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0 Subject: Rotoguru Auction League has openings for 5,

Posted by: sarge33rd
- [76442923] Fri, Jun 22, 2007, 09:23

Perhaps some havent seen the thread, or just havent taken the time yet to reply, but as it stands now, we have only 7 of our 12 manager slots filled.

Post below if you are interested in potentially joining this league.

Returning managers are:

      ID: 99331714
      Tue, Jun 26, 2007, 14:31
We still need 5 gang. Suggestions?
      ID: 38552612
      Tue, Jun 26, 2007, 15:26
Ummm... Fold the league?
3 DWetzel from work
      ID: 3316412
      Tue, Jun 26, 2007, 16:44
Might be interested... can you email me more info?
      ID: 76442923
      Tue, Jun 26, 2007, 23:40
Here is the thread for last years scoring discussion and roster requirements:

scoring discussion

As for how the auction works:

Each manager starts with $200 for their SEASONS salary cap. 8 players get named "to the board" and bidding begins.

Once a player has not had a bid placed on them for 8 consecutive hours, using the convenient rotoguru timestamp, then that player is deemed to have been "won" by the high bidder. Once you win a player, you must name a new player to the board. Naming said player, automatically has you placing a $1 bid on that player UNLESS: you either bid more at the time you name them OR you are naming a player to the board you cannot win because of roster restrictions.

Since each manager MUST draft 16 players AND staff all positions, if you have 3 slots remaining to fill and lack a K and TE and a D, you could name a RB and not have to place the $1 minimum bid upon that player.

Bids made which either exceed your remaining salary dollars (including a deduct for all current outstanding bids) OR made for a player whom you cannot win (see the example above re roster requirements), is deemed an "illegal" bid. Illegal bids are nullified and the offending manager is fined $5 from the teams salary cap.

FREE AGENTS (subject to discussion/debate/agreement)

F/A carry a price tag of $5. (There has been talk of reducing this price. Maybe to $3?) Do NOT bid your entire $200 away during the auction. If you do, you will not be able to pickup F/A for very long into the season.

Dropped players, provided they are dropped PRIOR to KO wk 7, will return 1/2 of their current price tag to the dropping manager in the form of salary cap relief. Once KO of game 1 for wk 7 has occured, dropped players will still count their full salary against your salary cap.

Injury Priority: Each manager has the option of claiming "inj priority" each week, for a "dip into the F/A pool". If so doing, that manager will go to the "front" of the line so to speak, and can take one uncontested F/A. IF claiming such a priority...that manager MUST start the newly acquired F/A and the player sat to make room for that F/A MUST be officially listed as DOUBTFUL or worse, for the week.

There has been discussion of moving F/A acquisition to a bid process as well. That is still up in the air, but the above is pretty much how it has worked in the past.

Player Trades:

Salaries go with players, so make certain you have the cap space to take a player, before you agree to the trade. A Mgr has the option of providing "cap assistance" in order to complete a trade. For ex: I am trading away a player with a salary of $30, for two salaries of $10. If the manager from whom I am getting these players should lack cap space, and I have sufficient space, I could offer to "eat" the $10 diff in salary so as to avoid the other teams exceeding their cap restrictions. In such a case, I would still show $10 of that players $30 salary, on my squads cap roster.

Future salary cap relief, can be traded for money now if managers so desire; ie Mgr 1 is out of funds and had their star QB go down. Mgr 2 OTH, has no chance at the playoffs, but is sitting on $35 in cap room. Mgr 2 could swap $10 to Mgr 1 now, for $15 of Mgr ones dollars next season. (as an ex.)

careful drafting, keeping money back for F/As and breakout rookies, is probably the key to this format. You need to keep some back, but keep too much back, and you cant compete early on. Keep too little, and you may start strong, but it is highly unlikely you will finish that way.

This is a non-keeper, no-fee league. Our inaugural season of 2005, shows some threads on pg 3. It isnt very difficult to sort back through and see most of the discussions we've held re the league.

