ticket holder for the Tribe back in 2016, when we lost to the Cubs in the World Series. My only consolation is I made a fortune off Cubs fans selling my unused tickets. But I was at three of the four home games. If the Indians had to lose to someone, I was happy it was the long suffering Cubs. It's our turn next.

I was also a Cavs season ticket holder that year, so I saw Lebron win it with all of my friends in "The Land", even if Game 7 was in GS. Yeah, Lebron is definitely better than MJ, why would do you even question it?

"CLEVELAND, THIS IS FOR YOU!!". Best year of my life, I think.
      ID: 304422310
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 00:21
Likely? Absolutely. You don't know who you are playing against.
      ID: 304422310
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 00:34
Hey Holt, exactly how many players can one hoard with one IL slot? My math skills suck
      ID: 304422310
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 00:37
Jeff, let me know when you have had too much banter.
      ID: 45320290
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 04:12
For AAA yahoo last year, I did a 'curiosity audit' two or three times. Every time, each team had someone eligible that was available to be put in to the IL spot so there wasn't a lot of temptation overall.
Self policing seemed to work great.

Had I found someone breaking the rule, I most certainly would have followed suit. Rendon was parked in the IL long enough that a few stash options did look appealing by August when I finally gave up hope on the guy.
      ID: 391311121
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 04:16
I've been in RIBC for 12 straight years. I know the league. The rule wasn't an issue last year, and I'd expect the same this year (though I'll be sure to check your roster from time to time, since you suggest you won't pay attention to it).
      ID: 59254317
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 08:48
League has been launched.

Great pace this year... hard to believe I thought we would still be drafting on Opening Day.

Waiver orders set in inverse order of our draft pick selection position (not draft position)

Anyone who wants to comment on the draft, their team or others can use the rationale tread.

All undrafted players on waivers until Sunday. Pick up your 26th roster spot any time, waivers or free agency.

Lets all do our best to respect the 'if you pick up a player on IL, you cannot put them on your IL house rule'.

Hope everyone pops on the message board here all season for continued discussions. You can never have enough banter on baseball/fantasy.

Play Ball.... (and Go Yankees!)
      ID: 5082825
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 09:39
Appreciate all the work you've put into this, Jeff...great job!
      ID: 304422310
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 13:38
<101> kdl212, What I said is last year I paid no attention to it. filthy said he did a few audits and never found anyone violating the rule, I assume that also includes me.

Pretty sure I conceded to this notion in <86>, but please do check my roster regularly and let me know if I messed up. I appreciate it.

      ID: 202161715
      Fri, Apr 01, 2022, 20:40
Re 98: One at a time, or throughout the course of the season, 5 to 10 maybe? It's a good rule.
106Seattle Zen
      ID: 10241512
      Fri, Apr 22, 2022, 14:28
Five of my first ten draftpicks have been injured, three haven't played at all. I knew this would be the case with Acuna Jr. He's starting off strong in AAA, when he's back, expect to see me in your rear view mirror with a head of steam. "On your left!" SZ
      ID: 391311121
      Thu, May 19, 2022, 11:43
I know no one cares, and everyone has rants to make (did you see that pitching performance from Foot's team the other day?) but over the last 15 days, every single player on my roster except for wet noodle Amed Rosario has a higher slugging percentage than Vlad Guerrero. Enough with the singles - start hitting homers, Vlad!!!
      ID: 35231211
      Wed, May 25, 2022, 09:41
Drives me insane not having a HR category. Its like cheering for air.
      ID: 24214161
      Sat, Jun 11, 2022, 18:55
Pretty sure I just set a new Rotoguru Invitational record for name density -- three Luis Garcias on my roster!
      ID: 34025146
      Sun, Jun 12, 2022, 00:52
That's hilarious lol
      ID: 50630221
      Thu, Aug 11, 2022, 02:21
If anyone is paying attention, I'm open to trading saves (Kimbrel, Seranthony, Whitlock, Kennedy) for hitting or starting pitching. Might prefer a 3B, but I'm open to anything. Throwing out a couple of offers, but if you're interested, let me know.
      ID: 5082825
      Sun, Oct 02, 2022, 08:47
Congrats on the dominating season, KDL212! Great job...what an amazing season by Judge.
      ID: 50630221
      Thu, Oct 06, 2022, 02:11
thanks - a hundred things went right for me this season, none of them more important than a near perfect draft. I hit on every single one of my starting pitching draftees. I invested little draft capital in relief pitching, and easily led the league in saves, combining productive first halves from Taylor Rogers and Craig Kimbrel with early season waiver wire adds that ended up as the #5 (Helsley) and #7 (Bard) relief pitchers on the player rater. I got solid contributions from my drafted hitters, especially 20+ rounders Jeremey Pena, Jorge Mateo and Wilmer Flores before I dropped them.

Vlad Guerrero Jr. was constantly disappointing from round 1 (why didn't I take Jose Ramirez?), and Jonathan India was pretty bad from round 4. The only garbage picks of my draft were Avisail Garcia (14) and Dominic Smith (23).

Josh Naylor and MJ Melendez were regular contributors off the waiver wire for months, Jon Gray won 6 of 7 starts for me off the wire from mid-June to July, and Corbin Carroll was a decent spark plug in September.

I had an incredibly hot hand in August with hitters off the wire, when I was basically running 2 carousel slots. I kept track of their stats, and from Aug 8-31, a constantly rotating selection of hitters (like DeJong, JD Davis, Longoria, Pujols for a 2HR game, Nootbar, Gavin Sheets, Corey Dickerson, Garlick, Friedl) went a crazy .390/.630 for me with higher runs/rbi per game than my season totals.

