RotoGuru Baseball Standings

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0 Subject: Pick'ems Post-Season Standings (10/25)

Posted by: KrazyKoalaBears
- Donor [266182910] Fri, Oct 25, 2002, 07:16


    TeamName [Points Percent]   [Points Percent]   [Points]   [Points Picks Wins Percent Perfect Locks] [G S B D]
  1. J 280 47.00% | 50 67.00% | 0 | 280 30 14 46.67% 0 5-4 0 0 0  
  2. jeffg 270 56.00% | 50 67.00% | 25 | 270 32 18 56.25% 0 3-7 0 0 0  
  3. mr. oKKtoBer 250 50.00% | 50 67.00% | 25 | 250 32 16 50.00% 0 0-5 0 0 0  
+1 4. Curse of the Bambino 225 47.00% | 50 67.00% | 25 | 225 32 15 46.88% 0 6-7 0 0 0  
+1 5. Superclydes 180 39.00% | 50 67.00% | 25 | 180 31 12 38.71% 0 3-5 0 0 0  
-2 6. philflyboy 175 42.00% | -15 33.00% | -30 | 175 31 13 41.94% 1 8-8 0 0 0  
  7. DR Stars 115 41.00% | 50 67.00% | 25 | 115 32 13 40.62% 0 3-8 0 0 0  
  8. sanfordors 15 50.00% | 0 0.00% | 0 | 15 6 3 50.00% 0 0-2 0 0 0  
  9. BooHoo -210 24.00% | -30 0.00% | -30 | -210 17 4 23.53% 0 2-11 0 0 0  

  Name Y'Day
1. jeffg 25
2. Superclydes 25
3. mr. oKKtoBer 25
4. Curse of the Bambino 25
5. DR Stars 25
  Name Week
1. jeffg 50
2. Superclydes 50
3. J 50
4. mr. oKKtoBer 50
5. Curse of the Bambino 50
  Name Percent
1. jeffg 56.25%
2. mr. oKKtoBer 50.00%
3. sanfordors 50.00%
4. Curse of the Bambino 46.88%
5. J 46.67%
Minimum Picks: 0
  Name Total
1. J 280
2. jeffg 270
3. mr. oKKtoBer 250
4. Curse of the Bambino 225
5. Superclydes 180
RotoGuru Baseball Standings

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