I think the main change we need to institute, surrounds roster freezes. All of this can/will be discussed/decided, once we have sufficient managers to go forward with the league.

uk---your contributions here, are even less desired than they are in the poli forum. If your post was a request to join the league, request denied. If it was not such a request, it should not have been made at all.
      ID: 3410101718
      Wed, Jun 27, 2007, 16:34
Did I win this league last year? I apologize, I honestly don't remember. I do recall making the play-offs both years, but I use a very different strategy then Sarge describes. Nearly all of my money used in the draft at certain positions, a hope and a prayer at others.

I would like to change the roster freeze rules, not a big issue.

I would also like to put in a blind bidding process for FAs. Bids must be submitted by say 2 days prior to the start of the first game of the week. (This will be Tuesday on multiple weeks with the Thursday games) Anyone not bid on is $3, first come first serve per the time stamp in a thread at Rotoguru.

I like the idea of being able to trade future salary cap monies, but does that lend itself into making this a keeper league? If a manager blows next years cap and walks away, does the replacement manager get hit with the cap reduction?
      ID: 3751268
      Wed, Jun 27, 2007, 19:19
Frick - you won in 2006 with the "3-headed-monster" strategy, I won in 2005 with the "keep the money for FA strategy". overview of last years league (for league managers only)

If possible I'd like have a blind bidding system for free agents. I think AOL/Fanball even supports more than 1 day a week for bidding, so we could have 2 dates (Tue, Wed) for those that got not their needed position player with the first bidding.
      ID: 45301312
      Wed, Jun 27, 2007, 21:06
Sounds like fun; count me in if the league gets off the ground.
      ID: 76442923
      Wed, Jun 27, 2007, 21:38
meant to email you today DW, but could not open rotoguru from work to get to your email link.

Yes Frick, you beat me in the championship game last year. Cant believe you cant remember that.
      ID: 3410101718
      Thu, Jun 28, 2007, 16:04
I've had a lot going on lately so I didn't want to say that I had one when I actually hadn't.

And yes I used the 2 stud RB strategy both years, i.e. Something like 75% of my payroll for 2 players. If either one goes down I'm pretty much screwed. This might be the only league other than a keeper league where a manager could have both LaDanian Tomlinson and Larry Johnson last year. Granted it worked out well becauae they both had the same bye week. I tanked 1 week to do well every other week (generally)

And this league probably has one of the most exciting/frustrating/nail-biting drafts.
      ID: 99331714
      Thu, Jun 28, 2007, 16:42
Agree 150% on that count Frick. This auction draft, is one of the most enjoyable activities for me, of the entire season. (All leagues included. And no, it isnt because I do poorly. 2:3 teams last yr made the playoffs and 1 made the final game.) The auction-draft routine, gives absolutely everyone, an absolutely equal shot at every stud player in the league. You want LT+LJ AND TO on your squad? You just might pull it off. Of course, the REST of your squad is gonna be Tarvaris Jackson at QB, Ron Dayne as your nr 3 RB, etc etc etc.
      ID: 3410101718
      Thu, Jun 28, 2007, 19:37
Hey, why are you slamming my team from last year? And by the way, with having LdT and LJ on my team, there was no way I could afford to have TO on my team.
      ID: 76442923
      Thu, Jun 28, 2007, 23:38
c'mon Frick...I aint bashing your team. I'm just saying that any manager, has a shot at any player. Not just the one whose name got drawn for 1st pick overall.
13DWetzel from work
      ID: 3316412
      Fri, Jun 29, 2007, 14:59
no problem on the non-email sarge... as long as I can remember to keep checking those football boards in June :)
      ID: 99331714
      Sat, Jun 30, 2007, 10:09
we still need 4 managers. We could run with 8 teaams I suppose, but our rosters would be IMHO, gawd-awful deep in talent.
      ID: 21041187
      Sat, Jun 30, 2007, 23:30
Well since none of the other football leagues have gotten started yet I'm not to concerned. We got finished really early last year, probably to early IMO. If I remember (probably incorrectly) we got done a couple of weeks prior to the season.

I think we will get 12, but probably not until we get a bit closer to the season.

We do need to discuss and determine any rules changes prior to the draft starting, as they could impact the draft.
16Jack Hammers
      ID: 236482918
      Sun, Jul 01, 2007, 04:34
I agree. Too early yet to worry much about the league filling up. Ours is the the only one with any discussion since February. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of our guys havn't seen the thread yet. (Looks like Stuck, Butthead, THK and 88's have not responded.) Last year we started on July 21 and finished August 10th.

