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0 Subject: RIHC 2006-07: Final Recap

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 11:25

This thread is for a general retrospective on the 2006-07 RIHC season. RIHC managers are encouraged, but not required, to post. Others are also invited to share their observations.

You may comment on any aspect of the season, including or excluding those listed below.

For League Managers:
1. How did you do, relative to your own expectations? What were your best decisions? What didn't work so well? If you could reverse one or two decisions you made during the draft or the season, what would they be?

2. Are there any changes in league rules that you would suggest for next year?

3. What have you learned over the course of this season? More critically, what would you do differently if you had to do it over - not necessarily with 20/20 statistical foresight, but in terms of general tactics or strategies?

4. How important was the draft to your success or lack thereof? To what extent were you able to make effective adjustments via free agent pickups or trades?

For participants in one of the Qualifying Leagues:
5. How did your league experience compare to that observed for the RIHC?

6. I'd appreciate if someone from each QL would post the final standings of that league in this thread. (Please indicate who the managers were as well, if team names aren't self-identifying.) That will help me get organized for next fall. In addition, I'd like to hear from any QL commish (via email, preferably) if there were any behavioral issues which should be considered in evaluating next year's invitees for the RIHC and the AAA league(s). Beligerent behavior, or sustained non-participation are particular areas of concern.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 13:43
Guru - I am proud in my duty as Commissioner to present to you the final standings for RIHC AAA - Western Conference:

Rank Team Points Pts Change Waiver Moves
1. Endangered Species 73 1 3 11
2. SANFORDORS 67 1 7 36
3. JL 61.5 -1 12 14
4. bladewalkers (xpdurmind) 58.5 -0.5 11 54
5. Da Bomb Squad 58 0 10 61
6. TD Dragons 51 0 5 22
7. blackjackis21 50 -1 1 18
8. Necro Butcher's Beer (Tree) 49.5 -1.5 2 22
8. DeeJay 49.5 -1.5 4 19
10. youngroman's Luschen 44 2 9 36
11. Tosh's Mom 42.5 1 6 24
12. Philadelphia 76ers (Philsphan)19.5 0.5 8 30

Of course I'm also proud because I smoked everybody despite tanking FT% and using the fewest free agent transactions - ahhh the beauty of a great draft (and the "local" pickups of Monta Ellis and Andris Biedrins!) that flew in the face of all of those fancy-schmancy projections! ;-)

Anyway, I can say that there was no vile behavior, and all teams remained active in the spirit of the RIHC. A good year and Dave and I look forward to wrecking havoc in the main RIHC later this year!
2Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 22:16
For League Managers:
1. How did you do, relative to your own expectations? What were your best decisions? What didn't work so well? If you could reverse one or two decisions you made during the draft or the season, what would they be?

Expected to be in title contention, and I was, to the bitter end. I still believe the draft pick swap of 1st and 2nd round picks with Mike V was very positive for me because I got KG and more time to prepare as well. I realized post-draft that I had put all my blocking eggs in 2 baskets (Howard/KG) and I never did get another basket. Higher than a 5 in blocks would have provided a boost, especially when considering my percentages were low as usual.

2. Are there any changes in league rules that you would suggest for next year?

Institute a mandatory TM (Trades Made) minimum. It's preposterous that I had 109 more games played than a fellow GM and yet that GM only made 1 trade----a lateral type one at that. In fact, there were a whopping 3 trades after the draft was over. Count them----3. People are so paranoid about making trades and/or they overanalyze things, IMHO. This league is the big money poker game, and everyone plays not to lose. We need more action even if it is forced. Otherwise, it's a draft and sit league which resembles a public league more than a private league.

3. What have you learned over the course of this season? More critically, what would you do differently if you had to do it over - not necessarily with 20/20 statistical foresight, but in terms of general tactics or strategies?

I definitely should have prepared earlier for the draft. Also, I knew I didn't pay enough attention to FT % after drafing Howard, and the Baron, and it came back to bite me in the Davis.

4. How important was the draft to your success or lack thereof? To what extent were you able to make effective adjustments via free agent pickups or trades?

As I mentioned earlier, with lack of trading, it's all about the draft and the free agent/waiver wire. We all made tons of adjustments, mostly in light of the incredible amount of injuries this year in the NBA. Players were flying around, and that was cool.

      ID: 29017810
      Fri, Apr 20, 2007, 11:26
First and formost congrats to all on a hard fought season. Thanks again for the opportunity to play here. For me a season that has me thinking and analyzing until the end is what it’s all about.

1. How did you do, relative to your own expectations? What were your best decisions? What didn't work so well? If you could reverse one or two decisions you made during the draft or the season, what would they be?

I expected to compete well, and despite a slow start and questionable draft I feel good about the season. I left a long queue and ended up with Camby and Big Ben which destroyed by FT% (dead last) and points. At 36 and 37 overall I needed way more points. That and AK at #13 killed me. Absolutely no points from picks 2-4.

