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0 Subject: Official Scoring Thread

Posted by: Mike D
- Leader [41831612] Tue, Dec 19, 2006, 11:55

Second draft:

Match Results1
Singles pinfall win: +30
Singles DQ/count out win: +18
Singles pinfall loss: +15
Singles DQ/count out loss: +10

Tag Team pinfall win: +25
Tag Team DQ/count out win: +16
Tag Team pinfall loss: +12
Tag Team DQ/count out loss: +10

Any no contest +10
Championship Titles2
World/WWE Championship win: +50
Intercontinental Championship win +30
United States Title win +30
Tag Team Championship win: +25
Cruiserweight Championship win: +15
Women Championship win: +15
WWE/World Title Defense: +12
Intercontinental/US Title Defense: +10
Tag Team Title Defense: +8
Any Other Title Defense: +5
TV Show Main Event Match +10
TV Show in-ring vignette: +53
TV Show run-in/nterference: +54
TV Show backstage interview/vignette: +2 (more than just being there as the camera pans through)5
TV Show heel/face turn: +25 (it must be CLEAR)6
Guest Hosting: +57
Guest Referee +58

PPV Match: +12 (only awarded once per event and in addition to win, loss or no contest points for the match)9
PPV Main Event: +20 (in addition to win, loss or no contest and also PPV match points)10
PPV interview: +5
PPV backstage vignette: +5
PPV in-ring vignette: +10
PPV run-in / interference: +10
PPV heel/face turn: +15
PPV Hosting: +5
Royal Rumble Scoring Formula11
Elimination rank (winning = 50)
- (minus) Entrance rank
+ (plus) # of wrestlers eliminated
+ (plus) 25 points

There is no 12 point PPV match bonus for Rumble participants unless the wrestler is in another match.
Battle Royale Scoring12
Winner gets 30 points.
2nd gets 20
3rd gets 19
4th gets 18
5th gets 17
on down to 12th place and everyone lower than that, who each get 10 points.

If the battle royale is the main event, only the final 25% of contestants (rounded up) will get the extra main event points, with a minimum of 2 wrestlers (I can't imagine a 5-man battle royale but just in case). So, in a...
10-12 man royale, the final 3 get ME points.
13-16 man royale, the final 4 get ME points.
17-20, the final 5.
21-24, the final 6, etc.
Other Rules

*Waiver priority trading is allowed. (Voted in here)

*Draft will always be straight. (Voted in here)

*Draft order is determined as follows (as laid out in post 45 here):
A. using the eligible points of your four keepers, standings are determined. top team is in first, etc etc.

B. add your official finishing position to the number achieved in A.

C. divide that number by two, and the HIGHEST number draft first, and down the line. if there's a tie, it should be determined by standing position.
*First place finish (or whatever sucker he trades his draft pick to) always drafts last and gets first waiver priority. Person who drafts last will collect everyone's keeper lists, to keep the choices secret.

*Deadline for setting our weekly rosters:
7:00PM est Sunday during weeks with a Sunday PPV (assuming the lead-in show starts at that time).
9:00PM est Monday during weeks when there is no Sunday PPV. This was
Voted in here.
*Lumberjacks always get interference points. This was established in the first Lumberjack Match the league had seen and has been consistently applied since. The issue was also discussed in this thread.

1. The system is based primarily on the rules that were voted into effect here.
The original format we used can be seen here. That was the finished model which was used for the first 4 weeks of Season 1. It was a revision of this original prototype, generated by mist two days earlier.
The first revisions that were made from the initial, early-Season 1 model were voted into effect here. Most notably among them was awarding positive points rather than negative points for a loss

2. TV Show WWE/World title wins were changed from from 75 points to 50 points in the same vote as the scoring changes in item 1. Changes were made to Title Defense bonuses in a vote that took place here

3. It has been established that a wrestler needs to just come into the ring to get points for being in an “in-ring vignette”. At the time of this writing, I can't find a thread where this has been explicitly discussed, but if memory serves it has. As examples, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan were always awarded vignette points when they came out with Heyman's stable, even though neither of them ever spoke. Similarly, Batista always received in-ring vignette points under similar circumstances when noting else happened.
In some cases when a wrestler (notably Luther Reigns) did not make it to the ring during a vignette, and didn't do anything noteworthy from the ramp or outside the ring, he gets no points. It has been established that if someone takes the mike inside or outside of the ring, he gets the points
as discussed here. The “mike rule” does not apply to the regular show hosts. A show host must get more involved than simply making an announcement or giving an interview in the ring to earn “in-ring vignette” points, as discussed in posts 4 - 10 here. However, if an announcer or show host is attacked outside the ring or mixes it up anywhere in the arena (not backstage) he becomes involved in an “interference”, worth the usual 5 points (10 if during a PPV), as
discussed here in posts 1 - 8 and posts 18 and thereafter.