There is no better draft than this one. (Except a live auction, where everyone is sitting around a table with pitchers of beer, you're done in four hours.) It's the only way you can have any player you want. Exciting and frustrating also, I'm not going to look it up, but think i was ten minutes away from having Frank Gore as my third RB for 5 bucks and then GL went 6, Then it went up into teens from there, ran out of $$.

I would really like to see this become a keeper league. It's adds alot to trading and add/dropping. You can build for next year by trading studs for cheap young talent, or mortgage the future and play for the win this year. I'd be happy to volunteer to take care of the "administrative nightmare". I've been doing it in another league for about 15 years. I can expand if anyone's interested, but I'd love to see an option for long term contracts after 3,2 or even 1 year of ownership at maybe 5 dollars per year which would apply in full before the draft starts. And of course you can't drop that player unless they get hurt.

Of course we would need a full league of solid, returning managers to do that, so thats first on the agenda.
      ID: 76442923
      Sun, Jul 01, 2007, 08:23
IIRC, there were really only 2 issues that folks had expressed much opinion on, one way or the other...

First and foremost, Roster Freeze. I think this will be somewhat dependant upon the hosting site and thus the options it presents. Butu I have no objections to makling the roster freezes as "game time" for each individual player.

The other point is the methodology behind Free Agent Acquisitions. I have never been a fan of "open" Free Agency, where the first person to their computer gets first pick(s). And the potential difficulty in a bidding method, is that at least one of our managers in Europe and thus the time zone differences create somethng of a dilemma there. (Combined with the weekly need to terminate the process after only a couple of days. 2 in fact, when there is a Thurs game.)
18 GolfFreak
      ID: 18447198
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 12:59
Could you send me a email. I would like to get a hold of you for some items from Mike Singletary Invitational Keeper League.

      ID: 18447198
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 13:10
Looks like fun. Will do a bit more reading tonite after work.

When does draft start?
Time of day draft takes place?
Time between bids?

Is there any where all rules are posted?


      ID: 99331714
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 13:21
The draft is an on-line auction process, done here on ROTOGURU.

Start date hasnt been set yet. Process is:

8 players are named to "The Board". Managers then bid on those they want to, keeping in mind their total overall budget. (Have bids outstanding which exceed your budget, and you get fined $5. This reduces your overall available monies for your roster, so it REALLY hurts if you repeatedly submit bids which you cannot honor.) Once a player goes 8 hours without his price being bid-up, the current high-offer wins that player. That manager, then names another player to the board. This naming, carries with it an automatic $1 bid by the naming manager. UNLESS, that players position is one which the naming manager cannot win. (ie, you must be able to field a full squad ea week, so if you are down to 3 open slots, and have no K, no D and are short 1 WR...then naming any other position player would NOT carry a bid price at all. Managers are free to bid higher than $1 when naming a player, assuming they have the available monies to begin with.)

Past year auction threads are contained herein. Wiggs has been acting as Asst Commish, and we do our level best to keep the bidding threads up-to-date to make it a little easier to follow along with what is happening.

Feel free to ask what you need to, peruse the past auctions and I thik you'll "get the hang" of how it works, fairly quickly.

Most all of last years rules will apply w/o change this year. The only 2 exceptions I know we need to iron-out, are Free Agents and Roster Freezes. An error on my part last year, caused my to begin the season by freezing rosters with kick-off of the first game each week. Once Thurs games began, this caused some issues, but to remain consistent I felt it necessary to not alter the freeze mid-season. This year, depending on what option the hosting site we settle on will allow, freezes will either be 5 mins before ea individual game for players in that game, or at KO of each individual game.

Free Agency, is still open to discussion on how to best make it work.
21 Kyle
      ID: 052753312
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 19:06
I would be willing to do this type of league if there's still an opening. Last year I kind of watched from the distance and sort of understand the rules and regs. Seems like a fun league.
      ID: 76442923
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 19:19
DWetzel, GolfFreak and Kyle would add 3. Leaves us only 2 managers short and we can begin serious discussion.

