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0 Subject: QB Data Superbowl Comparison

Posted by: TB
- Sherpa [031811922] Thu, Mar 08, 2007, 17:53

SB Year Winning QB Year Drafted Round Drafted Losing QB Year Drafted Round Drafted
2007 Manning 1998 1st Grossman 2003 1st
2006 Roethlisberger 2004 1st Hasselbeck 1998 6th
2005 Brady 2000 6th McNabb 1999 1st
2004 Brady 2000 6th Delhomme 1998 undrafted
2003 Johnson 1992 9th Gannon 1987 4th
2002 Brady 2000 6th Warner 1999 undrafted
2001 Dilfer 1994 1st Collins 1995 1st
2000 Warner 1999 undrafted McNair 1995 1st
1999 Elway 1983 1st Chandler 1988 3rd
1998 Elway 1983 1st Favre 1991 2nd
1997 Favre 1991 2nd Bledsoe 1993 1st
1996 Aikman 1989 1st O'Donnell 1990 3rd
1995 Young 1984 1st Humphries 1988 6th
1994 Aikman 1989 1st Kelly 1983 1st
1993 Aikman 1989 1st Kelly 1983 1st
1992 Rypien 1986 6th Kelly 1983 1st
1991 Hostetler 1984 3rd Kelly 1983 1st
1990 Montana 1979 3rd Elway 1983 1st
1989 Montana 1979 3rd Esiason 1984 2nd
1988 Williams 1978 1st Elway 1983 1st
1987 Simms 1979 1st Elway 1983 1st
1986 McMahon 1982 1st Grogan 1975 5th
1985 Montana 1979 3rd Marino 1983 1st
1984 Plunkett 1971 1st Theismann 1971 4th
1983 Theismann 1971 4th Woodley 1980 8th
1982 Montana 1979 3rd Anderson 1971 3rd
1981 Plunkett 1971 1st Jaworski 1973 2nd
1980 Bradshaw 1970 1st Ferragamo 1977 4th
1979 Bradshaw 1970 1st Staubach 1964 10th
1978 Staubach 1964 10th Morton 1965 1st
1977 Stabler 1968 2nd Tarkenton 1961 3rd
1976 Bradshaw 1970 1st Staubach 1964 10th
1975 Bradshaw 1970 1st Tarkenton 1961 3rd
1974 Griese 1967 1st Tarkenton 1961 3rd
1973 Griese 1967 1st Kilmer 1961 1st
1972 Staubach 1964 10th Griese 1967 1st
1971 Unitas 1955 9th Morton 1965 1st
1970 Dawson 1957 1st Kapp 1959 18th
1969 Namath 1965 1st Unitas 1955 9th
1968 Starr 1956 17th Lamonica 1963 24th
1967 Starr 1956 17th Dawson 1957 1st
Orange denotes undrafted player (Counted below as "drafted team")
Yellow denotes player drafted and played at least one season on another NFL team
A couple player notes:
Unitas was drafted by the Steelers in 1955 but was released before the season began.  He signed with the Colts in 1956.
Staubach had a 5-year Navy commitment or would have gone much higher in the draft.
Joe Kapp was drafted in 1959, but chose to play in the CFL.  He didn't join the Vikings until 1967.
14 QB's drafted in the 1st round have won 22 Superbowls, 10 QB's with the team that drafted them
12 QB's not drafted in the 1st round have won 19 Superbowls, 10 QB's with the team that drafted them
12 QB's drafted in the 1st round have lost 18 Superbowls, 9 QB's with the team who drafted them*
    * Craig Morton Lost a SB with the Cowboys (who drafted him) and the Broncos
20 QB's not drafted in the 1st round have lost 23 Superbowls, 12 QB's with the team who drafted them
8 QB's who have lost 11 Superbowls have also won at least one Superbowl
12 QB's are responsible for a 24-15 record in Superbowls:
QB Win Loss
Bradshaw 4 0
Montana 4 0
Aikman 3 0
Brady 3 0
Plunkett 2 0
Starr 2 0
Griese 2 1
Staubach 2 2
Elway 2 3
Kelly 0 4
Tarkenton 0 3
Morton 0 2
Total 24 15
Add in Warner, Favre, Theismann, Unitas and Dawson and the record is 29-20 (out of 41 Superbowls)
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