4. Standards for “interferences” are discussed in posts 21 - 33 here. Primarily, someone who is not already involved in a match must either mix it up with someone (such as the announcers or other person outside the ring) or have some kind of impact on the match (such as cause enough of a distraction to keep a wrestler or referee from seeing something notable, for example) in order to have committed an “interference”. Also noteworthy is a brief rules question addressed in posts 1 and 8 here about whether helping an opponent or friend back into the ring constitutes an “interference”.

5. To qualify for “backstage vignette” points, a wrestler must be one of the subjects of the shot. A quick pan through does not count, unless there is only one person there. Anyone who speaks (unless its a crowd people talking over each other) gets points. Vignettes that are presented as pretaped ("Nunzio and Stamboli from earlier tonight...") do not get points. Standards for “backstage vignettes” were originally voted on here. Also, here are some relevant discussions on the topic:
Posts 2, 3 and 7 - 11 here.
Posts 5 - 19 here.

6. “Heel/Face turns” were changed from 10 points (as they had stood since the league's inception as written in the original scoring format) to 25 points in a vote that took place here. The earliest known discussion for exactly what constitutes a turn is in posts 0 through 14 here. I believe that discussion accurately reflects the standards we have applied for awarding turn points. Another extensive “face/heel turn” discussion that might prove useful can be found here. Also worth noting is that shortly before “face/heel turns” were changed to 25 points, there was a failed proposal to abolish them.

7.Also, it appears that in Week 1 of Season III, we began awarding 5 points for guest hosts - not the regular hosts/announcer or stand-ins for a whole show, just people who sit in at the table with the regular announcers. This is likely a result of the acceptance of the “in-ring vignette” theory that if you take the mike, you should logically get points. This understanding has continued to be applied.

8. We also started warding guest referees 5 points instead of 2 (as were the former rules) during week 1 of Season III. The only discussion I can find on the issue too place in posts 32, 58 - 60

9. The issue of whether the 12 points for being in a PPV match is attributed to each of a wrestler’s matches in the PPV or just once (in the case of a wrestler being in multiple matches) was discussed and officially voted on here.

10. When the league voted in the major Season 1 changes to what became the basis for the current scoring model, it was originally stated and voted in item #10 that the 20 point award for being in a PPV main event was intended to replace the 12 point PPV match bonus, not to be added to it. However, almost immediately after the rules were in place, and with consistency ever since, both bonuses have been awarded to every PPV main event wrestler. This issue was also noted in post 3 of this thread.

11. Like most of the rest of the scoring format, the original Royal Rumble scoring formula was recorded in Mist’s original league rules thread and then also established in Tree’s finished model. After the Season 1 Rumble, we realized some flaws in the results, seen and discussed here. Royal Rumble rules changes were proposed and voted in here.

12. The first Battle Royale in the league took place at the 6/30.03 Raw, which was Week 25 of Season 1. There was no format, so the scorer (Mist) used his discretion and gave each participant 10 points and the winner (Gail Kim) 40 points, including an extra10 for winning the women’s title. The next one, 7 months later on SD used the same format. In Week 8, Season II, we discussed and implemented a new format, detailed in post 7 here. Flaws in that format were recognized and discussed here and in posts 5, 11 and 12 here. That led to a new scoring format, which was officially voted in in here

1Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Dec 19, 2006, 11:58
The above was taken from this original thread that has gotten rather lengthy.

Curtain jerker points were discussed, and subsequently approved. More links are also found in that thread, so it will not be deleted. In addition, the posting of Excel was also added to the bottom of that thread.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Jan 25, 2007, 12:29
Effective Week 14, Season VIII:

3 points will be earned for any stage, ramp or ringside appearance that does not already earn promo or interference points as voted on here.

TO CLARIFY: 'Stage/ramp/ringside appearance points' are only awarded if the wrestler does not already earn points for some other action such as a promo, interference or a match.
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, May 22, 2007, 16:40
Effective Week 5, Season IX:

"A gauntlet match, where a wrestler or team takes on a series of opponents in a single show will be scored as one match. The end result will be a win or a loss versus the final participant in the gauntlet match.

However, as a bonus, the wrestler(s) involved will earn a 10 point bonus for each victory during the gauntlet match leading up to (but not including) the final match of the gauntlet."

This was discussed and voted on here.
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, May 22, 2007, 18:03
Effective for Season VIII (even though it says Season IX in the voting thread - lol):

ECW programming has been added to the scoring of our league. The ECW World Heavyweight Championship will be treated equally to the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships for points earned for winning or defending this title.

This was voted on here. Any new titles that could be created in the future will be discussed and agreed upon as to their scoring treatment.
      ID: 07724916
      Mon, Jul 30, 2007, 11:40
10Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Mon, Sep 03, 2007, 10:52
I like BUTTS
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Sep 11, 2007, 02:09
bump. gonna add this in here for Zyre incase he wants to post the thread.

