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0 Subject: Week 8 Raw Points

Posted by: Farn
- Leader [451044109] Tue, May 25, 2010, 02:03

Abraham Washington 0        
Alicia Fox 25 25      
Batista 8 3 5    
Beth Phoenix 0        
Big Show 0        
Bret Dibiase 0        
Bret Hart 7 5 2    
Brie Bella 5 5      
Carlito 0        
Caylen Croft 0        
Chavo Guerrero 0        
Chris Jericho 29 2 2 15 10
Chris Masters 0        
Christian 0        
CM Punk 0        
Cody Rhodes 0        
Courtney Taylor 0        
Curt Hawkins 0        
D.H. Smith 25 25      
Daniel Bryan 0        
Darren Young 0        
David Otunga 2 2      
Dolph Ziggler 0        
Drew McIntyre 0        
Dusty Rhodes 0        
Edge 44 2 2 30 10
Eric Escobar 0        
Evan Bourne 0        
Eve Torres 12 12      
Ezekiel 0        
Fit Finlay 0        
Funaki 0        
Gail Kim 12 12      
Goldust 0        
Great Khali 5 5      
Gregory Helms 0        
Heath Slater 2 2      
Hornswaggle 0        
Jack Swagger 0        
Jeff Hardy 0        
Jerry Lawler 2 2      
Jesse Dalton 0        
Jillian Hall 5 5      
Jim Ross 0        
Jimmy Wang Yang 0        
Joey Mercury 0        
John Cena 29 2 2 15 10
John Morrison 0        
Josh Matthews 2 2      
JTG 0        
Justin Gabriel 2 2      
Kane 0        
Katie Burchill 0        
Kelly Kelly 0        
Kofi Kingston 0        
Layla 0        
Luke Gallows 0        
Maria 0        
Mark Henry 15 15      
Maryse 27 2 25    
Matt Hardy 0        
Matt Striker 0        
Melina 0        
Michael Cole 2 2      
Michael Tarver 0        
Michelle McCool 0        
Mickie James 0        
Mike Knox 0        
Mike Mizanin 27 2 5 15 5
MVP 0        
Nattie Neidhart 5 5      
Nicole Bella 5 5      
Primo Colon 0        
Randy Orton 5 5      
Ranjin Singh 5 5      
Rey Mysterio 0        
Ron Killings 62 2 30 30  
Rosa Mendes 0        
Santino Marella 0        
Savannah 0        
Serena 0        
Shad Gaspard 0        
Shawn Michaels 0        
Sheamus 35 30 5    
Shelton Benjamin 0        
Skip Sheffield 0        
Ted Dibiase Jr. 5 5      
Theodore Long 0        
Tiffany 0        
Todd Grisham 0        
Tommy Dreamer 0        
Tony Atlas 0        
Trent Barreta 0        
Triple H 0        
Tyler Reks 0        
Tyson Kidd 25 25      
Undertaker 0        
Vance Archer 0        
Vickie Guerrero 0        
Vince McMahon 0        
Virgil 5 5      
Vladimir Kozlov 12 12      
Wade Barrett 2 2      
William Regal 12 12      
Yoshi Tatsu 0        
Zack Ryder 0        
Total 465
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, May 25, 2010, 02:03
Jon Lovitz +2+5
Tamina/Sarona +5
Jimmy Uso +5
Jules Uso +5

- Bret called Orton going to the fatal 4 way a forfeit win. No ref or bell so I didn't give points to him or Batista any match points.
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, May 25, 2010, 02:03
  Season Week PPV Raw
Rude 1390 231 140 91
Tree 1116 117 44 73
Species 1333 252 185 67
Bobo 902 122 55 67
Zyre 968 164 123 41
Mike D 719 34 10 24
Farn 983 57 37 20
Wiggs 718 14 0 14
Goatlocker 689 82 82 0
Great One 741 74 74 0
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, May 25, 2010, 02:05
scoring sheet uploaded for anyone who wants to score shows this week.

Virgil was added. I will add the 3 newcomers to next week's sheet.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, May 25, 2010, 08:51
I should have 5 more for Santino's appearance with Dibiase.
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, May 25, 2010, 10:44
Thanks Wiggs.

Santino's 5 has been added to the sheet.
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