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0 Subject: Daily Blurb - November 14, 2012

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Tue, Nov 13, 2012, 10:57

Quote of the day
"They can hire whoever they wish. But don't say to someone you've got until Monday and then roust him from slumber at midnight to say, 'By the way we hired somebody else.' That's just not fair dealing and Phil deserved fair dealing. He's a good faith person and he was dealt with poorly. It is indicative of the shabby way that organization is being run." -- Todd Musburger, agent for Phil Jackson, commenting on the Lakers’ decision process in hiring Mark D’Antoni

Daily blurb
It was a balanced week in Football Pickoff, with an equal number of positive and negative scores. Seven slates picked 11 games correctly, with the top score of 439 shared by two different slates.

I’m in two traditional fantasy football leagues (one is the RIFC), and both of those teams had a QB bye this week (Aaron Rodgers and RG3). In hindsight, this was probably a good week not to have a primary QB on the field, as three were “concussed”, and several others were knocked out of games with injuries. QB depth may suddenly become very important – in fantasy play, as well as the NFL in general.

I’ve been slowly rounding the hoops stats into shape. A couple of minor glitches have been detected and corrected in the past few days. I thought about rearranging the selection criteria menus for the sortable stats (bringing all of the available filters to the top), but after trying that, I decided that the display was just too top-heavy with selection criteria, especially when most of those filters are set once per session and then left alone. So, just realize that if you want to evaluate only players who have games on a single day (as is customary for daily contest analysis), you’ll need to scroll to the bottom and set the schedule filter to exclude players with less than 1 game over the next 1 day. Of course, you can also set that filter to look ahead for more than a single game day.

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