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0 Subject: 2008 RIBC AA Eastern League Draft Recaps

Posted by: mjd
- Leader [501381415] Mon, Mar 10, 2008, 21:36

RIBC AA Eastern League Managers: This thread is for overall comments on the draft. You may use the questions below as a guide, or simply say what you want to say.

1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?

4. What surprised you most about the draft?

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?

Non-managers are also free to post comments or ask questions.
      ID: 4211201420
      Mon, Mar 10, 2008, 22:19

General strategy: I wanted to obtain the lowest draft position available because I have always thought that the 3rd round is the most important of the early rounds. The drop off in talent steepens after this, and I felt that at pick 3.02 there would still be some very good hitters available. My second tenet was to concentrate on hitting for the first third of the draft. In past seasons I have put too much emphasis on positional scarcity. Therefore I planned on picking the best player available in the early rounds. I wanted to hold off on picking a starting pitcher until the middle rounds, ignore closer runs and pick closers in the last third of the draft. Finally I wanted to avoid older and injury prone players.

Early Rounds: When I picked Matt Holliday with 1.02, MBT must have jumped with joy, but I thought that there was little to differentiate the 2007 seasons of Holliday and everyone’s number one pick Alex Rodriguez. Holliday should also have more steals than in 2007 batting in the cleanup spot in 2008. Furthermore Holiday is still improving as a player, and his upside is yet unknown. Maggilo Ordonez, pick # 2.15, really is not an injury prone player. He had one catastrophic injury from which he fully recovered and otherwise has been healthy. In 2007 his 139 RBIs helped to rank him number 4 among hitters at Yahoo. He may not repeat these stats, but he still should produce very well. Victor Martinez was available at 3.02. His hitting potential and the fact that he will also play 1st base on days that he is not catching made him a good pick at 3.02. First and second tier pitchers were being chosen much earlier than I had expected, so I went with the flow picked a pitcher with 4.15 (Harang). I did ignore the closer run and in rounds 5, 6, and 7 chose the hitters who were the highest on my board, Pena, Lowell and Hudson. 8.15 and 9.02 were for pitchers. I wanted Tim Lincecum (one of my few good FA pickups in 2007), but he was chosen earlier in the round. Brett Myers was my highest ranked pitcher, and I think that Gallardo will be dominating in 2008.

Middle Rounds: I used the middle rounds to fill positional needs and firm up my pitching. Matsui at 10.15 and Lopez at 12.15 filled MI positions and gave me 2 players with SB potential. Jacobs at 13.02 filled the 1B position with good power numbers for this late in the draft. I waited for as long as I felt I could before picking a closer, and chose Soria at 11.02 before there were no 2nd or 3rd tier closers remaining. 14.15, Andy Pettite should do well with Yankee hitting behind him. 15.02, Eric Gagne hopefully will pitch like he did before being traded to Boston now that he is back in the closer role, and at 16.15 I needed an OF and thought that Guillen was the best remaining. 17.02 was probably too early to pick Bonds considering that he did not have a job at the time I picked him , but I think he will help with hitting ratios albeit with limited at bats.

Late Rounds: Even if Kerry Woods, 18.15, does not start the season as Chicago’s closer, if he stays healthy and continues to throw in the upper 90s, he will be closing sometime this season. 19.02, 20.15 and 22.15, Cameron, Anderson and Byrd, were all to fill the OF. I needed extra OFs since some of my players could start the season under suspension, and Bonds still did not have a job. Manny Parra, 21.02, should put up good numbers once he joins the Brewer’s starting rotation; this could occur early in the season. David Weathers always seems to close for the Reds at sometime during the season and therefore seemed to be a good pick at 23.02. Turnbow was still available at 24.15 and I chose him as a handcuff for Gagne. My final pick, Nolasco is a hopefully a sleeper who will blossom.

