RotoGuru Baseball Standings

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0 Subject: Pick'ems Post-Season Standings (10/12)

Posted by: KrazyKoalaBears
- Donor [266182910] Sat, Oct 12, 2002, 08:59


    TeamName [Points Percent]   [Points Percent]   [Points]   [Points Picks Wins Percent Perfect Locks] [G S B D]
  1. J 255 50.00% | 55 50.00% | 0 | 255 22 11 50.00% 0 4-2 0 0 0  
  2. jeffg 125 50.00% | 65 50.00% | 35 | 125 22 11 50.00% 0 3-6 0 0 0  
  3. Superclydes 80 38.00% | 55 50.00% | 25 | 80 21 8 38.10% 0 3-5 0 0 0  
  4. mr. oKKtoBer 75 41.00% | -35 17.00% | 25 | 75 22 9 40.91% 0 0-5 0 0 0  
+1 5. DR Stars 50 36.00% | -55 17.00% | 35 | 50 22 8 36.36% 0 3-6 0 0 0  
+1 6. philflyboy 25 32.00% | 5 50.00% | 35 | 25 22 7 31.82% 0 3-6 0 0 0  
+1 7. Curse of the Bambino 20 36.00% | -60 33.00% | 35 | 20 22 8 36.36% 0 3-7 0 0 0  
-3 8. sanfordors 15 50.00% | 0 0.00% | 0 | 15 6 3 50.00% 0 0-2 0 0 0  
  9. BooHoo -120 22.00% | -150 0.00% | -30 | -120 9 2 22.22% 0 1-6 0 0 0  

  Name Y'Day
1. philflyboy 35
2. Curse of the Bambino 35
3. DR Stars 35
4. jeffg 35
5. Superclydes 25
  Name Week
1. jeffg 65
2. Superclydes 55
3. J 55
4. philflyboy 5
5. sanfordors 0
  Name Percent
1. J 50.00%
2. jeffg 50.00%
3. sanfordors 50.00%
4. mr. oKKtoBer 40.91%
5. Superclydes 38.10%
Minimum Picks: 0
  Name Total
1. J 255
2. jeffg 125
3. Superclydes 80
4. mr. oKKtoBer 75
5. DR Stars 50
RotoGuru Baseball Standings

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