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0 Subject: 2006 NBA Draft

Posted by: Logan47474
- [19424168] Wed, May 24, 2006, 12:15

Raptors get top pick. When oh when are my Warriors going to be respectable? With the 9th pick in this year's draft, Andy Katz of ESPN thinks they'll be taking someone like Tiago Splitter. Anyone know anything about him? Is he good? Is he going to make Ike (a personal favorite) redundant?
      ID: 2510332316
      Wed, May 24, 2006, 17:12
I am not a die-hard Bobcats fan or anything but I cheer for them to play some decent ball since they play in Charlotte and picked up Felton and May. However, they got the worst pick in the draft. If Aldridge and Thomas go 1-2, the Bobcats will almost be forced to take Adam Morrison right? I would love to see them get one of the aforementioned top 2. However, they have a logjam of big men. Maybe then suprise and take Rudy Gay even? Who knows, but to me it doesn't seem to be a good spot considering their situation.
      ID: 18301915
      Wed, May 24, 2006, 17:30
I am not a die-hard Bobcats fan or anything but I cheer for them to play some decent ball since they play in Charlotte and picked up Felton and May. However, they got the worst pick in the draft.

Umm, no. Just because you think there is a drop off between the top 2 and #3 doesn't make it a bad position. It's not a roto draft where positions are switched in the 2nd round.
      ID: 24419110
      Wed, May 24, 2006, 18:43
This is tough for the Raptors, as the player they are most interested in, Andrea Bargnani, would have probably been there at the 4 spot anyways.

Hoping Colangelo can trade down to 3 or 4 and pick up something extra in the meantime, but there just isn't really anyone out there that would have another team with a high pick jumping up to get.
      ID: 19424168
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 09:12
I wonder if he could work out something with the Bulls, or someone else that's in a similar position. The Bulls (and a lot of other teams) need another undersized big man (like Tyrus) like they need a hole in the head.
      ID: 36241218
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 09:23
The Bulls need a big man, any big man. Whether he is undersized or not makes no difference. The Bulls have the worst PF-C in the NBA, and it's not even close.
      ID: 2510332316
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 10:19
Umm, no. Just because you think there is a drop off between the top 2 and #3 doesn't make it a bad position.

Yes, that is exactly what makes it a bad position. I feel like they are going to be forced to take Adam Morrison almost. The top 2 talents have much brighter futures than Morrison who I think has been over-rated as an NBA player all through out last year (albeit better than JJ of course). Not to mention the Bobcats already have quite a few talent big men. Sure the Bobcats need some perimeter scoring, but I'm not sure Morrison is their best answer ("Experts" seem to disagree in early mock drafts) It doesn't seem like a good position with their current situation to me...

It's not a roto draft where positions are switched in the 2nd round.

      ID: 594351719
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 10:26
Just heard an interview about the Raptors. Colangelo said he is going to take the advice from his inner circle, including Chris Bosh, who he said will have a big say in player decisions, much like he did in Phoenix.

With that being said, Bosh is really good friends with fellow Texan LaMarcus Aldridge, to the point that they are currently working out together in Texas.
      ID: 19424168
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 10:44
Anyone know anything about this Italian guy? Barzini? Wasn't he in 'The Godfather'?
      ID: 18301915
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 11:02
Yes, that is exactly what makes it a bad position. I feel like they are going to be forced to take Adam Morrison almost.

It doesn't force them to take anybody. They can take the 12th best player in the draft if they want to. The 3rd pick in the draft is the 3rd best spot. If you actually believe that the 3rd spot is a worse spot than the 5th you need to get your head examined.
      ID: 404561514
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 11:39
The Raptors need rebounding and a PG above all else. A front line of Villaneuva, Bosh and Aldridge looks a lot better to me than with Bargnani inserted in there. Another option which I expect the Raps to discuss is trading down and securing Marcus Williams. Either way, I can't see Coangelo taking Bargnani with the setup of their team as it currently is. He just doesn't fit.
      ID: 594351719
      Thu, May 25, 2006, 12:23
The only reason I commented that they were looking at Bargnani was due to the fact that the Raptors hired his Italian team's old General Manager to be the new Asst. GM in Toronto.

Bargnani was apparently also threatening to stay in Europe if any team other than Toronto drafted him.

Colangelo has seen with his experience in Phoenix that you don't need a true center to win lots of games...

That all being said, I still hope for Aldridge.
      ID: 241053812
      Fri, Jun 02, 2006, 20:24
i don't know exactly the context of the question but colangelo stated to reporters that they wouldn't be drafting on needs but taking best available. i hope so too cause we don't need any more feakin aruajo's.
this was on the night of the lottery so things could have changed.
      ID: 501182710
      Wed, Jun 28, 2006, 21:51
Who the hell is Renaldo Balkman and why did the Knicks get him with their first pick ? I dont his name popping up in any mock draft ...
Seriously, what are they thinking overthere ?!
      ID: 6428719
      Thu, Jun 29, 2006, 00:00
Renaldo Balkman is Rolando Blackman trying to sneak back into the league under an alias.
      ID: 040625911
      Thu, Jun 29, 2006, 08:56
I predict Knick fans will come to love Balkman much like Nate Robinson. He's an undersized big man, but is a high energy player and will bring intensity. He has a good mid range jumper and was a very good offensive rebounder and shot blocker in college. With South Carolina winning the last two NIT titles, the Knicks had plenty opportunity to see this guy play and obviously liked what they saw. The only question is can he be motivated to bring it every game as he was in and out of Dave Odom's doghouse the last couple years for his inconsistency. I was surprised he declared after his junior year, but was told he was a mid to late 2nd rounder and stayed in the draft. He will be missed at USC as he was great to watch in the frenzy of college BB, but how he translates that to the pros will be the question.
      ID: 040625911
      Thu, Jun 29, 2006, 13:29
Got to love Bill Simmons draft diary. I think I look forward to it each year more than the draft itself. You've got to love this on the Mavs first round pick:

The Mavs take Maurice Ager at No. 28. He puts his head in his hands and starts sobbing hysterically as his entourage congratulates him. It's about time we had some emotion tonight, dammit. Ager walks up to the stage in a triple-breasted, oversized beige suit, goes to shake hands with Stern and immediately gets whistled for a foul on Dwyane Wade
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