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0 Subject: Turning a rotisserie league into a dynasty league

Posted by: sarge33rd
- [575352217] Fri, Jul 07, 2006, 13:57

Below, I have outlined (roughly) my ideas for how to handle the contract(s)/salaries for an auction style keeper league. I am openly asking for input, suggestions, criticisms etc. Particularly, suggestions and alternatives as to how to best handle such a thing.

Proposal to make our auction league a dynasty keeper league.

1) Players could be named to multi-year contracts (keepers), under the following guidelines;
i. Limited to one player.
1. Creates a 5 year contract.
2. Annual salary increase of 5% automatically.
a. $40 1st yr salary = 42/44.10/46.31/48.62 in yrs 2/3/4/5 respectively.
b. No player will accept a FT offer, for less than the least paid the previous year plus 5%, to a player of the same position, with a FT.
3. Other owners cannot touch this player for a minimum of 5 years.
4. After the 5th year, player is a RESTRICTED FREE AGENT
5. Only a Franchise player, can have a 5 year contract. The max for any other player, is 4 years.

i. Currently holding manager has option to match best offer and retain the player under terms of the new contract. Failure to match, means player accepts the opposing managers contract offer.
1. If currently holding manager offers FRANCHISE TAG, the RFA will automatically accept it. In this case, the 1st years salary of the 5 yr FT contract = greater of current offer or current salary, plus 10%, or the least paid the previous year to a FT player of the same position plus 5%.
ii. Managers may have upto 2 RFA’s on their rosters. (1 of which would be the player coming off the Franchise Tag.) So 1 can be so named upon initially signing/acquiring them.
iii. RFA’s get an automatic 4% salary increase every year.
1. Using ex from above, assuming the FT player then accepted a 4 yr $50 offer. Yrs 2,3 and 4 would garner salary cap hits of 52/54.08 and 56.24 respectively.
iv. Restricted free agents will not accept less than a 3 year contract, after which they become UNRESTRICTED FREE AGENTS.
v. Only RFAs may be under 4 year contracts. UFAs are limited to a 3 year contract.

i. Current owner does not get option to match currently outstanding best offer. Player will accept the best offer made by the cut-off date.
1. Current manager could eliminate this by offering (if available) either a Franchise Tag or an RFA contract.
a. FT = greater of current offer or current salary plus 6% + 10%, or the lowest FT salary a player of the same position plus 5%. (6% for jump to RFA then 10% for jump to FT)
b. RFA = greater of current offer of current salary plus 6%, or the lowest paid the previous year, to a player of the same position with an RFA designation, plus 5%.
ii. Managers can have upto 4 UFA’s on their rosters at a time. (2 of which would be those coming off RFA status.) Meaning 2 could be otherwise on the roster. Any player not under the Franchise Tag or the RFA designation, are automatically UFA’s.
iii. UFA’s get a 3% salary increase, automatically every year.
iv. Unrestricted free agents will not accept less than a 2 year contract but could be under a 3 yr contract.
v. UFAs are subject to “hostile” takeover (bids) at any time during their contract period. Such hostile bids, would have to entail either an RFA or a FT offer.

2) Trades/Drops
a. Managers can NOT trade or drop, a player under the Franchise Tag.
b. When traded, all players take their contracts with them and the gaining manager assumes the salary cap hits for those players.
i. This would create the only exception for violating the limited nr of FT/RFA/UFA contracts in place at any given time.

None of this is being proposed for this years league activity. This is intended solely, to produce discussion/debate over how to best approach a keeper style in an auction league.

I am aware that some of it reads rather complicated. This is most likely, my limitation as a writer. Questions/comments are being requested, and not necessarily only from those currently in the league. Others are welcome to introduce their thoughts, as the broader the base of input, the more agreeable the likely final result.

Again, nothing says this is going to happen. This is merely sounding ouot the notion and trying to work out a workable methodology of executing it.

      ID: 2464896
      Sun, Jul 09, 2006, 11:49
no comments? good, bad or otherwise? From that, I could draw either of 3 conclusions;

1) Nobody has given it any thought and thus has no idea how to address the notion. (Something I find highly unlikely given the extensive fantasy sports playing histories held by those whose frequent these boards/forums.)

2) I have laid out such a grand plan, that no one sees a method of improving upon it. (Something I find equally as unlikely as nr1 above.)

3) Nobody gives a rats ass. lol (Again, something I find unlikely. Given our propensity for stating our opinions.)

Meaning, there must be a 4th conclusion, which I have yet to bring to mind.
      ID: 060151121
      Sun, Jul 09, 2006, 14:19
4. It's the weekend and nobody but you and I post on the weekend.

5. Everybody's Honey Do list is tremendously long and they have no time to answer.

I'll try to write my thoughts down later.

3The Beezer
      ID: 191202817
      Sun, Jul 09, 2006, 21:25
Looks interesting to me. Would teams be required to have all of these, or could they NOT have a franchise guy if they so chose?

Also, would this contract stuff only occur during designated points of the season, or would the UFA stuff be in effect all the time? I think I'd rather have a set period of time open after the draft and before the season for this, but I'll listen to other thoughts on this.
      ID: 060151121
      Sun, Jul 09, 2006, 22:12
OK my thoughts.
Thoughts and changes are bolded.

