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0 Subject: Jeepers Keepers

Posted by: MikeV
- SuperDude [25924115] Tue, Oct 02, 2007, 20:18

Tree said he's a week away from getting his hoops hat on but suggested I start a thread to see who is returning.
      ID: 057721710
      Tue, Oct 02, 2007, 20:42
I'll be back with Marion's Berry Pie.

I guess my five tentative keepers are -
Shawn Marion (Pho - SF,PF)
Andre Iguodala (Phi - SG,SF)
Luol Deng (Chi - SG,SF)
Allen Iverson (Den - PG,SG)
Mike Miller (Mem - SG,SF)

Likely cuts include -
Tony Parker (SA - PG)
Mike Bibby (Sac - PG)
Eddy Curry (NY - C)
Manu Ginobili (SA - SG)
Darko Milicic (Mem - PF,C)

I seem to be a bit heavy in SG/SF, so maybe I'll have to make a move.

I definitely remember that we need to add more 'active' slots on out roster. Any complaints?
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 02, 2007, 21:27
I'll be back as well.

Carmelo Anthony - SF
LeBron James - SF
Andrew Bogut - C
Gerald Wallace - F
Josh Howard - GF

Ben Gordon
Grant Hill
Andrei Kirilenko
Rafer Alston
Erick Dampier
Jeff Foster
Ryan Gomes
Jarrett Jack
Elton Brand
Adam Morrison
Tyrus Thomas
      ID: 2542623
      Tue, Oct 02, 2007, 23:44
back as well
Probably keeping
J Kidd
Rashard Lewis
Ben Wallace
Michael Redd

      ID: 5950217
      Tue, Oct 02, 2007, 23:51
i'm coming back, but just need a week off. after a few pennant chases in baseball, i'm feeling a bit burned out. but i'll recover in time to get things going next week and figure out when we have to draft and such.

i will be largely unavailable from Oct. 19 to Oct 24...
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 01:14
I'm back with a fair share of keeper cheese to choose from:

Ron Artest (Sac - SF)
Vince Carter (NJ - SG,SF)
Tyson Chandler (NO - C)
Kevin Martin (Sac - SG)
Mehmet Okur (Uta - PF,C)
Paul Pierce (Bos - SG,SF)
Zach Randolph (NY - PF)
Jason Terry (Dal - PG,SG)
Deron Williams (Uta - PG)
Mo Williams (Mil - PG)
      ID: 030815418
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 10:33
I'm back! Where can I find a copy of my final roster?
7Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 10:50
8Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 11:16
KF - fantasy profile on yahoo...

Kobe Bryant
Steve Nash
Dirk Nowitzki
Amare Stoudemire

and one of...
Andrea Bargnani
Andris Biedrins
Josh Childress
Zydrunas Ilgauskaus
Paul Millsap
Chris Wilcox
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 11:24
I've got 8 keepers.


Looking a 2 for 1 deal or two
10 Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 11:36
I would move a 2nd rounder if you can upgrade my 5th spot (tentatively Bargnani).

So send me a list of guys you'd move for a 2nd rounder if you think they would fit the bill. Otherwise I will just stand pat.
      ID: 030815418
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 14:50
I'm probably keeping:

Leandro Barbosa (Pho - PG)
Tim Duncan (SA - PF,C)
Kevin Garnett (Bos - SF,PF)
Joe Johnson (Atl - PG,SG)
Chris Paul (NO - PG)

These studs are up for grabs.

Raymond Felton (Cha - PG,SG)
David West (NO - PF)
Samuel Dalembert (Phi - C)
Corey Maggette (LAC - SG,SF)
Boris Diaw (Pho - PF,C)

      ID: 3533298
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 17:28
here's my roster - make me an offer. :o)

Pau Gasol (Mem - PF,C)
Danny Granger (Ind - SF,PF)
Nene Hilario (Den - PF,C)
Tayshaun Prince (Det - SF)
Brad Miller (Sac - C)
Udonis Haslem (Mia - PF)
Al Harrington (GS - SF,PF,C)
Nenad Krstic (NJ - PF,C)
Desmond Mason (Mil - SG,SF)
Raja Bell (Pho - SG)
Monta Ellis (GS - PG,SG)
Devin Harris (Dal - PG)
Carlos Boozer (Uta - PF,C)
Gilbert Arenas (Was - PG)
Andre Miller (Phi - PG)
Jason Kapono (Tor - SG,SF)
      ID: 036635522
      Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 23:35
Not sure of anything right now, this is the all injury team...

Mark Blount (Min - PF,C)
Earl Boykins (Mil - PG)
Jamal Crawford (NY - SG)
Rudy Gay (Mem - SG,SF,PF)
Drew Gooden (Cle - PF)
Larry Hughes (Cle - SG)
Antawn Jamison (Was - SF,PF)
Chris Kaman (LAC - C)
Jameer Nelson (Orl - PG)
Andres Nocioni (Chi - SF,PF)
Jermaine O'Neal (Ind - PF,C)
Anthony Parker (Tor - SG,SF)
Ruben Patterson (LAC - SF)
Josh Smith (Atl - SG,SF)
Dwyane Wade (Mia - PG,SG)
Marvin Williams (Atl - SG,SF,PF)
14Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Thu, Oct 04, 2007, 00:09
I think it's easier to evaluate possible trade offers if managers only list their top keeper choices instead of the whole team. It helps me see what others are looking for and who is available, plus some of the players listed are obvious non keepers.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Oct 04, 2007, 00:17
More than likely keeping:

Deron Williams (Uta - PG)
Paul Pierce (Bos - SG,SF)
Vince Carter (NJ - SG,SF)
Kevin Martin (Sac - SG)

Then deciding between:
Ron Artest (Sac - SF)
Tyson Chandler (NO - C)
Mehmet Okur (Uta - PF,C)
Zach Randolph (NY - PF)
Jason Terry (Dal - PG,SG)
Mo Williams (Mil - PG)
      ID: 3533298
      Thu, Oct 04, 2007, 09:06
i don't have top keeper choices. the swap meet is open. but, i'm leaning toward guys like Gasol, Granger, Ellis, Boozer, Arenas, Harrington etc etc
17 Farn
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 04, 2007, 11:41
unless i make a last minute change Brand is open to be traded for.
      ID: 036635522
      Sat, Oct 06, 2007, 01:47
Keepers at this point...

PG - Dwyane Wade (Still Injured!)
SG - Josh Smith
PF - Jermain O'Neal
F - Antwaan Jamison
19Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Tue, Oct 09, 2007, 09:46
Sounds like we need a keeper deadline and to get this thing set up (kafenatid?)...
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Oct 09, 2007, 14:26
i will get this set up later in the week. between the day gig and ROH, my life is insane right now. :o)
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 00:57
you play fantasy sports and work for a wrestling company. Let's be honest Tree....... you have no life. :)
      ID: 52926104
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 06:31
lol. and that's not even my day job. i work for a music and video company in the day. :o)
      ID: 3533298
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 11:25
we should really be on the other board, so i created this thread....

please repost your keepers, and see my note about emailing me.

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