Summary: My hitting is fine, but I could have done better with pitching. The problem with waiting until late in the draft to take pitchers is that one must be able to find quality at this time. My choices were not great, and I will need to improve my pitching by utilizing the ww during the season. This league will be very competitive and finishing 1st in order to move up to RIBC 2009 will be a tough task. Looking over the teams, I cannot predict which teams will do well and which will not. However I entered the draft in the RotoWire Draft Software which gives a prediction based on the parameters of our draft. I probably made a few errors with data entry, and the predictions include the regulars and reserves. For what it is worth the predictions are as follows:
Manager Total Points
Species 135
Drussell743 100
Young Roman 100
loki 99
Mjd 98
Mbt 92
Tree 87
Kemecs 82
Gold Coast 80
Jack Hammer 77
Ywchiou 76
revvingparson 74
Wiggs 74
Adona72001 75
Tequila 68
eserel 46

      ID: 439131016
      Mon, Mar 10, 2008, 23:33
This is my first season with the RIBC Baseball Invitational Teams. I broke my draft down into four phases. Batting rounds, Pitching rounds, Positional needs, Best available/upside.

In my "batting" rounds(1-50)I went for what I felt were best available hitters, without duplicating positions. It was with this in mind that I experienced my first regret. Picking 7th I had a choice between Utley 2B & Cabrera 3B. I went with Utley anticipating his superiority over the other 2Bs. Had I picked Cabrera I would have accepted an open offer (posted later) by Species to swap his 2nd & 3rd picks for the the same picks by someone in draft positions 5-8 (I was 7th) I would then have picked BJ Upton with my 2nd(Species Pick) and probably still have been able to select D. Lee 1B with my (Species) 3rd pick, which would have given me
M. Cabrera 3B, and BJ Upton 2B, instead of C. Utley, and A. Ramiris. A slight upgrade I think.

My round four and five picks were outfielders, Rios and Sheffield for batting avg & power. Sheffield still shows speed, 22 SB last year, and I was surprised to get him with pick 71.
My next seven picks were all pitchers Dice K (wins) R.Soriano (Saves) Liriano & Joba (Ks & era) Clay Bucholz (Wins era) Marmol(Ks w spot wins & saves with potential to be closer) and Escobar (Ks & Wins).
With the draft half over I now turned attention to positional needs again lookng at best available for open spots. I also took into consideration multiple position players giving them a slight bump up on my cheet sheets. At this point I considered MI,CI, and UT equally as important as the standard C thru OF positions. Thus if I felt a Jeff Kent was a better producer than R Theriot; I drafted Kent to play MI or UT insted of Theriot to play SS. I ended up getting them both.
In the last few rounds I looked at potential upside (I Stewart if he makes the club could be solid) and back up positions (Pitchers are always getting sore arms) for possible injuries. since I had only one SS on roster my last pick was O Vizquel.

My assesment of the draft is a s follows:
Best SPs JackHammers
Best RPs Tequila
Best OF LOKI (if Bonds fins a DH home) otherwise revingparsons
Best IF including C ywChiou
      ID: 059856912
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 07:28
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?

My plan from the get go was to put together the best OF I could (wish I would have taken Sizemore rather than Crawford). Then was to grab a solid SP and RP then fill in later. My IF was a high risk/decent reward play: Zimmerman's numbers should bounce back after his sophomore year and a new park. Pedroia, Drew, Jackson should put up decent numbers and complement each other. My SP will probably struggle with wins but should be decent thereafter. One decent RP, better than years past. I was able to get in picks 2-8 offense and pitching in the proportion that I wanted.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?

Do-over Crawford for Sizemore-
Like-Brendon Ryan mainly because with Spezio gone he fits LaRussa's utility flexibility (2B, SS, 3B) and he put up decent numbers in a support role last year.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?

I Like tree's IF, but concerned about his SP.
MJB certainly has risk reward_Pujols-elbow, Bay and Jones bounce back, and Ryan returns in tack, if all these come together he should do fine
Wiggs had a nice blend in his first 6 or so picks but his offense may be lacking overall

4. What surprised you most about the draft?

We didn't have to start the clock:) I think overall the draft went well and we have a good solid group of managers who will stick with it until the end of the year.

