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0 Subject: Outlook 2000 problems

Posted by: beebop
- [39182320] Mon, Mar 17, 2008, 21:15

Hi guys, hoping someone could help here. My friend is using Outlook 2000 and is having problems sending emails when he is CC'ing 50+ recipients. Is there a limit of the number of people you can send an email to? Is there a way around this? Can you make "groups" that will fix this? I dont have/use outlook myself, so im at a loss as to how to fix it.

After trying to send it to that many people, after he tries to send it to one person, it then says "Authentification needed."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1The Beezer
ID: 191202817
Mon, Mar 17, 2008, 21:54
Not sure about 2000, but in 2003 I send emails to 100+ people with no issue. Maybe a server setting with his mail provider?
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