2. Are there any changes in league rules that you would suggest for next year?

The only I can think of would be to possibly up the games allowed a little. That would add a little more emphasis to quality of roster depth.
I would strongly oppose Mike D’s idea on trades as I feel what makes these leagues special is the strong competition top to bottom not constant trading and over analysis. I don’t think trading for the sake of trading makes any sense. If I feel a trade will help my team I’ll make it, but shaking the team up only helps in real life where the players realize something is changing.

3. What have you learned over the course of this season? More critically, what would you do differently if you had to do it over - not necessarily with 20/20 statistical foresight, but in terms of general tactics or strategies?

I learned that early rounds were my weak point. I gambled too much there. (Kirilenko) Also I looked too strongly for multiple categories early and killed FT and Points.

4. How important was the draft to your success or lack thereof? To what extent were you able to make effective adjustments via free agent pickups or trades?

I felt that my early draft was my weak point but in the later rounds I was able to get some good overachievers plus adding Biedrens and A. Parker from fee agency I salvaged a respectable season. This was basically the reason I wasn’t very active’ since my strongest asset was good late round players. They had little or no trade value and it’s hard to find free agents that could outperform them. Basically I felt like I was playing with Paul, Camby and a bunch of 5th – 10th round talent. If I could have bundled 2 or 3 of these and gotten a legit 3rd rounder I would have been elated.
4Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 29, 2007, 22:26
Better late than never - here goes...

1. How did you do, relative to your own expectations? What were your best decisions? What didn't work so well? If you could reverse one or two decisions you made during the draft or the season, what would they be?

I'm really disappointed. After the draft, i really thought we were in with a good shout of doing some damage. But looking back, i only see one guy who genuinely overperformed for us and that was Tyson Chandler. Everyone else was ordinary or worse. Even when we tried to trade our way into kickstarting our squad into doing something, we lost those guys to season ending injuries. Not a lot you can do without your big guns.

2. Are there any changes in league rules that you would suggest for next year?

Rules were fine. I thought the balance of the FA pool was good again this year. I never really appreciated how difficult it is to fill out your GP if you have a glut of injuries, but i still think the GP is well balanced. And to Mike D, we're happy to be up near the top in the "trades made" column again this year, brother ;)

3. What have you learned over the course of this season? More critically, what would you do differently if you had to do it over - not necessarily with 20/20 statistical foresight, but in terms of general tactics or strategies?

Percentages. If you don't get these cats nailed, you don't have a chance. We have neglected them in the past with some success, but i guess it was always going to get us eventally.

4. How important was the draft to your success or lack thereof? To what extent were you able to make effective adjustments via free agent pickups or trades?

We had quite a few tough breaks. Losing Kenyon Martin almost immediately was a big blow. We lost patience with Rudy Gay and Rajon Rondo (after me pimping him and everything!) too early. At the end, it was impossible: No Arenas, no Pierce, no Chandler, no can't compete without your studs, and there's no way to make a run without these type of guys.

Some decent FA pickups helped; Watson, Bargnani and Boykins all contributed.

Our trades blew up in our faces. We tried to step up in 3s, points and FT% by giving Marion and TMac for Pierce and Arenas. Arenas was great before bumming out for the season. Pierce struggled after injury before shutting it down again. Probably TMac outplayed him since we traded him. Not much success on the trade front this year, which surprised me, because they looked good trades, and in the past trading has helped us tremendously.

It just goes to show the depth of this league that we were top 3 since this league's inception, and this year we were well and truly pounded out of contention. Well done to Guru for winning this thing, and congrats to Mike D also for continuing his awesome top half streak in RIHC. Some injuries and bad luck limited our effectiveness greatly, but we hope to be back strong from AAA next year.
6Pacers Rule
      ID: 2994977
      Mon, Apr 30, 2007, 00:59
Eventually will post RIHC East final standings. A little busy with little league baseball right now. TommyD won it all on the final night, edging out Flying Polack believe it or not by a razor-thin 3 steals and 0.5 final standings points!
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Apr 30, 2007, 10:47
1. How did you do, relative to your own expectations? What were your best decisions? What didn't work so well? If you could reverse one or two decisions you made during the draft or the season, what would they be?

I've got no complaints, that's for sure. As it turned out, deciding early in the draft ot concede blocks worked out very well, as I was able to do fairly well in all other categories. Getting Wade with pick #8 was a real coup, and he probably only slipped that far because of concerns over his hand, which turned out to be a non-issue. Of course, when he dislocated his shoulder in February, I thought I was toast. But that was a freak injury, unrelated to draft decisions.

That said, my success was attributable not only to my team's ability to put it together, but also to the strong competition across the league. My blockless strategy would not have fared well if one or two teams had been able to dominate most cats.

2. Are there any changes in league rules that you would suggest for next year?

None that I can think of. I know that some would prefer more trading, but that's not something I would solve with a rules change. It's also not necessarily something that needs to be solved, IMHO.

3. What have you learned over the course of this season? More critically, what would you do differently if you had to do it over - not necessarily with 20/20 statistical foresight, but in terms of general tactics or strategies?

