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0 Subject: official buys for the auction draft

Posted by: wiggs
- Donor [04991311] Mon, Jul 18, 2005, 16:17

this is where the official buys and the money count will be kept track of.
      ID: 04991311
      Mon, Jul 18, 2005, 16:18
Philly is sold to sarge for 6 dollars
sarge has 194 dollars remaining for 15 players.

Sarge please name your next player on the other board in bold.
      ID: 336481112
      Mon, Jul 18, 2005, 17:16
Mike Vanderjagt - $5
Jeremy Shockey - $5

Roster Value left - $190
      ID: 45522117
      Mon, Jul 18, 2005, 19:28
Torry Holt to sarge33rd for $27

$167 remaining for 14 players.


D: Philly (6)
WR: Holt (27)
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