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0 Subject: Team Talk:Grizzlies, Hornets, Mavs, Rockets, Spurs

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Fri, Dec 10, 2004, 12:51

This thread is for news, local color, insights, and discussion on the five teams in the NBA Western Conference Southwest division. The five NBA teams are listed in the title of this thread. If you have information to share, please open your message with the name of the team you are discussing. For example:
Grizzlies: Earl Watson will ne the starting point guard for at least the next 5 games...
If you're looking for one of the other divisional Team Talk threads, you can use this filter link to find it.
      ID: 508412712
      Fri, Dec 10, 2004, 13:23
Anyone worried about Dirk's various ailments (right ankle and his fall on his back last night)? Anyone have more information? I suppose I should check the injury thread...
      ID: 551022715
      Sun, Dec 12, 2004, 12:06
Spurs fans...I have Brent Barry in a keeper league for long should I continue to hold this bum, or should I have traded him long ago?!?
      ID: 9521263
      Mon, Dec 13, 2004, 04:29
are there any news about jason williams? Will he come of the injured list on wednesday?
      ID: 24933916
      Mon, Dec 27, 2004, 16:17
David Wesley for Jim Jackson and Bostjan Nachbar - not sure what effect this trade will have on both teams. Lee Nailon's playing time will definately take a hit tho with JJ coming aboard.
      ID: 43112649
      Sat, Feb 12, 2005, 11:16
A little late but I didn't notice this thread. This guy sort of insinuates alot of things that Mavs fans were thinking, but not saying.

Dallas Observer
6Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Tue, Jul 26, 2005, 21:50
Any NO fans out there who can give me an update on Jamaal Magloire and the Hornets in terms of their relationship? Are they looking to move him, and if so, how desperately? The Pacers would just LOVE to pick up an All-Star Center looking for a change of scenery. Some of the Pacer fans are hoping that NO will let him go for some young talent. What are his contract terms? Hoopshype does not have a contract listed for him.
7Ace forever
      ID: 305231922
      Tue, Jul 26, 2005, 23:11
I think it is 8 mil and I have heard that alot of East teams are interested in him but can't agree on a price.
8Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Jul 29, 2005, 00:54
Thanks, Ace. I since heard (USA today website?) that he's under contract for 2 more years at about 8.5 mil per. If he already has a contract, I wonder why the teams can't agree on a price? Unless he can opt out of his final 2 years if he negotiates a better deal perhaps.

Looks like things went a little south this past year with him & NO. His FT% dropped from like 71% to 60%, and his FG% was way down too.

Indiana was so dumb not to match Sacramento's contract offer to Brad Miller. You could tell Donnie Walsh really wanted to but the Simons (owners) just wouldn't go for it because of luxury tax risk. As it is they have the 3rd or 4th Highest salary in the league and they pay Pollard to sit the bench or go to rehab. Jon Bender too. If we had Tinsley, Jackson, Artest, O'Neal, and B. Miller, that would be one sweet starting 5. Instead, they paid about 3 million less per year for Scot 'bad back' Pollard. At least their young center Harrison is coming along and should be able to contribute something this year.
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