Welcome aboard guys!!
23 Slowhand
      ID: 056744223
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 19:35
Watched last year and would like to try an auction league if you still have room.
      ID: 76442923
      Sat, Jul 07, 2007, 22:32
Returning Managers:


Potential New Managers:



1 more (assuming those named above, are in fact "in".)


Once we have 12, we can open the "rules" such as they are, to full discussion. I would invite all managers to participate as fully as possible in that discussion. Its the only way I know of, to shape the league so it fulfills are intentions as best as possible.
      ID: 18447198
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 00:21
Im in!

Cant find thread from last year with bids. Would like to get a idea of what player went for. Could someone please link it.

      ID: 76442923
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 01:32
post #45 lists manager/roster/player and price paid for most of the players

On pg 2, there are multiple threads for the actual auction draft itself. A new thread was started each day, so that it would be easier to see what the top bids were on which players. The threads are titled pretty much "Auction Thread Wed 8/2" or "Thurs 8/3" etc etc. Reviewing those threads, will give you an idea of how the bidding progresses.

As always...ask questions. More than happy to answer them for you. (Goes for everyone btw.)

As for me as a commish. Some would say I'm harsh. Some would say I can be a little rough at times. Hopefully most all would admit, I try to be fair, consistent and reasonably predictable in "rulings" which would be handed down. I will say up front and w/o shame...I WILL enforce the league rules. *shrug*
      ID: 056744223
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 02:06
Definately in....I followed the league last year and thought you did a great job at commish Sarge; thanks for doing it again this year.
      ID: 45301312
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 08:47
Very, very, very in.
      ID: 45301312
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 08:47
Very, very, very in.
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 16:30
Again I will be in if there's room for me.
      ID: 76442923
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 16:55
Then you're in. :)

One more, and we'll have a full roster of 12 managers.
      ID: 18447198
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 21:07
Is there any where to see what the players scored last year.

      ID: 76442923
      Sun, Jul 08, 2007, 22:31
roflmao actually there would be, if I could only remember my YAHOO login. :(

Or, take their stats from last year, and apply our scoring system.
      ID: 76442923
      Mon, Jul 09, 2007, 10:58
OK, I got access, but it doesnt copy/paste the info well because of the table format used on YAHOO vs this format. And my inability to redo the data doesnt help much either. But I can give you an idea of some of my guys at any rate:

McNabb 213.08 pts when his season ended.
Romo 183.32 filling in for McNabb after the injury. (Pts are full season, not just while active on my roster)
J Plummer 110.96

T Barber 264.7
W Dunn 170.00
S Gado 35.50
M Barber 181

B Berrian 118
L Coles 162.2
D Driver 188.1

A Crumpler 129
A Gates 149.4

M Nugent 113
J Wilkins 148

AZ D 222
Indy D 184

That was from my ending roster.
M Barber/Gado/Romo/Wilkins were all F/A pick-ups. (IIRC so was the AZ D but I cnt recall for certain and the transaction historiies are gone from last season.)

Here is my week-to-week game finals from last year:

1 Loco Ochenta y Ocho Win 125.26 - 65.98
2 wiggs Win 127.90 - 104.30
3 youngroman's Luschen Loss 90.64 - 131.92
4 Stuck60 Win 96.92 - 66.76
5 GLs Thugs Win 102.66 - 80.40
6 Frickin Idiots Win 155.98 - 101.12
7 Butthead Win 158.08 - 64.50
8 JackHammers Loss 67.94 - 110.20
9 wolfer's wildmen Loss 121.08 - 131.12
10 Vicarious D Win 131.88 - 129.88
11 Fantasy Thugs -THK Loss 58.92 - 85.60
12 Loco Ochenta y Ocho Win 160.24 - 98.44
13 wiggs Win 110.98 - 86.26
14 youngroman's Luschen Loss 99.46 - 134.08

I then "upset" Vicarioous D in the semis, and lost to Frick in the final. Hope that sorta helps to answer what you were asking.
35 Scarecrow71
      ID: 26561414
      Sat, Jul 14, 2007, 16:16
How many days did this draft take last year (roughly). I might be interested, but am going on vacation starting the 21st of July.
      ID: 99331714
      Tue, Jul 17, 2007, 13:00
started last year on 7/21, and we finished either the evening of 8/9 or the morning of 8/10.

went pretty well for the most part.
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