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0 Subject: Newbie question re: making points vs. making money

Posted by: MightyGeeks
- [58801210] Tue, Sep 12, 10:01

I have read in the select forum that most people (80-85%) make their trades following the weekly cutoff. This implies that many of the big movers today will be left over from folks who had good games in Week 1, even if they didn't do too well in Week 2. Therefore a guy like Staley or Martin who did great in Week 1 and not in Week 2 is a good candidate to sell because that's what a lot of people will do and the money follows the crowd.

My question is what to do when there is a real conflict between money and points. For instance, I am fairly sure that Tiki Barber will see a rise in value today and an even bigger rise 7 days from now since he had 2 good games. So if I want to make money, I should get him and hold him until after Week 3. However, I really believe that he will do poorly in Week 3 and I could get 200-300 more points by selecting another RB. Would most of you choose to take the money, even if you expected to lose that many points?

I'm doing OK, I have been concentrating on points more than money thus far, but I have Griese, Holt and Hayes based on what I expected them to score and as a nice bonus I think they will make a bunch of cash. I think I'm around 1,000 in the world but I've only had my roster increase in value by 700,000 where I read that many people here have had increases of 2 million or more in the first week. Any advice would be welcomed.
1 Mike D
      ID: 43819522
      Tue, Sep 12, 10:18
"Would most of you choose to take the money, even if you expected to lose that many points?"

Depends how much money. No one can guarantee how much it will be. I'd take the cash if I was guaranteed a million, for instance, but not for 200k. The game is about points though, and it sounds like you are doing well.

I'd check out Barber's next match up again though before saying he won't do well. At Chicago? Sounds like a shoot out.
2texas flood
      ID: 264182412
      Tue, Sep 12, 10:22
I agree with mike D. only match up at running back i like better is faulk at SF. i went edge>faulk and george>faulk on two teams. tiki should be pretty good against the bears and i also like duce against GB.
3texas flood
      ID: 264182412
      Tue, Sep 12, 10:25
I agree with mike D. only match up at running back i like better is faulk at SF. i went edge>faulk and george>faulk on two teams. tiki should be pretty good against the bears and i also like duce against GB.
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