I was able to absorb a lot more injuries that I would have expected. I generally assume that the top team has the benefit of a healthy team, but I lost a lot of key players for extended periods, including each of my top five picks - Wade, Billups, Boozer, Butler, Odom, ...

4. How important was the draft to your success or lack thereof? To what extent were you able to make effective adjustments via free agent pickups or trades?

The draft was clearly imnportant. In addition to the foundation of Wade, Billups, Boozer, Odom and Butler, I scored several very important contributors in later rounds - particularly Kevin Martin (round 11), and Nene (round 13) who rode the pine for the first half, but was a key contributor for the final several months. Al Harrington (round 7) provided a nice bonus when he gained center eligibility several weeks into the season, when I really didn't have a viable second center. (Nene didn't emerge as a force until much later.)

While the draft was important, several F/A pickups early in the season may have been even more critical, particularly Chucky Atkins (thanks to whoever dropped him in early November) and Monta Ellis. Both were mainstays in my starting lineup for the entire season.

I did have a few draft disappointments. Morris Peterson never really got it going, although he played quite a few games for me. Randy Foye ran hot and cold. Nocioni was OK until his injury, but never saw any game action after January. Radmanovic barely lasted a week.

But clearly, the plusses outflanked the minuses.

My depth was probably most evident down the stretch, when I was going it without both Wade and Butler. Somehow, we managed to hang on. Admittedly, I was helped by the concurrent woes of other contending teams. But late-season surges from guys like Atkins, Ellis, Martin, Harrington, Nene, & Odom, coupled with ample "slot filler" roles from late-game F/A pickups Damien Wilkins, Jason Hart, and Bostjan Nachbar, really carried the endgame.

Now, if any of this had just carried over into baseball. Talk about a train wreck...
      ID: 040625911
      Sun, May 20, 2007, 02:13
Well, I had planned to reflect on the season before posting, but didn't think it would take me this long to get to it.

1. How did you do, relative to your own expectations? What were your best decisions? What didn't work so well? If you could reverse one or two decisions you made during the draft or the season, what would they be?
I was disappointed to finish 4th, even though it is still an accomplishment to do it in this league. I had projected myself as the 2nd best team after the draft behind Guru's (I'll take some props on that call!), but felt I didn't do enough after the draft to keep my team at that level. I was fortunate to hang on at the end as I could have slipped several spots over the last week. I think I went very conservative in the draft, which caused me to stay away from oft-injured players and focus on solid contributers. This held true thru my first 7 picks. I then took a calculated gamble on Shaq in rnd 8. After anguishing over this pick for so long, I should have taken the other guy (Chandler) who had a much better season.

2. Are there any changes in league rules that you would suggest for next year?
NO, like it the way it is.

3. What have you learned over the course of this season? More critically, what would you do differently if you had to do it over - not necessarily with 20/20 statistical foresight, but in terms of general tactics or strategies?
I think my draft strategy worked fine, and I took players for the most part who were more likely to play a full schedule than half a season. My failure I believe was in not recognizing that I needed to make deals to shore up a few areas then to just allow my team to coast on cruise control for 2/3rds of the season. It doesn't matter that you're in 2nd or 3rd for most of the season if you drop several spots the last month.

4. How important was the draft to your success or lack thereof? To what extent were you able to make effective adjustments via free agent pickups or trades?
Draft was very important. Some guys exceeded my lofty projections like Kidd and Iguodala, but others like Ilgauskas, Lewis and even Dirk did not live up. Z became less a part of the offense, Lewis was hurt for a while, and Dirk just had a slightly worse season than last year fantasy speaking. He shot less 3s, scored less and his stl and blk numbers were down. Even with his pct numbers up, and the great performance of his team during the regular season, the "MVP" debate was not even close as Nash was way better IMO. Just goes to show you what media hype will do.
      ID: 44411285
      Fri, Jun 01, 2007, 04:36
PR, I hope you don't mind too much if I take the liberty of posting the standings. So here you are!

RHIC AAA East - Final Standings













1.tommyds ballaztommyd.465.7939401505960653345102058477.5
2.Flying PolackFlying Polack.486.7368731704558973512101768677
3.Color Me ImpressedMark L.463.7818501454155083401103976871
4.The Slam DougsDoug.472.787720146615905303593970864.5
7.Pacers RulePacers Rule.458.72610221393453523024100065547.5
8.Team UrmasUrmas.458.764840140664746325091866246.5
10.slackjawed yokelsSlackjawed Yokel .451.7821070128954658344184641742
11.Trevor SharpeTrevor Sharpe.465.790606125475068270982841628.5
12.Carolina Cougars(z)Zanyth.447.779802125005282235490956425
11Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Jul 18, 2007, 12:36
Urmas, thanks for picking me up. I worked hard at it all season and the best I could come up with was mid-pack. I guess I was too desperate for a "star" PG and picking Marbury in the third was too much of a reach. When Nash was taken in the first round with the pick before mine, it seemed my season was all downhill from there :-)

We had a couple teams that were less involved but as you can see it was pretty competitive throughout.

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