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0 Subject: Daily Blurb - February 27, 2013

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Wed, Feb 27, 2013, 11:56

Quote of the day
"George Allen was once asked to give the top three reasons that the NFL Combine should be continued, and George answered, ‘The physical, the physical, and the physical.’ " -- Former NFL GM and current ESPN analyst Bill Polian, downplaying the importance of the other elements of the NFL Combine relative to the medical exam

Daily blurb
This is the last day to get your Honda Classic foursome set up for GuruGolf. Be there or be square!

All RIBC AAA slots are now filled. Recruiting continues for each of two AA leagues. If you are interested, please sign up (or ask questions) in either the RIBC AA league at Yahoo or the RIBC AA league at ESPN thread.

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