      ID: 401291112
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 09:26
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?

My plan entering the draft was to take the best hitters available and completly forget about saves and pitching overall. I am hoping I can pick up some saves off the WW throughout the season. I do think I followed my plan - I was shocked to get both Howard and Ortiz so my first 2 picks couldn't have been better.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?
Favorites - Howard, Ortiz, Thome, and Nate Robertson.

Do overs - Hiroki Kuroda, I should have taken Sherrill to get at least some saves.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?

I really like Species team and youngroman

4. What surprised you most about the draft?

Surpises were Pujols going so low and Braun going as high as he did, I thought he was going to fall to me a 14.

5Matt G
      ID: 4115787
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 10:42
1. Plan/strategy:
This is my second RIBC draft and I don't think I learned my lesson from last years. My goal going in was to have a starter at each position 2 SPs and 2 OFs and a Closer by round 11 and I think I accomplished that. I've always had a problem covering for injuries and droughts so I wanted to get a reserve for as many positions as I had to draft. I also wanted to have at least 3 starters who were in the top 3 of their rotation. And i think I did that.

I wasn't able to excute completely. I filled each position, but I think I'm weak at a few positions, including SS, OF and RP.

2.a My Favorite Picks were:
Brendan Harris 16.16 - He will start at 2B in a young twins lineup, I have high expectations for him
Chad Billingsly 10.16 - Reports have him as an ACE quality pitcher already, and he is in the NL.

2.b Do overs:
Andy LaRoche 22.16 I read that he would be ok to start the year before I picked him, and then after he was picked I read that he would be out for a bit...ugh

Anibal Sanchez 23.01 I knew there was a reason he was still there, I picked him anyway and he's having should issues. Again not ready until after the ASB.

3. youngroman: If he can get OF eligibilty out of Loney or Huff, he is solid for all postions, his Starters are a little weak though, but give him the Saves Category.
species: solid at every position except 1B and Delgado might be a monster...
wiggs: if his bats show up at all he will contend.

4.that we didnt use a clock...
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 12:09
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?

I have learned from previous RIBC failures in taking pitchers too early leads to a long painful death. I also have tended to take low-upside veterans, leaving me in shambles if they get hurt or underperform, as I really count on them to put up their usual stats. So, I pledged this year to get a lot more younger players with upside.

This worked for the first two picks, as I took Ryan Braun and BJ Upton. I was shocked when not only did I have Pujols available, but also Ryan Howard and David Ortiz. I pondered this pick for a while, as when you fill one position it has a domino effect on future picks. I do not believe for a second that Braun will be more valuable than Howard or Ortiz, but in the end I liked getting the last premier 3b, and those 15-20 steals proved too juicy to ignore. I had targeted BJ Upton from the beginning in Round 2, and with ours being the first RIBC draft I thought my 2.05 was too early for him and tried to trade down. Thank goodness Goldcoach didn't take me up on it because I would have been pissed.

After that, my strategy went out the window, as round after round I was presented with rock-solid veterans falling down the draft board and couldn't resist. In Round 3 Manny Ramirez fell to me at 3.12 (3.06 in RIBC) and I couldn't let this OPS hog fall. In Round 4 I snatched SS-eligible Carlos Guillen at 4.05 (3.13 in RIBC), and the piece-de-resistance was Chipper Jones at 5.12 vs. 2.13 in RIBC! I dare anyone in any RIBC draft to have a quintet that potent in the first 5 rounds.

This general issue continued throughout the draft, as I snatched older guys I thought were of great value in Smoltz (6.05), Damon (10.05), JD Drew (13.12), Giambi (17.12) and Matthews (19.12).

In pitching, as a general rule I try to get NL pitchers over AL pitchers. I loved where I got Smoltz, and I like the upside of Snell (on my original "youth with upside" strategy). I filled out my rotation with high risk/high reward Ben Sheets and unlucky BABIP victim Bronson Arroyo. Capuano (another BABIP victim who could turn it around), Mussina and E. Santana were comeback chances late in the draft.

