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0 Subject: Daily Blurb - April 8, 2010

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Thu, Apr 08, 2010, 11:46

Quote of the day
"We at Augusta hope and pray that our great champion will begin his new life here tomorrow in a positive, hopeful and constructive manner, but this time, with a significant difference from the past. This year, it will not be just for him, but for all of us who believe in second chances." -- Augusta Chairman Billy Payne

Daily blurb
I am really looking forward to the end of the NBA regular season. Make that really. Keeping up with the production of stats and the management of the endgame is tough to fit into the start of baseball processing and the need to pay attention to emerging opportunities at the beginning of the season. (Yeah, I know… life’s so tough…)

And then the Masters gets thrown in, just in case I get bored. Ernie Els is the GuruGolf favorite, on about 25% of all foursomes. Five teams found a way to squeeze in Tiger Woods and his hefty price tag. We’ll see whether that’s money well spent.

I came very close to drafting Vernon Wells in the RIBC, but decided to pass, concerned about a declining power trend. Looks like I over-thought that one, as Wells now has three dingers in his first two games.

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