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0 Subject: Daily Blurb - May 11, 2012

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Fri, May 11, 2012, 10:53

Quote of the day
"I think it was directed at me. Smart fans." -- Red Sox pitcher Josh Beckett, after getting booed in Fenway Park when yanked in the 3rd inning, trailing 7-1 against Cleveland

Daily blurb
DraftStreet Freeroll day is upon us. 150 people have already registered as of this morning. Registrations are open until 7pm ET tonight.

Remember to take advantage of all of the RotoGuru/DailyBaseballData tools at your disposal. For example, the weather in Texas looks like a potential problem, and the situation in Minnesota bears watching as well. You'll also want to consider whether any batter vs. pitcher matchups warrant exploiting.

And, of course, the RotoGuru sortable stats can help you identify potential bargains based on recent performance and lefty/righty matchups.

With more than 150 entrants, you'll want to find some roster selections that will differentiate you from the field. If you have a Ouija board at home, you might want to pull that out as well.

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