I love my relief corps. Street has been unlucky, but when healthy is a ratio and K/9 stud. Capps fit my "young with upside" profile as my 2nd closer in round 9 (although I took him early - oops), and I also like to have low ratio, high K/9 relievers and got Neshek, Rauch and Perez. Neshek and Rauch are also closers-in-waiting candidates should their closers Nathan and Cordero get traded.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?

Favorites: Manny Ramirez (3.12), Chipper Jones (5.12), John Smoltz (6.05)
Do-overs: Ben Sheets at 8.05 was a stretch, but I got greedy about the chance to get a real stud that late. Hopefully his string of injuries in 2007 were flukes, but Sheets sure seems snakebit so I think I will get burned.
Matt Capps at 9.12 was not bad value, but I expected closers to go at the turn, as 3 of the 4 teams behind me had NO closers at that point. Well, NOBODY took one closer, and I passed on OPS stud Jim Thome.
Carlos Delgado at 11.12 - I knew he had gotten hurt, but at the time I took him I didn't re-check the news to see how serious. If he is hobbled all year this is a bust pick. But at the time I figured, even as Delgado is clearly declining, you are getting a strong slugger pretty late, hitting 5th or 6th on one of the best offenses in the league can't be THAT bad....can it?? I don't need him to be the 2005 Delgado, but just give me 450 quality AB's with strong ratios and 95 RBI and I'm golden.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?

I like mjd's team - he got great values in the middle rounds, and if Ryan and Lyon hold up, he'll have a mid-pack or better finish in saves at a really low cost....but Pujols' health is key. adona72001's offense is phenomenal, I couldn't believe he got Howard and Ortiz in rounds 1 and 2, but he is closer-less so that will be a problem.

wiggs has a funky team! To me he is totally unbalanced with a superstud OF and pitching staff, but filled his infield with 16 round picks and below. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

I also like mbt's balance.

4. What surprised you most about the draft?

No clock needed, and some of the studs that fell to me in rounds 1 through 6.

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?

It's hard to say, because individually I can't really gripe about my early picks, even though it deviated from my "youth/upside" general strategy. How am I to let Manny, Chipper and Smoltz go at those points in the draft?

The only thing I could have done differently, which likely would have reshaped my entire draft, was to take Howard or Ortiz over Braun. But what fun would that be?
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 12:24
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?
My plan was
1st 2 picks- Best available players

3rd and 4th round- Best available players hitters or pitchers, opposite what i took in round 1.

5 and 6- Best Closers

7 on best available.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?

Favorite Picks- Love Soriano and Vlad combo- as long as both stay healthy.
Like Gordon and Hamels alot.

Least Favorite- Josh Barfield- I didnt realize he wasnt starting

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?

I like MattG's team, balanced offense- strong pitching. Looks like he could use some closer help.

4. What surprised you most about the draft?
The lack of talent in the later rounds.

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?
I think i should have focused more on Infielders before loading up on OF .
      ID: 16248117
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 13:18
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?
My main plan was to not screw things up too badly considering I was gone for 15 rounds of the draft! My friend did a very nice job covering for me while I was on vacation, and it’s hard to evaluate if I would have done things differently had I actively drafted those rounds. He was given instructions to grab 2 top closers and the best available pitcher in rounds 4-5-6 and then focus on hitting the rest of the way. I was expecting to come back and the draft to still be in round 13 or 14. You guys absolutely flew through those rounds! I grabbed speed early because I knew I’d be gone and the speed guys would disappear quickly.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?
My favorite picks were the ones I did late in the draft. I thought I got good value for all of those picks and those guys can serve as nice backups if someone in the first 15 rounds falters. I loved Bannister in the 25th round. Sure he pitches for the Royals, but he showed last year he can put up solid numbers. He’s a ground ball pitcher so he’s not going to get a lot of Ks, but his ERA and WHIP aren’t going to hurt too much either. I didn’t like Jeff Francis in the 13th. I’m still not convinced he’s a very good pitcher and anyone who pitches in Coors Field can get rocked quickly. I also don’t care much for Roy Halladay, not enough Ks for a 6th round pitcher.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?
I liked adona’s team a lot early in the draft, but his pitching staff is a little weak for my taste.

