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0 Subject: Daily Blurb - January 28, 2015

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Wed, Jan 28, 2015, 10:32

Today I am introducing a new DFS affiliate: Star Fantasy Leagues. Although formed in 2012, this site is now fully operational and poised for growth. They cap the amount of lineups a user can enter into any single contest, deliberately keeping their contests smaller as many players are not interested in playing a 90,000 person tournament. Daily contests are now offered for NBA and NHL, and (of course) MLB and NFL contests will also be offered in-season. In addition to a variety daily contest formats, SFL offers a full season league platform for traditional fantasy players. Baseball leagues will begin forming during spring training.

For those who played NBA DFS contests at DraftStreet over the past years, Star provides an almost seamless transition, as the point formula for NBA contests is the same (see scoring formula). That also makes it convenient to integrate into the RotoGuru arsenal of analytical tools, as that scoring formula has already been tracked (in the background) all season, in spite of DraftStreet’s demise. I’ve started picking up NBA contest salary history for Star since mid-January. So you can immediately take advantage of tools and/or reports such as Daily Fantasy Points, sortable stats, and individual player histories. If you would like to try out the site, please register using this link. You can register for free and immediately play in daily freerolls. If/when you decide to make a deposit, you can get a 20% deposit bonus using code SFL20.

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