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0 Subject: RIHC 2020-21: Regular Season Discussion

Posted by: Bean - [304422310] Sat, Dec 19, 2020, 15:54

Season starts on 22 DEC, make sure you set your line ups.
      ID: 14113733
      Mon, Jan 04, 2021, 09:52
Has anybody have any idea about Whiteside future in Sacramento? He was highly ranking in the draft, but he is nowhere now. What happened?
Maybe after a Bagley trade will be chance for him?
      ID: 31526820
      Mon, Jan 04, 2021, 12:17
The Whiteside signing struck me as odd, with existing bigs in Holmes and Bagley. I loved his production here in the Portland, but even then, it was pretty well known he was a one year lease, until Nurkic got healthy.
      ID: 5510371213
      Mon, Jan 04, 2021, 12:58
I have Whiteside in a dynasty league, he was in charge of rebounds and blocks in mí team., but not now. It's painful to own him now.
      ID: 01411910
      Fri, Feb 19, 2021, 11:44
How do you add players to the IL on ESPN? I've got injured players, but they just say "O" next to their name and I don't see any option to put them on the IL to free up bench spots. What am I missing?
      ID: 304422310
      Fri, Feb 19, 2021, 12:23
No IL in this league.
      ID: 01411910
      Fri, Feb 19, 2021, 12:58
Oh okay, I forgot about that. Thanks Bean
7Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Mar 17, 2021, 07:25
How is everyone?

I've been shocked so far at the amount of talent on the waiver wire. It seems like there's more help on the wire than any recent season I can remember. And we haven't even reached the trade deadline yet!

I'm just looking at my drafted roster and how different it is to the current version. Significant injuries hit my squad (like everyone else!) and I was lucky to be able to pick up some decent players off the wire.

Very pleased to pull off the first trade of this year's RIHC. Jarrett Allen has faded a bit since he joined my squad, but I'm still very happy with the FG% and rebound boost he brings along. Donovan Mitchell is a fantastic fantasy asset, but he was helping me in categories I was already fairly strong in.

It will be a big challenge to try and guide my squad to the finish line, but looking forward to seeing how this strangest of seasons plays out.
8Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Mar 24, 2021, 08:54
That's what I get for having the audacity to post something: Lebron and LaMelo floored in the space of a few days! Replacing that production will be impossible, so will just have to patch up as best as I can and see if I can hobble my way to a respectable finish.

Lots of threats sitting below, should be a close end of the season.
      ID: 35326720
      Sat, Apr 10, 2021, 14:31
While it’s been fun to get to the top, it’s highly unlikely I stay here long. Just burning through GPS. But it sure is nice to be King for a Day (or two).
10Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 07:19
RSF, I think it will be closer than you think. I've been decimated by injuries - Lebron, Ball, Turner, Allen, Fournier, NAW all out have forced me into playing and making moves I would not normally with a healthy squad.

You definitely have a chance to win. Your squad is playing at at very high level. GP in hand will not mean much for me if I cannot stay healthy.
11Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Apr 30, 2021, 08:15
Fascinating ending coming. RSF leads the pack, but is way ahead in GP. Can he hold on?

I think I still have a chance, but frankly it's hard to make a charge with LeBron, Kawhi, Porzingis, Ball, Turner, Rob Williams all shelved for weeks or months in recent times. My squad is like a M.A.S.H unit.

Mathematically, i still see enough swings and points on the board to make it happen, but it is going to be a massive challenge to juggle silly season, get some of my stars back, and milk enough quality GP to max out my games, all whilst focusing on categories needed to come out on top.

I've never known a season like this for injuries in my entire fantasy basketball career. Absolute madness!

Good luck navigating the final few weeks, all!
      ID: 31526820
      Sun, May 09, 2021, 13:33
Well, that was fun. Nearly a month-long hold, but I'm going to fade fast down the stretch as others get their final GP push. It'll be fun to watch the end.

And thanks Bean, for doing whatcha do.
      ID: 31526820
      Mon, May 10, 2021, 00:50
Something funny to me, not a single team leads in more than 1 category (sadly I don't have any). Just seems interestingly spread out.
      ID: 31526820
      Mon, May 17, 2021, 00:37
Congrats to Da Bomb for the win!
15Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, May 17, 2021, 03:49
A huge well done to Da Bomb for lapping the field at the end there. Superb run to win it all!

Very good effort from RSF as well to hold on to 2nd place. GP in the bank always turns out to be less valuable as the season winds down and DNPs become more of factor. Great job!

I'm really happy with another podium finish. My team was decimated in the second half, no doubt, but the ones that were left on my squad played very poorly so I'm pretty satisfied overall not to fall too far.

Thanks everyone, and especially to Bean for commish duties. It's really appreciated you have picked this up after Guru!
      ID: 304422310
      Mon, May 17, 2021, 10:54
Grats to DaBomb on his championship. Grats to the Top 8 for not being relegated.
17Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Wed, May 19, 2021, 19:41
Thank you! I did not think I had much of a chance a couple months ago as I was lingering in the middle of the pack, but I had a lot of games to make up, got healthier, and made some helpful adds. I typically don’t like to save GPs, but my roster was more suspect in the beginning, and this season with seemingly more guys missing games allowed an unexpected quantity of others to step in and fill key roles, if only sometimes for the short term.
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