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0 Subject: Daily Blurb - October 24, 2016

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Mon, Oct 24, 2016, 16:00

As some of you know, and affiliated sites DailyHoopsdata and DailyBaseballData are a one-man operation. So if I'm not available to work on the site(s), nothing happens.

I decided to take an extended vacation for the first three weeks of October, and as a consequence, all efforts to get prepared for the impending NBA season were delayed until I returned. So I'm scrambling at the moment.

In recent seasons, I've tracked and posted stats for preseason NBA games. I've finally generated those results for the current preseason, and they are now available subject to some limitations:

  1. There may be some errors. In particular, games in which an NBA team faced an international team are suspect. I checked a few instances, and they looked OK - but I'm not completely confident. Caveat emptor.
  2. I have not captured preseason DFS salary data for those sites that offered preseason contests.
  3. That said, if you pull up an individual player page (ex: Lebron James), you can now see DFS points for preseason games.
  4. I've also incorporated preseason point data in the sortable stats as long as you select a point period of 7, 15, or 30 days. Full season data will still only reflect regular season production. Note also that players are only listed if they have been included in a DFS contest for the related site. Since some sites (notably FanDuel and DraftKings) have not yet released contests for Wed, Oct 26, the player listings are currently limited to Tuesday game players.
Preseason results will not appear in the Daily Recap pages, nor will they be included in the master data file when that becomes available.
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