I liked what Tree was doing later in the draft. He kept taking guys out of my Q!

Every team has it’s weaknesses in a league like this so trying to figure out who has the “best” team is often difficult.

4. What surprised you most about the draft?
As always, the value of pitchers in this league.

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?
Yeah, I’d have internet access!
      ID: 3751268
      Tue, Mar 11, 2008, 16:26
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?
I selected the 4th pick because I thought at either Wright, Ramirez or Reyes and would be ok with all of them.

Every year I go into the RIBC draft with a similiar strategy and every year the draft has a different flow. my usual plan is:
1) get the best hitters as long as no closers are taken.
2) if there is good closer value out there (which Saito was at 5.04) take him
3) avoid starting pitching for the first 10 rounds, you never know what you get. I was very unlucky the last 2 years with starting pitchers I picked in the first few rounds. it turned out that Kazmir was too much value to pass at 4.13. it even looks that he will start the first game of the season despite recovering from an injury.
4) don't look too much into thinner positions. this was easy to execute this year, because after the first few players, every position is not really deep. lots of players with unknown roles on their team, injuries or suspensions. this made it hard to find good options late in the draft.

the problem was also that there are still 3 weeks until the season starts for most of the teams. we picked some players because we think that they will be starting and it will turn out that some of them will even start the season at AAA (Jay Bruce at 10.03 is the highest drafted player I think at)

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?
if I compare my picks to those in the other RIBC drafts a lot of my picks look favorable. personally I like Joe Mauer at 7.04, Kelly Johnson at 10.13, Jonathan Broxton at 17.04

the picks I would do over are my 2nd and 3rd closers because I thought that more closers would get picked in the rounds 8-10. with todays knowledge I could have waited another 2 rounds for Hoffman and Corpas or someone similiar.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?
I think this is the 2nd year I did not look too much at other teams. I projected the stats I would need to win this league and tried to get there. I did not accomplish that in all categories, but in most of them. every team looks different and every team has different needs. most likely this is each managers preference.

personally I don't think that I will get closers off waivers because when a closer gets injured I am sleeping and when I read the news that a closer got injured the new one was already picked up by someone. this is why I picked 3 closers this year and even 2 of their setup man.
I also don't like teams with too many starting pitchers drafted early.
when I combine these 2 preferences of mine there is no other team to like. Sorry guys!
If I remove those 2 preferences I like the teams of Rev and Species. they drafted lots of players that I considered too (J Damon, C Jones, I Snell, R Zimmerman, H Matsui, F Pie to name a few)

4. What surprised you most about the draft?
that there were no positional runs (closer, MI) like in the past. I guess this is since the drop-off from tier to tier is not that huge this year.
and yes, that we ignored the clock and still managed a pace similar to the other RIBC drafts

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?
pick closer #2 and #3 2 rounds later and get 2 players with 20SB potential instead. I still need them.

good luck to all of you and have fun competing for 2nd place.
      ID: 501381415
      Wed, Mar 12, 2008, 16:28
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?
-pick close to the middle of the draft, but that was not to be.
-avoid risky, older, injured players. Looking back, I have assumed a fair amount of risk with Pujols, Andruw, Bay, and BJ Ryan. Not sure how this will play out, but at least there is pretty good upside to these picks.
-avoid the closer runs (there never really was one) and not overpay for saves (I did not).
-remain flexible and let the draft come to me without reaching too far for anyone. I give myself partial credit here. I never in my wildest dreams thought Pujols would fall so far and never even had him in my first round queue, but I easily shifted gears and didn't think twice about picking him at number 13. It's very hard not to reach for a player in a deep, knowledgeable league like this where you go twenty some players between picks. I became somewhat frustrated, especially in the early rounds, as players who I thought might make it back to me were snatched off the board. By the tenth round, I started reaching a bit if there was someone I just had to have.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?
Obviously, Albert in the first round was my favorite. Also Victorino and Andruw early, and Reynolds and Nlck Johnson late. Do overs? Jason Bay, in the sixth was a pick I struggled over. Perhaps I should have gotten another MI. After Jeter, I'm pretty weak at MI. Saltalamacchia was definitely a reach in the tenth and reflected the frustration I mentioned above.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?
I'm not good at predicting these things, but I will say that this league is an experienced, smart group and there are strengths and weaknesses on every team.

