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0 Subject: Suggestions for live online draft sites/options?

Posted by: mark
- [228422511] Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 17:30

I've just set up a keeper league and after much back and forth (12 players, 3 continents, both US coasts) settled on a time for our draft and lo and behold it's taken on the site.

i'm a newbie comissioner --- any suggestions on other places to hold a live draft? or other alternatives?

      ID: 25924115
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 17:37
There is no better draft site than
      ID: 22942159
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 17:39
We've used Kafenatid a number of times, very nice program that allows for a great quick flowing draft.
      ID: 501182710
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 17:43
if i understand it right, he already set it up as a live draft, so i dont think kaf is a solution, i can be wrong of course. i dont really have any experience in the format
      ID: 228422511
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 17:54
thanks for the quick responses!

re #3: I have set as a live draft but i can always go back and set it for manual, run the draft somewhere then upload the rosters manually to

re: #2: i'm curious do you usually do a "LIVE" draft --- ie. GMs getting 1-2 min/pick or a "SLOW" draft where GMs have like 8 hours btween picks to allow for players around the world to participate?

I'm trying to figure out the benefits of either...
      ID: 501182710
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 17:59
both options are used mark, each format has its ad/disadvantages, for the live fast one, you need to get to everyone together at one certain moment, in the other you need both patience and commitment, but i like it more at the end.
      ID: 228422511
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 18:13
DJ -- you like it more b/c the teams tend to be a bit more balanced? i've been reading the boards seeing how it's done....

i guess you set like 8 hrs. between picks that way it accounts for diff. time zones? and/or is there a flurry of activity (say 4 picks in boston) then an 8 hour wait for the 5th pick in Tokyo.

thanks again!
      ID: 228422511
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 18:18
also is it possible to use Kafinated for a "LIVE" draft if we're able to get everyone together at a given time?
8blue hen
      ID: 16322314
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 18:45
Yes. You can just adjust the time limits. I'll give another vote for Kafenatid - it's flexible and easy to use.

Except for baseball in January when half the rookies haven't been entered in yet, but that's a big reason why we do a baseball draft in January.
      ID: 501182710
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 18:51

if your opponents know the game, then it doesnt matter which one use.

time difference and co: of course you need some organization and you have to be ready b4 the seaon starts, only 16days, then you really need committed people or you might not be ready on 10/30.
Maybe it is wiser to do a fast draft , takes about 1-2 hours, but you need to gather everyone, cuz if you miss that, then your season is pretty much over.


sure it is possible it is a live draft after all, just a slower one.
      ID: 41750315
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 19:47
At this point 8 hours would be too long.
6 Hours would be plenty and the site allows managers to set up Queues if they need to be away from the computer.
If you wait too much longer you might need to shorten the time limit to 4 hours.
      ID: 539581218
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 22:07
nba allows an email draft. You can set the time limit for a short time. I like Yahoo's live draft site a lot. Kaf is great. Never used it for a live draft though so don't know it's parameters.
      ID: 149141616
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 18:14
Just a minor correction. It's Kafenatid.NET.

I also own the .com, but it won't point you easily towards the .net.

I've done two "live" drafts with the software myself with no problems. I have found that a 3-5 minute time limit seems to work best if you want to do a "live" draft.
      ID: 228422511
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 10:26
thanks KKB i'd figured that out.

thanks too to everyone's suggestions... opened up more times and we got the time we needed.

next year though we may use Kafenatid for a slow draft once we have our keepers set!
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