Overall, I agree with everything stated for the Franchise Player

Before I talk to RFAs, a question that comes to mind.

Are we going to put any limitations on number of 4 yr, 3 yr, 2 yr, 1 yr players?
For example, in my one baseball Dynasty, you must have a Franchise player.
Can only have 2 – 4 yr, 3 – 3 yr, 4 – 2 yr and must have 12 – 1 yr players.

Obviously, we would have to play with the numbers if we wanted to do something along this line.

i. Currently holding manager has option to match best offer plus $1 and retain the player under terms of the new contract. Failure to match plus $1, means player accepts the opposing managers contract offer.
1. If currently holding manager offers FRANCHISE TAG, the RFA will automatically accept it. In this case, the 1st years salary of the 5 yr FT contract = greater of current offer or current salary, plus 10%, or the least paid the previous year to a FT player of the same position plus 5%.
ii. Managers may have upto 2 RFA’s on their rosters. (1 of which would be the player coming off the Franchise Tag.) I’m really confused with what you are trying to say here. I assume we’re talking at the end of the Franchise Players contract. That is the only way you would have room for another. Your FT runs for 5 years unless you drop him. Also, there needs to be a penalty for dropping an FT So 1 can be so named upon initially signing/acquiring them.
iii. RFA’s get an automatic 4% salary increase every year.
1. Using ex from above, assuming the FT player then accepted a 4 yr $50 offer. Yrs 2,3 and 4 would garner salary cap hits of 52/54.08 and 56.24 respectively.
iv. Restricted free agents will not accept less than a 3 year contract, after which they become UNRESTRICTED FREE AGENTS.
v. Only RFAs may be under 4 year contracts. UFAs are limited to a 3 year contract.

i. Current owner does not get option to match currently outstanding best offer. Player will accept the best offer made by the cut-off date.
1. Current manager could eliminate this by offering (if available) either a Franchise Tag or an RFA contract.
a. FT = greater of current offer or current salary plus 6% + 10%, or the lowest FT salary a player of the same position plus 5%. (6% for jump to RFA then 10% for jump to FT)
b. RFA = greater of current offer of current salary plus 6%, or the lowest paid the previous year, to a player of the same position with an RFA designation, plus 5%.
ii. Managers can have upto 4 UFA’s on their rosters at a time. (2 of which would be those coming off RFA status.) Meaning 2 could be otherwise on the roster. Any player not under the Franchise Tag or the RFA designation, are automatically UFA’s.
iii. UFA’s get a 3% salary increase, automatically every year.
iv. Unrestricted free agents will not accept less than a 2 year contract but could be under a 3 yr contract.
v. UFAs are subject to “hostile” takeover (bids) at any time during their contract period. Such hostile bids, would have to entail either an RFA or a FT offer.

2) Trades/Drops
a. Managers can NOT trade or drop, a player under the Franchise Tag. Allow to trade for another FT
b. When traded, all players take their contracts with them and the gaining manager assumes the salary cap hits for those players.
i. This would create the only exception for violating the limited nr of FT/RFA/UFA contracts in place at any given time. This might be more confusing than it is worth. Not sure, would like to hear more discussion

What I can come up with for now.

      ID: 2464896
      Sun, Jul 09, 2006, 22:16
My thinking would be this;

Mo manager HAS to offer any contracts, of any type, to any player. Of course, this means no "keepers" for that manager.

Contracts would have to be offered, post draft and pre-1st game.

Still trying to figure out how to handle the manager-player, where an $18 (for ex) RB is offered a FT, when the otherwise lowest salaried FT for a RB out there is for the sake of argument....$35. In reality, thats called instant hold-out, or instant pay raise. However to suddenly double a players salary, could easily put a manager over the salary cap. My thinking would be, that year 2, the player would demand either last seasons lowest FT salary plus 5% or they'd "hold out". That is to say, they'd occupy a roster slot, they'd draw a salary, but they arent available to play.)
      ID: 2464896
      Sun, Jul 09, 2006, 22:25
i. Managers may have upto 2 RFA’s on their rosters. (1 of which would be the player coming off the Franchise Tag.) I’m really confused with what you are trying to say here. I assume we’re talking at the end of the Franchise Players contract. That is the only way you would have room for another. Your FT runs for 5 years unless you drop him. Also, there needs to be a penalty for dropping an FT So 1 can be so named upon initially signing/acquiring them.
iii. RFA’s get an automatic 4% salary increase every year.

When I think of "Franchise PLayers", I think of Joe Montana, John Elway, Dan Marino, OJ Simpson, Dick Butkus. Guys who played for one team, over 90+% of their careers. Guys who were starters each and every week, and had impact each and every week. These are the guys, you j-u-s-t d-o-n-t want to see go somewhere else. So, after the 5yr FT period is up, they automatically get an RFA contract for 4 more years. (The only exception being, if they are no longer in the league.) Any RFA contract holder, would likewise automatically get an UFA contract, if they stayed with the team. Soooooooo, naming a FT player, could tie that player to your squad for 12 years. Along the lines of the careers of those players I named a little earlier.

So yes, there are rewards for offering a Franchise Tag. There is also risk. This, IMHO, is as it should be.
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