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0 Subject: CD playback problems

Posted by: Guru
- [3143299] Wed, May 11, 2005, 11:34

I used my computer to burn an audio CD. The CD plays back fine on my CD system, and also in my car CD player. However, it frequently pauses and/or skips in my Sony Walkman.

According the the instructions for the Walkman, it will "play CD-Rs recorded in the Compact Disc Digital Audio (Audio CD) format, but playback capability may vary depending on the quality of the disc and the condition of the recording device."

I'm using a cheap CD-R media for recording, which may be the problem. Is there a type/brand/spec of CD-R that I could use that would be likely to solve this problem?
      ID: 35241288
      Wed, May 11, 2005, 11:50
I've found imperfect results with every brand I've tried but I am certain that cheap CD-Rs are definitely less likely to work in some CD players. I think I've found fewer problems with Fuji and Memorex CD-Rs than Maxell, but I doubt there is a brand that completely dependable. Also, its been a while since I've bought Maxells but apparently they have changed the product somewhat::
Maxell's 48X CD-R disks are based on a new polymer dye formulation that is optimized for high-speed operations and works with a wider range of laser powers, making them more compatible among multiple brands of CD writers.
      ID: 3143299
      Wed, May 11, 2005, 12:04
I've tried it with both FujiFilm and Memorex CDs, and both have the same problem. I suspect the Walkman just isn't very adept at it.

Curiously, my daughter has a cheap $20 portable CD player (Audiophase), and it is able to play them fine. There is a little bit of scratch/hiss in a few spots, but it is able to play them without stopping or skipping.
3Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, May 11, 2005, 12:07
This thread fits what I've always found----that it is truly hit or miss, unfortunately. I have many stories that support that. It can be frustrating for sure.
4Cosmo's Cod Piece
      ID: 11314719
      Wed, May 11, 2005, 15:32
Guru: I use Imation for CD-R/RWs and Verbatim for DVD media and I've never had a playback issue.

I do think Mike D is right in that it is hit or miss because I have friends who just cannot get certain CD/DVD players to work with discs.
5Cosmo's Cod Piece
      ID: 11314719
      Wed, May 11, 2005, 15:34
Sorry for the double posting, but this just came to my mind....

Try recording at a slower speed. I remember troubleshooting a problem with a friend and we dropped from burning at 36x to 12x and it worked for some odd reason.
6Old Man Greene
      ID: 504531116
      Thu, May 12, 2005, 04:33
CCP..I had the same problem..did the same thing (slower speed) and it cleared up the problem
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