How To Post A Spreadsheet from Excel

Here's how I do it. Could be other ways but I'm slow and stick to this one.

1. Put all your data or whatever into the spreadsheet.
2. Hit Save.
3. Drag your mouse to highlight the section you want to post. Highlight it completely.
4. Click on File. Choose "Save As Webpage".
5. Hit the "Selection:Sheet" button"
6. Save it with any name you want.
7. Open your web browser (Firefox, Explorer)
8. Click File in your web browser.
9. Choose "Open File"
10. Find the file you saved and open it.
11. Right click on that newly opened file in your web browser and choose "view source".
12. At the top of the Windows Notepad that opens click "Edit" and choose "Select All".
13. Hit "Control-Copy" on your keyboard.
14. Close Notepad
15. Go to Rotoguru and find the thread you want to put it in; either a new thread or an existing one.
16. Hit "Control-Paste" on your keyboard in the thread box you post in.
17. Click the "yes" button below the thread box that says "(for HTML table input)".
18. Make title obvious. (Example: Week 21 ECW Points)
19. Post it.
      ID: 07724916
      Sun, Oct 28, 2007, 23:55
      ID: 6825712
      Thu, Nov 01, 2007, 09:41
Does the Main event from ECW, the monsters ball thing, get scored as a match, or a battle royal? there were only 4 guys in the match.
14Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Thu, Nov 01, 2007, 11:47
Rule Updates effective Season X
Respective seasons will be ending with PPV taping (Wrestlemania or No Mercy). This is the only show scored for that week. Following season starts 8 days later. Keepers due Wednesday following PPV at noon.

There will be a final - leaguewide - waiver claim processing at 4 PM on the day of the final PPV. All claims submitted prior to 4 PM Saturday will still follow the traditional 24 hour period. All claims during this 24 hour window will be processed at the same time - 4 PM on Sunday - and if you would like that claim to be in your starting lineup, that offers a few hours before the PPV starts, to get it finalized, otherwise they will be on your bench. If you are unavailable during this time, leave detailed instructions with other league members to post your roster and any moves.

There will be a 1 claim max for all weeks of the season.
Also, 4 PM process time eliminates the "post final freeze" waiver claim situation so that is no longer applicable.
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Jan 27, 2008, 20:03
back to the 1st page.

I'm going to score the Rumble live btw.
      ID: 07724916
      Sun, Jan 27, 2008, 21:39
Looks like the Rumble match is the Main Event. Last year, the final 7 participants got Main Event points. I'm not sure why.....but that's how it worked last year.
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Mar 30, 2008, 18:31
      ID: 07724916
      Fri, Apr 04, 2008, 13:47
Rules updates effective Season XI:

1. Elimination Chamber-specific scoring:

Winner gets 35 points.
2nd gets 27
3rd gets 24
4th gets 21
5th gets 18
6th gets 15
+5 points for each elimination

This is on top of any main event or championship match points that could be earned.

2. Points awarded for a valet at a PPV.
In an effort to keep it proportional with a promo or interference etc. valet/'ringside' points should be bumped from 3 for all shows to 3 for free TV and 5 for a PPV.

3. Championship Match Points
All participants in a Championship Match get one of: title defense points (as already defined), Championship Match points (as newly defined per table below), or Championship Win points (as already defined), as appropriate.

WWE/World Title Match: +7
Intercontinental/US Title Match: +5
Tag Team Title Match: +5
Any Other Title Match: +2

4. Match Guidelines were clarified:

1. Match rules are defined - i.e. how a winner will be delcared - including but not limited to pinfall, submission, 10 count, escape of cage, over the top rope, first blood, something on a pole, ladder, I Quit, Ultimate X, Monsters Ball, Hangman's Horror, Inferno match, Iron Man, Lumberjack, Scaffold match, Strip match, Evening Gown, Pillow fight, Boxing fight, Sumo match, _____ Brawl, Casket match, Punjabi Prison, Hell in a Cell, Guantlet, War Games etc.
2. An opening bell indicating the start of the match
3. An ending bell and winner declared
4. Situtations currently confirmed to NOT be considered a match including but not limited to - Arm Wrestling, Masterlock Challenge, Contract Signing, staredown, meet and greet, press conference

All of the above discussed and voted on here.
20Great One
      ID: 4231419
      Mon, Apr 07, 2008, 12:12
Rules Updates Confirmed to be Accurate
      ID: 5432717
      Mon, Apr 07, 2008, 19:32
did i win?
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Jun 04, 2008, 11:32
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Jul 28, 2008, 21:45
      ID: 07724916
      Mon, Jul 28, 2008, 23:08
Also added for Season XI:

The Smackdown Divas title shall be scored identically to the WWE Women's Championship
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Oct 19, 2008, 11:07
bump off the top rope
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Dec 16, 2008, 10:45

you'd think I'd have these all memorized by now but the title points still confuse me.
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Mar 09, 2009, 21:38
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Apr 13, 2009, 21:55
bump for the start of Season 13
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Jul 26, 2009, 20:23
bump for season 14
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Feb 01, 2010, 10:16
back to page 1
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Apr 13, 2010, 19:32
      ID: 29527220
      Wed, Jun 02, 2010, 21:27

Kozlov w/ the face turn on RAW!
33Great One
      ID: 198353014
      Mon, Oct 04, 2010, 13:13
Season 16 Vote
1. Continue to Score NXT? NO

2. "Show Closing Promo" points -YES- 5 Bonus
Points for any individuals who are already earning previously defined 5 promo points... but this promo is the last segment before the show ends. This segment needs to be separate from the last match of the evening. This includes (but is not limited to) contract signings, arm wrestling challenges, stare downs, talk show segments, masterlock challenges etc.

Main Event Points will still be given out to those in the last match of the show. This will not change.
      ID: 4110115
      Tue, Feb 01, 2011, 23:47
Rebump; proposal. Wanted to make some kind of point bonus if #1 contendership is on the line. Only applies to the WWE/WHC. I was thinking like 10 pts. The points would only be given if the match explicitly states that its for #1 contendership beforehand (not if say Vince comes out and makes someone the impromptu #1 contender)
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Feb 01, 2011, 23:59
10 points seems too steep. That's more than a guy gets for losing a title match.
      ID: 4110115
      Wed, Feb 02, 2011, 00:28
Thats fine, I just think some kind of bonus is warranted, even 5 would be okay.
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Feb 02, 2011, 08:57
open a new thread and draft a full proposal and let everyone vote. Gotta have an official vote to make changes.
39 Zyre
      ID: 414321923
      Mon, Jan 30, 2012, 20:53
bumpity bump
40Great One
      ID: 340592712
      Thu, Feb 23, 2012, 10:40
RWF Changes

We're going with 3 roughly 4 month seasons. A schedule will be outlined in the Waivers Transactions thread prior to each season.
Just after halfway we’ll split into a Fatal Four and a Final Four with multi week head to head matchups.
Final Four goes head to head for the title.
Fatal Four goes head to head for the most lottery balls.
Draft order considerations for Final Four will be based on their regular season finish and 1-4 seeding regardless of playoff success.

Keeper Guidelines
There will be 3 keepers, still lose top scorer.
If you have a “Prospect” defined who still has less than 100 points, you can carry them over. Once the draft starts and all draft pick trades have been addressed, that prospect will just be your lowest and last draft pick choice.

From this point forward, clean slate for everybody…
Trading – no more trading 1st + 2nd to same manager one season
Trading - no more trading of your own 1st Round in back to back seasons
Trading - no more trading beyond upcoming season

Prospect Guidelines
A wrestler is prospect eligible if they had not scored 100 or more points in the previous season.

The prospect will need to be picked and declared a prospect during the draft in any round and he is your prospect til he hits 100.
If he never does you can keep in subsequent offseason’s and just forfeit your worst pick at draft time.
The prospect will remain on your bench until he hits 100 points or you call him up to your active roster.
You call him to your active roster by dropping one of your other 7 talents.
This add/drop of your prospect will count as your one transaction for the week.
Trading of prospect eligible players is allowed and they retain that eligibility.
Once your prospect crosses the 100 point threshold you will have roster freeze weeks to add them or they will be kicked to the free agent pool.

Scoring Changes – 5 Point Stipulation Bonus
There will be a 5 point bonus for participants in specialty matches.

These include but are not limited too…
Hell in a Cell
Cage Match
Ladder Match
Tables Match
Thrown into something match i.e Casket, Buried Alive, Dumpster, Car Trunk etc.
Gauntlet (for primary participant only)
Bra and Panties
I Quit
Falls Count Anywhere
Multiple Falls
Anything on a Pole Match
Pools of Fluid Match
Weapons Match
Street Fight
Hardcore Match
Last Man Standing
Elmination (i.e. Survivor Series)
First Blood

Due to their unique scoring parameters, Elimination Chamber, Battle Royal and Royal Rumble matches will not be included.

If a match does not specifically fit the above named stipulation matches, it must pass BOTH of the following criteria to be counted for a 5 point "stipulation match" bonus at the discretion of the scoring team and league:

1 - It must be given some special name - i.e. "Kiss my A$$ Match" -
2 - It must involve something out of the ordinary - be it an act the winner/loser must do, or involve some weapon/aparatus/venue change from the ordinary, or involve an unique way of winning (i.e. the winner must hog-tie the loser) - in order to count.
41Great One
      ID: 2431114
      Tue, May 08, 2012, 11:05
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