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0 Subject: Reprogrammed menu generation

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Tue, May 02, 17:20

I made a change in the forum program that should reduce the resource strain caused by generating an updated index of threads.

In the previous version, everytime you accessed a forum index (the page that lists the threads), the program generated everything from scratch - meaning it checked for all of the threads, sorted them by last access date, and generated the index.

During periods of peak activity, this was occurring multiple times simultaneously, which was very inefficient, and chewed up server resources.

Now, the program first checks to see if there is a stored version of the index that has been created since the last thread update. If so, then it just accesses that index page without change. If not, then it creates a new index and stores it, then prints it.

Hopefully, most of this will be transparent to the user. If you get the stored version of the index, the URL will look different, however. This shouldn't matter.

In the event that the stored index page gets botched somehow (which will probably happen on occasion), you may need to force the generation of a new index from scratch. If you click on reload, you'll probably just get the botched version again (unless someone else has updated the index in the meantime). To force a new index to be generated, post a new thread or a reply (a simple BUTT will do). Hopefully, there will be enough ongoing activity to avoid this problem. (In fact, the most likely time of a botched index is during periods of peak activity, so it should be self correcting.) If it appears that this is a recurring problem, I may have to make some program changes, but let's see how it goes for now.
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