Oh yeah, and I had Aaron Judge doing silly things all year long.

It took me 12 years, but the luck finally went my way. Love this super competitive league, and appreciate those who made it happen this year.
      ID: 59254317
      Thu, Oct 06, 2022, 08:28
Congrats kdl - feels like we were looking up at 'Smith and 9th' all season.

Thanks to everyone who stayed engaged with this league all season... see everyone next year.
      ID: 12552510
      Thu, Oct 06, 2022, 09:15
Grats to Smith and 9th and all the other top finishers.

I was biting my nails all season to hang on to 8th. (I make the cut for next year, right?) Barely beat out blue hen.

Thanks for running things JeffG.
      ID: 288332716
      Thu, Oct 06, 2022, 09:25
117Uptown Bombers
      ID: 28219112
      Thu, Oct 06, 2022, 23:34
Congrats on the win!

Let's run it back next year.
      ID: 59254317
      Fri, Oct 07, 2022, 09:04
Pasting standings for our reference

1 Smith and 9th 16 16 10 13 16 13 12 16 15 15 142
2 Foot’s Acrobats 15 14 8 16 10 14 9 15 12 13 126
3 Uptown Bombers 11 15 13 9 14 12 10.5 12 16 11 123.5
4 Team Mikulka 6 9 7 10 13 15 15.5 13 13 12 113.5
5 Milchian Magicians 9 13 12 5 4 8 15.5 14 14 16 110.5
6 I_AM_CANADIAN IAC 12 11 4.5 14 5 16 8 8 11 14 103.5
7 Delaware Destroyers 14 5 16 11 8 9 13 11 10 4 101
8 Bean's Indians 13 7 3 15 11 3 10.5 6 9 7 84.5
9 Blue Hen 8 10 1 3 12 7 14 10 7 10 82
10 JeffG RIBC 10 8 4.5 12 9 6 6 5 6 8 74.5
11 Wiggs Supernovas 4 6 14 7 15 5 4 2 2 3 62
12 Seattle Zen 5 4 15 2 3 10.5 7 3 5 5 59.5
13 Rotten Amoebas 7 12 9 6 6 4 5 4 3 2 58
14 Sandor Kiss 1 1 11 4 2 2 3 1 8 9 42
15 Crack Babies 2 3 6 8 7 1 1 9 1 1 39
16 s R 3 2 2 1 1 10.5 2 7 4 6 38.5

1 Smith and 9th 1044 1013 115 0.3268 0.4391 1299 86 115 3.196 1.088 1924 1256 167
2 Foot’s Acrobats 1029 949 105 0.3399 0.4189 1374 78 100 3.43 1.143 1914 1254.1 73
3 Uptown Bombers 907 992 123 0.3212 0.4264 1281 81 76 2.908 1.171 1912 1275 47
4 Team Mikulka 838 852 99 0.3232 0.4257 1382 100 77 3.384 1.155 1768 1274 83
5 Milchian Magicians 899 877 120 0.3163 0.4072 1227 100 81 3.312 1.077 1855 1231 109
6 I_AM_CANADIAN IAC 936 867 97 0.327 0.4106 1440 76 60 3.436 1.1 1900 1262.1 50
7 Delaware Destroyers 972 827 139 0.3254 0.4167 1237 90 75 3.479 1.233 1875 1249.1 159
8 Bean's Indians 943 841 85 0.3327 0.42 1055 81 48 3.541 1.219 1928 1258 36
9 Blue Hen 898 853 53 0.3143 0.4218 1199 92 66 3.757 1.184 1841 1250.1 190
10 JeffG RIBC 905 849 97 0.3259 0.4174 1190 71 43 3.871 1.218 1835 1260 57
11 Wiggs Supernovas 800 835 124 0.3191 0.4363 1156 69 6 4.365 1.262 1574 1231 7
12 Seattle Zen 801 785 126 0.3135 0.3968 1269 74 21 3.929 1.227 1770 1250.2 34
13 Rotten Amoebas 882 872 107 0.3169 0.4132 1113 70 42 4.115 1.302 1855 1227 39
14 Sandor Kiss 627 566 118 0.3153 0.3908 968 66 5 3.593 1.195 1353 1037 3
15 Crack Babies 727 784 98 0.3198 0.4142 832 60 65 4.184 1.261 1603 862.2 5
16 s R 728 676 79 0.3073 0.3798 1269 62 49 3.973 1.223 1770 1227.2 24
      ID: 288332716
      Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 09:51
Can someone tell me where on the ESPN site I can see a list of all the stats contributed by each player? On Yahoo this is called Team Log.

Blue Hen tells me ESPN definitely have this. Can someone point me in the right direction?
      ID: 59254317
      Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 14:17
[119] Can't find it.. not sure I have seen this in ESPN....
      ID: 288332716
      Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 17:12
Sounds like BH lied to me, like the time he told me Pearl Jam was better than Nirvana...
      ID: 50630221
      Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 19:19
I don't think ESPN has that feature anymore, though it once did.
      ID: 288332716
      Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 09:19
Need to add that to list of reasons I won't use ESPN again. In addition to all the times it crashed or broke on me this season.
      ID: 56261418
      Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 17:13
This is why my league went Yahoo. I love the Team Log, among other things.
      ID: 288332716
      Fri, Oct 14x, 2022, 10:46
I feel like i got saves from at least 25 different people... and apparently no way to prove I'm the Tampa Rays!
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