4. What surprised you most about the draft?
No clock and Albert falling all the way to me at 13. I'd been reading about Albert's elbow injury and how his ADP had dropped some. I never expected the free fall to me at 13, but I was more than happy to assume that risk. As for the draft itself, this draft was a run away train at times and I actually had to try and slow it down as I was afraid that we might out run someone's queue after a quick turn of the corner. The fact that we had so many experienced managers in AA was nice. At least I was not the only manager to suck last year:0). No seriously, drafting with a group this experienced was truly a treat and it made my job as commish very easy. Also, I can only think of one instance in this draft where the player who was first in my queue got snatched right before my pick. This has happened to me early and way too often in previous drafts. I’m not sure if this is good or not.

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?
Nothing other then getting another MI earlier. Weeks and Tejada were both available in the sixth, and picked after Bay.

All in all, I had a great time. Seems like every day we developed a nice flow and rarely got bogged down. Even when we did, we made such great daily progress that no one could complain. No complaints, no draft etiquette rants, no nasty emails…...and did I mention, no clock. That’s got to be a AA record. My thanks to every league manager for what had to be my most enjoyable RotoGuru Invitational League draft ever.

One last thing, please consider a donation to the RotoGuru site. Without this great free site, none of these ultra competitive leagues would be possible.
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, Mar 18, 2008, 12:03
We could use a handful of additional recaps. Get off your arse!
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Mar 18, 2008, 12:09
at some point, i'll get to mind. was an exhausting wrestling related weekend. :o)
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Mar 20, 2008, 17:22
      ID: 10292015
      Thu, Mar 20, 2008, 18:08
1. What was your plan/strategy entering the draft? Were you able to execute as you had planned?

For much of the draft, I was going for the best player available. But i had also marked a line for each position on my cheat sheet, and attempted to get a player at every position ranked above that line. I was able to do that for many positions, but not all of them, and i feel i'm pretty weak in those positions i wasn't able to hit that goal.

i also was going for *some* position versatility, because with a CI, a MI, and a UT slot, i think you need to be able to do that. i feel i was able to grab guys i wanted in regards to that.

2. What were your favorite picks? What picks would you like to do over?

i really like my first three picks. I think i have some serious speed, and in Figgins, i have a guy that can play two IF slots, CI, MI, and the OF.

however, again, i think my SP is a bit suspect, and my OF really worries me.

3. Looking over all of the teams, which ones do you like the most (other than your own)?

YoungRoman's squad looks pretty good, but i think his SP is worrisome. Goldcoach's first 10 picks are strong, and while some were risky, if they pay off, he should do well. Jackhammer went for Delmon Young too early, but other than that, i like his team a lot. i think Rev is similar to me - if his pitching comes through, he could be a contender for the title.

this sort of stuff is really hard to do. with so many teams in the league, injuries play a key role.

4. What surprised you most about the draft?
how well we did with no clock, Pujols falling so far, and the premium placed on SPs and OFs.

as far as my team goes, in the later rounds, i got most guys i targeted. i was surprised to see some solid guys who do or will qualify for the slots available so late (Iwamura, Cabrera), and i was surprised to get both DelCarmen and Tankersley for my pitching staff, as both should be strong middle relievers and get some good save opportunities.

5. If you could start the whole thing over, would you do anything differently?

although i suppose Figgins works as an OF, i would really have liked to have had a higher ranked OF. and SP. same theme throughout my post. :o)
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