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0 Subject: Fireleague Fantasy Football

Posted by: UPRIGHTMAN - [14724718] Mon, Aug 07, 2017, 19:24

Hello, I was a long time member of the smallworld platform, as well as the Sporting news format, that carried over to the Fireleague Salary Cap Fantasy football league... I am searching for a platform simular if not the same. 's web page does not give an indication that it will be updated for this years games...I was hoping that someone could share some light on this problem.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Aug 08, 2017, 12:03
I have no inside info - but I also noticed that the Fireleague site has been dormant since last season. And there seems to be no working "contact us" facility or email address.

So the circumstantial evidence suggests that there will be no Fireleague football this year.

      ID: 53718123
      Sat, Aug 12, 2017, 04:30
I've been checking the Fireleague site on occasion for updates as well and I agree, it seems it is over with. I just emailed a few old email addresses I found for them, doubt they will work but will report back if I hear anything.

As for similar games, the only two season long games I really found are from and Both are salary cap based like fireleague, with a basic entry fee and then you have to pay for trades. They differ from Fireleague in that they have H2H matchups and salaries don't seem to change. Makes me miss the fireleague/smallworld format all the more.

The trade costs add up, so I may just go the draft type league route and then do one week salary cap on Draftking or Fandual if I feel the urge.
3Dave R
      ID: 9714176
      Thu, Aug 17, 2017, 07:15
Just saw this on Fireleague's site, I assume next year means 2018

Under New Management!
Fireleague is now under new management and development. We will return next season better than ever!
4 deepsnapper
      ID: 406282323
      Fri, Aug 18, 2017, 03:32
UPRIGHTMAN - there are a couple of sites (Fan Duel and Draft Kings). You set a weekly roster to play games that cost from free to ($.25 - $1,000+.) per game(s) you can play for cash prizes. I have fun with the 25 cent to a dollar for rosters as you can win $50.00 to $1,000 in addition to top cash if you want to pay the price to get in.

I'm a 2-bit player just having fun as the rosters don't lock until just before the game-time to make roster moves.

Check out the sites for details if interested.


Draft Kings

I hope you find a good game to play. ;)
      ID: 406282323
      Fri, Aug 18, 2017, 03:51
UPRIGHTMAN - please go to Guru's Daily Blurbs and register through the links on that page in order to help out our great Rotoguru!!

Disclosure: may receive compensation from FanDuel and DraftKings when potential customers who are referred through the above links register at those sites and make deposits.

Rotoguru Daily Blurbs
      ID: 297271818
      Fri, Aug 18, 2017, 19:27
Just to clarify, DraftKings and FanDuel offer contests that last ONE WEEK. If that sounds good to you, then have fun, but it's no substitute for Fireleague.
      ID: 297271818
      Sun, Aug 20, 2017, 15:54
Not familiar with the company , but this is the closest game I've found. Still some major differences but at least it's season long, cap game, not head-to-head, not pay-to-trade.
      ID: 59259916
      Sun, Aug 20, 2017, 17:52
You can also set up a "freinds" league on fanduel
9 gurudan
      ID: 56216310
      Mon, Aug 21, 2017, 09:58
I like the pro leagues at Yahoo. Season long H2H for $20,$50,$100,or $250 in 12 man leagues, top 3 are paid. In the $20 for example, they pay $120,$60 AND $40.They only take $20. Draftking's weasels take 10% off every player on every transaction.
10 Diz
      ID: 22948517
      Thu, Oct 05, 2017, 18:48
Fireleague is no more. They failed to pay many league winners in 2016. Myself being one of them. I have filed a complaint with the BBC and it sounds like I am not the only one.
      ID: 45138114
      Thu, Feb 01, 2018, 15:38
First experience with Fantrax was pretty good. One annoying aspect was that player acquisitions can't be taken back/changed before the roster freeze. Their interface is kind of clunky. But I liked the game, (it's an actual full-season cap game which is a rare bird now), and my prize money was paid out promptly.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Aug 09, 2018, 11:27
Out of curiosity, I pulled up to see what it now says.

It now leads to a plumbing company in Northampton, England, that seems to specialize in fire damage repairs.

That's quite a change!
13 Paul
      ID: 676188
      Sat, Aug 18, 2018, 09:06
I played in Fireleague a few years ago and won, and was never paid despite repeated attempts. I filed a complaint with the BBB as well. Would not advise playing on their website as the customer service was horrible and I was not paid as promised for winning. I played a season long salary cap game on the fantrax website last year and was paid promptly upon winning. It was a lot of fun and the prizes were ok given the minimal cost. Would recommend if you are looking for a season long salary cap game.
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